My Tarot Journal

My Tarot Journey 

I wanted to reconnect with RWS Tarot deck... so after reading a few resource E-books I had been looking at and been given ... I thought I would begin with a Card a Day ... After waking up feeling a bit emotional. with stuff going on... I thought I would start a Tarot Journal....

Each week I will add a card.....  this gives me a chance to really study and reflect on what the card means for me at this time as I go through the transformations .....

Each Card will have firstly my personal thoughts and what I see in the card.. Then I will go through and write up all the information from different resources including planetary influences with that card and other cards that connect to it .... and how they all interconnect... 
I Found it took quite awhile to research and write up the info.. add the images and then type it up and save as a pdf file  which i upload to Onedrive and I will provide a link below .... with an image of the card here .... 

This is my own personal journey and I find myself being vulnerable in me putting here and sharing it with you... 
Please respect this and understand This is my thoughts.... expressed by me....

24th August, 2018  added a Side Note Journal I will add extra cards that I draw that relate to my own
Personal journey...

Here we begin diving into 2021

January 2020 
Page Two of Tarot Journal 

31st December, 2019
Dragon Tarot Reading Page Two continued  with a Six card Reading 

The Sun + The Magician
Nine of Swords + Eight of Wands
Eight of Swords + The Tower  

30th December, 2019
Three card Reading  Dragon Tarot Page Two ...

Ten of Swords, The High Priestess, Nine of Cups 

29th December, 2019 
Dragon Tarot Reading Page  Two 

Page of Cups 
5 of Cups + 6 of Pentacles 

28th December, 2019 
Dragon Tarot Reading - 
This Spread taken from Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen .....

Dragon Tarot
Nigel Suckling 

16th June, 2019, 
It seems a long time since I wrote in here online, I have been working in a physical journal with a variety of cards .. maybe I need to spend some time adding some of the cards to here ...

Decks I have been working with  as of late :

To name just a few of the decks ...
I have since been working also with The First edition of The Mary-El Tarot, and  The Chakra Wisdom Tarot  as of late, delving deeper into the cards and what they mean ....

With the Native American Tarot I have been doing #TheFoolsJourneychallenge .. looking deeper into the Fool's Journey and how this card combines with other cards in a reading ... I am now going to include the Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards into the Fool's journey...
I have done some videos on You Tube - to see more check out The Link on the Welcome Page for more details ...

09th April, 2019 
I have been physically looking at cards but have not done alot of cards for myself overall .. I have let things slide a little .... for personal readings .... 

I received Serafina's Modern Tarot and have been adding vids and looking at this deck overall
after for my Birthday reflecting on The Starman tarot ( which I have done a review on )

Here is Today's reflective Message working with Serafina's Modern Tarot ... Here 

2nd Part of the Reading To See more 

24th February, 2019 

Archeon Tarot ...
Three of Cups ...
A Woman sits naked to one side revealing a little of herself. A Raven sits on her hand as she turns towards You. A Full Moon in the background.. 3 Cups, Chalices infront bottom left corner 

A Crow Whispers secrets in the Shadow of the Moon 
Merriment, joy, success, victory, good fortune, pregnancy  ...

This card is very different than RWS type decks .. I look at the card and I see reflection, contemplation, meditation, lunar energies, a sense of A message of the Night.. of the Shadows...
There is expansion, and growth as a vulnerability is revealed... the bare essentials are shared ....

Three of Cups for me shows celebration, a sense of a party with like-minded Souls.. Sharing a moment that has been anticipated over time. 

30th January, 2019...
I have been working through my physical Tarot Journal at home quietly ... with a few oracle decks well as a few of my physical Tarot decks ... 
Today I asked Which card do I meditate on for today?   

Tarot of Mermaids.... 2 of Pentacles... 
This card speaks of juggling, being stretched in different directions, decisions to be made... 
Times can feel overwhelming, too much, stressful, maybe you feel like a rubber band being stretched before it breaks?   What can you do to stop feeling this way?  What can you let go from your life, remove from the daily stresses? What is not so important?  

14th November, 2018 
Looking at the Enchanted Tarot and a card for reflection each day ...  ..
12th. 13th and 14th so far ...

4th November, 2018 
I have been  working with pen and paper for awhile.... in my own physical journals as I look at The Epic Tarot and also Circle of Life Tarot (new deck purchased yet to truly delve deep into this deck )

Today I decided to look at the Gypsy Witch cards- I created An Antique styled Gypsy Witch cards for myself and looked at the Large Spread that uses all of the cards -
See HERE for details re the spread and the cards, my thoughts on what each card means in depth with the other cards around it ...
Gypsy Witch Spread that uses All The cards and the cards I made for myself ...

28th October, 2018 
I have been working through the last card I got 
The 8 of Cups from the reflections deck and have made some changes, huge changes within my journey .... Unexpectedly things may have given me new possibilities, knowing nothing is set in Stone I asked a question about an amazing Guy-  just to see where the possibilities lie, find my discovery with today's reading from The Lover's Path Tarot ... Working from the LWB discovering what the author inspired to be the meanings of each of the cards  we discover something may lead to something magickal , but yet we know nothing is set in stone and transformation, changes is always on horizon...

We begin with the Bottom Card - The Querant (that would be me)  Four of Cups 
Yes I am dissatisfied with my lot, I want something more ... something Spiritual... 

Him- Ten of Disks, He seems like a person who has everything together, riches on many levels within his journey, he offers a sense of everything coming together .... (not necessarily money I understand that, there seems to be more to him  beyond the surface .A Richness within his Soul .....) 

The Relationship itself-Justice - shows a possibility of it being possible but yet I must have patience, have confidence in the relationship, but not to push with hurried actions ... 
Let it flow on it's own merit .... Find Balance ...Also a sense of letting him come to me in his own time .... 

Additional Wisdom-  Merlin, Magic this card speaks about going beyond perceived limitations, being authentic, being magical on many levels, It also speaks of a need to have positive changes within selves .. to be renewed and full of vigor .... within the relationship ...

So Overall This relationship is possible, and it could be a positive one at that ... but it is about taking one step at a time ... There could be more that what is shown on the surface .... DO NOT RUSH THIS ON ANY LEVEL>>>> (note to self - lol) 

17th October, 2018
It feels as Though I have not added here for awhile ....
I have been learning some of the decks  through my handwritten journals, expanding the knowledge of some of my Oracle decks  I have in my Collection ...
Today though I wanted to explore Reflections Tarot 
and drew the 8 of Cups- discussed further Here

26th September, 2018
Epic Tarot 
Full Reading Click Here 

18th September, 2018 
Today I thought about Motherpeace Tarot and pulling a card in regards to some thoughts .. I ended up with Nine cards so ended up with a new Post re this reading ... 
TO know more about what I think the cards mean for me .... take a Closer look HERE >>>

Today; 17th September, 2018-
I ask a question in regards to a thought with X......  He tells me he Loves me .. and he does not just say it once but several and with passion.... it blows me away , after all the years I have known him, he has scooted around saying those words... never truly admitting it to himself let alone me ... but today begins anew ...with his ability to finally speak aloud  exactly how he truly feels  ... 

The Reading - The Lover's Path Tarot 
 The Overall message seems to speak of a union, a partnership that is balanced, brings rewards, benefits, blessings, riches and wealth on many levels ... a relationship, a union  that is intense with passion..... bringing choices needing to be  made .... 

The Cards- Two of Cups - Relationship, union, partnership, give and take ...
Eight of Coins- Rewards, benefits, working with profit given ,  skills and talents bring it's own benefits, it's own rewards....
Love -  Choices,  Union, partnership, marriage, relationship, balance, yin- yang, opposites, polarity ... Duality.... harmony, gifts.

 Some of the keywords for these cards... 

UPDATE: Completed basic study of Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn 
My Thoughts and opinions re this deck, some look into The Fool and further info re this card.. 
Have spent a lot of time delving deep into this deck ... with my Journal .... (exercise books - physical with paper and pen ) ... as I have with all Deck reviews... working with a new deck like this enables a connection with the artwork ....  

28th August, 2018 
I know It may seem as Though I have not been doing much in my Tarot journal as late ... But I have also been working through Runes,  Cartomancy, Lenormand, Kipper and Tarot decks ... as in Tarot de Marseille, Epic Tarot and Fairy Lights Tarot, have looked a little at the Tarot of Metamorphosis and now working with Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn ...

Check out the Deck Reviews for details about these Decks ..... 

16th July, 2018 ...
What do I need to know re ... My Relationship with X ?

Tarot of Fire 
4 of Chalice
Melancholy, Sadness, boredom, Missing the bigger picture, not being aware of what lies around you...

XVIII The Moon 
Reflective, Phase of Cycle, Enemies, loyalty, Lunar energies

XV The Devil 
Addiction, old patterns, chained .... Are you ready to break free?

Overall am I not seeing the bigger picture?  Is it a sense of an old enemy chaining me to the Past?

14th July, 2018 ....
I have been adding cards to the Tree of life Tarot and Medicine Woman Tarot ...
Today I asked about what I needed to know for me personally about my life overall .....

and using RWS
I used Photoscape to modify this deck  with Coloured pencil and Antique #1
MY Quick Thought ....
At a crossroads on some level ... as I awaken an inner passion, I reflect on the past with nostalgia, This truly is about my Faith, my beliefs.... knowing that it will all come together with hope .......

I will reflect on these cards over the day and when I can will return and add my thoughts about each card on a deeper level  ...I added some Info here - Deeper Thoughts ....

10th July, 2018 
Tree of Life Tarot 
Began exploring this deck  with IV The Emperor 

Started to look deeper into Medicine Woman Tarot   (the review of this deck)

Page two begins the exploration of the This card ...

9th July, 2018 ..
Today's reading reflecting on where I am at this time  with the Vision Quest Tarot ...
This deck has a Native American Theme.... each card also has a keyword .. a word to jumpstart your thoughts re this card and it's meaning to your own situation ...

IV Grandfather 
He shares with us a message of being in control of your own journey, a ruler, an authoritative... a sense of reflecting on what you have achieved... the experiences of your own wisdom.. the knowledge gained from those experiences and how they can be shared ....

Nine of Earth 
Accumulation- a sense of what you have gathered in your own journey, what have you learnt ? what has nourished your Soul....your health and finances, a sense of security within. What perspective have you gathered on your experiences of your own pathway?

XIV Integration 
How have you experienced this merging within your path?  How have you integrated your lessons, your understandings, beliefs? A sense of knowing?

Quick Summary ..
Today I reflect on my past and how I am bringing that forward on my journey.... what have I learnt and understood from my past?  How have I integrated that into my present moment?

Where has the time gone? 

It is already the 3rd July, 2018 
We begin this journey with the Celtici Tarrochi ....
The Five of Pentacles
this journey begins with being led out of the cold, out of the darkness that has been holding on to me at this time ... This means it is up to me where I take myself at this time ...
The Queen of Swords
I feel I am being told to look at the truth, I need to be quite harsh with myself ... 

Four of Pentacles
it seems I have been holding onto what is not good for me ... I may need to actually start saving and not spending so much money ... start putting some money aside... stop wanting what I want not what I need.... they are luxuries really  not necessities ... 

Moving towards the end of May .
May 28th 2018- 
Romani Method of working with Playing Cards ...
I am working on learning How to read playing cards using An Old Romani Method of meanings ...
This has been interesting putting Tarot Meanings to one side .... as the cards are read differently than Tarot ....
Theda Bara Tribute Deck (

10th May-
Personal Question answered by the Pagan Lenormand 

Click on the Link to read my thoughts ... 

May 2018 ... 

I thought I might look at the Tree of Life Tarot and explore a little more in depth the Kabbalah aspects of each Major Arcana ....

Today begin with the Universe  card number 21 ...
End of an Era, saying farewell, Goodbye to the old cycle, phases and making way for the new paths to be walked upon..

Lies on the path of Yesod and Malkuth ...
This pathway speaks of walking from Foundations to  into the Physical World (Kingdom) .. Yesod translates spiritual concepts into action.. through reflection and illumination. Preparation is made before completion  of Manifestation .. through Malkuth we see the creation of all life, all ideas... Perceptions take form, a tangible form and density  of all that is ... 

Saturn- Ambition, authority, status and discipline ...
Lessons, Teachings and Responsibilities..

Hebrew Letter Tau- meaning Cross 
Mark, Sign, Signal, Monument ... 
Is this a sign, something monumental is happening, 
This is a signal to something to leave behind.... to say farewell ... 

24th March, 2018 

I look back on the different decks both tarot and Oracle I have created, I have worked with on some level... I have found I have flicked from one deck to another, with Lenormand and Belline also...
There are so many different decks I have collected over the years... And the ones Downloaded from Orphalese Software... that I have yet really still have to explore ...

I have added spreads to a variety of Decks I have their own page for .eg. Epic Tarot, Fairy Lights Tarot and Ghosts and Spirits tarot ...   Other Decks Included Here have pages on my One Drive...
Celestial tarot, Crow's Magic Tarot ....  See Below for details ...

The Oracle decks include Now The Crystal Oracle, Shamanic Medicine Cards, Butterfly Guiding Light Oracle and Dragon Oracle ... If you can't decide which deck you want next maybe my Thoughts will help you...

Also My thoughts of Today's Tarot and Oracle Cards  ... reflect my thoughts and my opinions re these cards ....

Don't forget to check out Lenormand Introduction for info on A Variety of Lenormand Decks ...
(not that I have a lot of Lenormand Decks I work with ) ... But it will lead you to  Youtube Vids and links you may find helpful...

I look through the Blog and realize I  have shared my experiences of Learning the cards through a variety of ways .... I hope it helps you as you discover a wonderful journey ahead of you....

Another New Month April, 2018  already...
I have moved through some real transformation within ..So decided to look at a possibility of a new relationship with someone yet to see physically ...

Wow  here we are just a few days into the month and manifestation provides wow ...
Here are the cards that have been coming through ... Click Here 
It truly has been amazing ... 

Using The Mannadia Oracle Click Here for Details re this reading..

Wanted to share this after The Mannadia Oracle Spread ... 
as this Yin Yang Spread speaks of the Feminine and Masculine Energies within this relationship ... 

I have included it as a Word Doc.  for you to look at ... 
I Used Native American Tarot  .. 

The April Tarot Challenge 
with @lionharts on #Instagram 

Here are the cards that I got for the month's challenge ..
each day asked us to look at the cards in regards to a specific 
Question or thought... 
To See more please check out my Instagram Page 
Add the cards Here on my Blog  also ... 
Link added HERE..

Today 20th March, 2018  
Soto Tarot and Universal Linking Mandala Oracle 
For Today  ...
To know More Check out
Side Notes ...

Fairy Lights Tarot 

Added 3 cards for 14/03/2018 
with my thoughts and a summary...

Added 3 cards for  13/03/2018 
with my thoughts and a summary...

09/03/2018 -Two Cards for Today
7 Swords + 6 Swords My Thoughts and Images of These Cards ...

Drawing a Card a day to explore this New Deck ...
Today: 08/03/2018 XIII Death - Transformation, change....
See Page for details re this Deck and it's daily cards...

Continuing with Epic Tarot
21/01/2018- Learning Epic Tarot 
Beginning with 0 The Fool we discover so much about each card ....
Looking at the colours, symbols, character and the basic keywords....
I continued looking at some of the cards in order to gather  information from the Book and my own thoughts...about each card ....

A 3 Card Draw added to Epic ...
This is really a reflection of me right now makes so much sense at the moment ... In regards to my health

I continue this journey looking at a few other cards drawn in regards to my own journey ..

I will look at this reading in  more detail on the Epic Tarot Page 

13th January
XI Justice
The Guardian of Order….
Justice guards the laws of the universe. The outcome of her actions is based mainly on what you put onto the scales. The laws are neutral, your actions carry flavour of the consequences .

Legalities, the truth prevails even if we do not agree… balance, communication…integrity, honesty….

12th January, 2018

3 Spheres
The Sphere elevated- working together we can create something great. Recognized for your talents… How do you choose to use them at this time …

8 Spheres
The Sphere Entangled- You are about to face something that requires patience and finesse… This is about being slow and steady, one step at a time.. Using your skills to move forward on this pathway…. A small part of your journey…. Part of the adventure…

As you are recognized for your talent, your skill you must use them to move forward slowly and steady.. This is not about hurrying the process but one step at a time …

Working with others may require you to be patient at this time…. Understanding ….

January 9th, 2018

Have purchased a new deck Epic Tarot .... 

1st Card drawn today ...
5 Swords 
Edge of awareness… ideas, plans . So ready to fly but unsure,. Conflicts, struggles of the mind ….
Being aware mentally of what you have left behind ….

Trying to find your absolute truth…. Through all the chaos.. Needing to find a stillness, be prepared …..

Now We Begin a New Month and A New Deck 

Had a total break and did some reflection and contemplation, taking care of me ... 
December 7th
Sacred Fractal Tarot (one of my decks) 

King of Cups-
A man that is caring, loving, gentle in nature....A Man who gives a lot of himself emotionally, maturely.... 

Queen of Pentacles
A Mature Woman that is grounded, earthy... could think about material aspects of life, health also maybe important on many levels ...

Knight of Cups-
Youthful Man, looks ahead, stops and looks to find the right way.. caring, not rushing ahead but gently does it... Feels with the heart... Feels things easily...

Overall these cards speak of being caring for self, loving...  make sure health is taken care of.. make sure the way ahead is full of love... look ahead and feel your way through. do not rush... 

I have given myself time to reflect on myself without The Daily Tarot Reading for myself.. 
October has been a very personal month for myself.. every now and then self-reflection without the cards can also give some major clarity in different areas of my life... I have found it very important for me.. 

Celestial Tarot  This will be a new month with fresh perspectives... 

25th September, 2017
I have not drawn an individual card for awhile 
Today I Draw Three- Three Baskets of Knowledge  (Spread) 
Looks at this moment ..
Ace of Pentacles,  Six of Pentacles, VII The Chariot 
Looking at my inner potential with much contemplation about the direction that brings me the nurturing I need to move forward with purpose and focus on what is of value to my needs...
See Document  to read more about my thoughts...

14th September, 2017'
Click here for my thoughts  

I drew this card 7th September, 2017 
Five of Wands- 
Click Here for Details  

Today's card 5th September, 2017
Four of Pentacles
Orion-The Great Hunter Taurus (Earth) Venus (love and money) 
Click Here for my Thoughts re this card 

Today's card 4th September, 2017 
Princess of Pentacles  
Spring, Taurus (Earth) Gemini (Moon Sign- influenced by Air Element) 
Zayin (Hebrew Letter- 7th Sword- ) My Thoughts Click Here...

Today 3rd September, 2017 
VI The Lovers Click Here Fpr Today's Thoughts 

Today 1st September 2017 
Six of Swords  Click Here for today's Thoughts 

 August, 2017 from 1st-31st 

I have Been through some internal shifts  so have decided to work with Crow's Magick Tarot 

1st September, 2017 ...
My Journey with Crow's Magick Tarot has been completed with my Tarot Journal 
Hear are my overall thoughts and opinions for the Daily Cards ...  Click Here 

Today's Update  26th August 2017 
Click Here for Today's Thoughts 
II The High Priestess       

Today 25th August  2017 
Click Here for my thoughts re 7 of Swords 

Here is a Card that makes you Think.. 
TOday 24th August, 2017  XV The Devil  
Click Here for Details of my Thoughts   

A real shift within ... 23rd August, 2017 
Click Here for Notes and thoughts on Today's  Card 
Ace of Wands    

Today 21st August, 2017 
There are times when we need moire than a day to reflect on a card.. it may take several days, even a week.. and that is ok as this is a journey that only with understanding can we move forward....

Today's card is X The Wheel of Fortune Cycles/ fate 
Click Here ...  (not on one drive but on blog) 

Today 19th August, 2017.. 

III The Empress--- Click Here for Deatils 

Today  18th August, 2017..
I decided to do a Lenormand Spread as an overview of things that are happening and what is valuable in me moving forward... Using the Mystikal Lenormand 

17th August, 2017
I have been procrastinating doing my card today.. finally got round to doing it so will reflect tomorrow about today's card...

King of Cups Click Here 

Yesterday I pulled the same card so did not add info here instead reflected further on why this card....

Today 16th August, 2017 ... 
I first pulled a card from Angel Tarot and Got 15 Ego  quite different than RWS Deck
Then conntinued to shuffle and two cards jumped out Page of Wands and Five of Wands , They spoke very clearly and I understand I have some real work to do on myself,,,, To move through this ... Today will be a huge day overall mentally and emotionally ...

For The Angel Tarot 15 Ego Click Here 

For Today's Crow Magick Tarot Click Here

Today  14th Sugust 2017  Click Here.

New Card for the Day 12th August Click Here 

Updated 11th August, 2017 Click here

Updated Thursday 10th August Click here

Tuesday 8th August, 2017 Click Here 

Monday-7th August, 2017 Click Here 

Click Here to get End of Day thoughts and why The First Five Cards Turn Up in my Journey
An Overview .. pdf File ... 

A Daily Card  to get a thought for the day... 

6th August 2017  3 of Cups  Click Here ... For thoughts on this card...

Due to circumstances yesterday working on new project I missed yesterday but Today is 
Knight of Coins Click here 

03/08/2017       2 Swords  Click here for Today's thoughts and resources 

Today 02/08/2017 VIII Justice  Click Here for Thoughts and Resources 

Today 01/08/2017- Ace of Cups ... Click Here for Thoughts and Resources 

An Overview of my Journey At This Time : 26th July, 2017 

With so much happening I thought I would do an Astrological Spread.....
Used The Enchanted Map  Oracle ...
By Colette Baron Reid 
Details Here  on Sidenote Page

Today's Date: 25th July , 2017 ....

Huge Changes within for me right now due to  something very personal ... It has made me do some real tough Soul Searching in How I treat myself ....

So I have decided to look at the cards and this is the reading I got for myself at this time.. Updated File pdf File

21st July, 2017

This has been a huge week for me with a real look at How do I cope with the changes, the transformations...

0 The Fool - working with the Galaxy App. Traditional RWS Tarot Deck
But don't know how to share it here so used The Grunged Tarot as that has been the deck I am working with....
The Fool Doc - Galaxy App Info

Also I worked with my Own Deck- Vesta's Art Tarot Deck
VIII Pentacles Thoughts from other Sources

Card of the Day

V Pentacles..
This card when you look at it , you get the feeling someone is leading someone else out of the cold... but I feel for me that the someone is actually me, only I can lead myself into where I want to be... It is up to me where I am headed.... What I am going to do to overcome the challenges and the struggles, the inner conflict.....

Card Of the Day -  July- 2017

V Swords...

With this Card I feel There is a conflict with another person... but that other person is actually my Mind ... My thoughts and own opinions... I stir the  trouble within .... My thoughts affect my inner self .... The self chatter, the mental chatter argues with myself ...
This is about my own mental struggles and challenges at this time ...

Card of The Day 29/06/2017

Update after thinking about aspects of the reading Word.doc 

update re The Empress & IX Pentacloes

 Old Readings I had done for myself over time for reflection.. It is good to look back ...

Belline Oracle Old Reading 12th October 2014 

Thoughts re Orphalese Software 
Tarot and Oracle Learning Sheets 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout


My Thoughts re the Word Fortune