How I Connect With The Cards...

The Way I Connect with the Cards, the messages as individuals for each person. Knowing that each person is so different from another...

I understand that everyone is different, All Readers read differently. They may use tools or no  tools .
They may use Cards, Runes, I-Ching, Tea-leaves, palms and crystals.. You may even find a reader that connects with jewelry. There are so many ways a reader will read for a client.

Even card readers read differently from each other, Some use Tarot, Oracle, or even Lenormand Cards, Others will use playing cards, they use specifically for Readings. You may find some readers read the cards to set meanings and others use them as Gateways to connect with their Spirit Guide to receive individual messages.  There is no One Correct way. There are no blanket rules in regards to how a reader should read.  You may find some readers connect to the Angels and Archangels before and during the reading. 

You may find  Tarot and other Card readings similar to a Clairvoyant... If you want to speak to those who have passed a Medium is someone you should visit.  Be aware of who you visit during those times as you may be feeling vulnerable and need someone who is clear about their Connection to Spirit. 

Now for me personally  I love working with the cards, I work with a variety of Tarot, Oracle and Lenormand cards on different levels..  When I work with Cartomancy (Playing Cards) I connect with them similar as I do with Tarot... Giving me clear basic Traditional Tarot meanings... Numbers and Suit representations... I will find that while I keep talking I am shown a Tarot card from any of the decks I do work with and symbols, colours, characters, images will stand out to give me further insight so the reading develops into something further...

Oh I do get ranbling and you may find the info not in order but working through the thoughts I have re the way I do readings...

Let me begin;
If I am reading for myself ... I begin to inhale, exhale slowly... Ask for Guidance from My Spirit Guide (this is someone I have worked with for a very long time in doing my Readings)   ... I take the cards and shuffle... My space is set with crystals, tealight, essential oil or incense, cloth and cards (Not necessary but assists (The Key) to awakening to Open to receive the messages)  I then slowly allow myself to choose the required number of cards depends on the spread... (if any have jumped or flipped during shuffling I have already put them aside ready to lay out and to be looked of after I have laid out the cards. )  I lay out the cards in the required Spread. Take my Journal and write up the Date, the deck used, the spread and it's positions, I continue to write down each card and it's initial thoughts....I look at the cards overall and write down my overall impression of the reading.  
Then I go back and continue adding notes to the reading until I feel I am complete at this time, leaving space so I can add notes as extra info come to me during the day, week or month.   Depending on the spread I used.

When I am complete and I have gathered the cards back into the deck I always remember to Thank my Spirit Guide for Guidance and Love given during this time...

If I work with Angel cards I also remember to thank the Angels and Archangels for guidance and love given during this reading.

Now Reading for someone else, and entirely different process depending on email or face to face readings ....

Email readings- to connect I prefer working with the Clients Name (can be net ID instead)  and a Birth date- that allows me to connect to the Life Path Tarot Card... (That I will discuss in further detail in another Blog) .... I need to be in a real good space, quiet, candles, essential oils or incense, crystals and feeling at one with the Client's energy... I let myself be guided to what deck and which spread to work with and I let myself be guided to each card.. I let the energy flow within.
Once the cards have been laid out and notes written about each card.. it can take over an hour to do a quick and simple spread because i find myself going into great depth with each card. and giving the Querant all that I can share with them, The information I get may not always lie in the cards as I find the cards are gateways (doors) to information lying beyond the surface of the imagery... It takes me further beyond the card.... Once I am happy with all the information received I will retype and tidy up the information with images and a summary of the reading overall.... then I will finally send through the reading in pdf format.

Face to Face readings.. This is not always a quick process. I tried many times to do quick 5-10 minute readings by limiting my cards to 3-5 cards but once i begin to talk about each card and bringing it all together and adding info I received from My Spirit Guide Most readings ended up more like 20- 30 minutes minimum.   I begin the readings by making sure my space is ready with Crystals, incense or essential oil, my cards ready, cleansed, consecrated from the previous reading.   ( I will discuss in another Blog how I cleanse and Consecrate my decks between readings) ...  I shuffle connecting to My Spirit Guide, the Angels and Archangels, The Goddesses and to those who have passed (occasionally messages will come through- I will not share them unless they are very specific messages.)  Any cards that have flipped or jumped are laid to one side, face down. I give the pack to the Client (Querant)  Each time can be completely different, each deck different.  The Client may shuffle or choose from a fanned deck in front of them. they may feel their way through the cards with personal sensations ... each client is individual and I find I am guided to offer the Client a personalized way to choose the cards.  Once the required number of cards depending on the number I have been  given (from My Spirit Guide) I will then proceed to lay them out in a spread.
I will then turn each card over and share the information, my initial thoughts with the client about each card as individuals then how they connect.. sometimes I will say things that seem irrelevant to that particular card but them after turning several cards we realize why I actually said what I did, I had already been given the message before I saw the message physically... I did see it  but not with my physical eyes.  I keep sharing the information until I am told it is completed...  I may use one deck or I may use several decks depending on what is needed...

(One thing I think is really valuable here- a  price has already been discussed with the Client and agreed upon- if i choose to go over the agreed time that is my choice, not my clients so I do not charge them more than the already agreed fee. The only time more is charged if the client then asks for more info and more time and offers to pay extra ...  it is agreed before I continue... Very important to establish an agreement (a verbal contract) before doing the reading. It keep things very clear. The Client knows what they are paying with no unexpected surprises..  Many times I will take the fee before the reading so the client then can relax and not worry whether I will charge more if I go over allotted time agreed.   I choose whether to give the client more time or not... When I have completed the reading and the Client has left I then Thank my Guide, The Angels and Archangels and thank the Loved one for the messages and Guidance at this time...  

These are three ways I conduct my readings with Cards. I find they are tools to awakening doorways into another World, another Realm for me.. I hear normally from my right side but occasionally someone will speak on my left.  I will see images, symbols, colours and occasionally I will smell and taste things in a reading.. There is no set rules, each reading is completely different , even  the same cards can create a completely different reading.  

Hope this Blog gives you some Food for thought.. When I mentor someone to learn to read Tarot I ask them to intuitively read the cards. do not memorize each meaning but give yourself an understanding of each card as individuals, knowing each person you read for is not the same as the last person you read for... so no two readings can completely be worded the same ...
Look forward to writing more articles for you.. More interesting Blogs ..

Blessed Be! ...

HeKate's Crossing... 


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