Tarot Deck Reviews

This page will include a selection of Tarot Decks I have worked with over time and have Thought you may enjoy having a look at what these decks entail...

Native American Tarot 

78 Cards following Native American Teachings..
By Magda Weck Gonzales....
Comes with an informative Book that includes so much information ....

Book for the deck
speaks of Teachings ...

This is the first deck I found allowed me to open up to my intuition, allowed the words to flow easily. Without reading the book first....  Over many years this has been my trusted Go To Deck... used for Expos and Psychic Fairs....The Deck I use when I know I have a lot of readings to do for the day..

The Major Arcana

The Minor Arcana
The Four Suits are
 Pipes (Wands) Vessels (Cups,) Blades (Swords) Shields (Pentacles)


The Court Cards are
Maiden, Warrior, Matriarch, Chief ....

Following many Rider Waite Smith Traditional Keywords I have found there is a real depth to each card... The Images tell a story when you look at the characters, the colours, the symbols in each card...What lies in the background? What seems hidden from view?

I found this deck to teach us more about the Stories of The Teachings .. the Teachings taken from many of the Native American People....  These cards can allow us to look at it's image and think of the symbolic teachings the author wanted  to  convey through her own journey as  the  cards were developed ... The symbols, the characters, the colours and the imagery overall tell such powerful messages ...  To learn more about this deck  Click Here   (another review)  ...

Take your journal and write down your thoughts on each card.. What do you see?  What stands out for you at this time?  Over time you may add new details to your journal about each card...

Page Two Rider Waite Smith Tarot ...  Beginners Guide to Tarot .... 
Page Three Quantum Tarot Review    Advanced Tarot Deck


There are so many other decks I have looked at  but yet not added the reviews here ..
Coffee Tarot Review - my thoughts re this deck, daily readings and how to order your own copy..
Epic Tarot  Understanding some of the Cards... From 0 The Fool....  (Advanced Imagery ) 
Fairy Light's Tarot Exploring daily draws .... (Assorted Cards- not in order)  (advanced Tarot deck) 
Ghosts & Spirit's Tarot  Looking at some of the cards and what they mean... From 0 The Fool
Soto Tarot - Abstract Tarot working with Colours and images that are unique ...
Lord of the Rings Tarot    Beginning this journey   (Beginners Tarot ) 
Medicine Woman Tarot    A great deck for advanced students of Tarot
Tarot of Metamorphosis - just beginning this journey of exploration
Tarot de Marseille   - Beginners can learn to use this deck  ... for readings ..
Click Here for a reading I did for my Tarot Journal
Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn - This is an advanced Tarot Deck  ...
Motherpeace Tarot - intro through a Reading ... and  the link to the Motherpeace website ...
Archeon Tarot - love the vibrancy of colour and the imagery of this deck
The Starman Tarot- This deck inspired by the artwork Davide de Angelis created for David Bowie ...
My thoughts and videos I created re this deck
Angel Tarot - Radleigh Valentine and Artist Steve A Roberts .. Beginner's tarot deck
Serafina's Tarot - A deck that is not a big hooha etc... kept fairly quiet even though it is an awesome deck to work with ... Simple for Tarot yet with symbology that can be included in the deck
Templar Tarot - Connected to the Knights of the Templar?   My thoughts and opinions
Circle of Life tarot - a Reading I did for my Tarot Journal
Chakra Wisdom Tarot - Tarot Journal entry
Dragon Tarot by Nigel Suckling - Tarot Journal entry
Elemental Power Tarot - as I begin exploration 

There are others to be added you may have to have a browse ..
before I get a chance to add them  overall .... 

Look at Celestial Tarot 
and Crow's Magick Tarot 
on My Tarot Journal 
Assorted Daily Draws ....

Here Some Images of 
Other Decks to look at... 

RWS Original  Tarot deck 
Ghost and Spirits Tarot 
Fairy Lights Tarot 
Quantum Tarot 

Celestial tarot 

Epic Tarot 
Crow's Magick tarot 

You will find some decks on Today's Tarot Cards to look at ...
Readings I may share on Instagram and Twitter ... with my thoughts and info from other sources including  the LWB ....

My Updated List of Tarot Decks ...
Plus Imagery of The Fool from each deck ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout


My Thoughts re the Word Fortune