Today's Oracle Cards

Today's Oracle Card 

Today's Card: 30th January, 2019 
Crystal Ally Cards-
Topaz- Intention ....
Fire Element 
This card arrives to ask us what our intentions are within a situation.. maybe we need to look carefully at what we have already experienced and to find a trust within ourselves to reach a new understanding in what lies ahead...
Can we trust the intention of others?  Are we clear in what we desire, need in our journey? 
Do we need to burn away the debris so we can discover our true intentions? 
Awaken the passion that lies within?  

Take a moment to meditate on this card, on this crystal, listen to the message received in reflection, in contemplation.....

Solar Plexus - Self Expression, optimism, positive attitudes. instincts, Spiritual Success, Digestive experiences. trust, power, prosperity, will, drive, ambition, decision making, sensitivity to criticism...

Fatigue, lack of ambition, anger, tendency to blame others, resentment, guilt, over sensitivity... 

(Crystal Basics- Brenda Rosen ) 

From Love is in the Earth (Melody ) ...
Golden Topaz 

A path to conscious attunement.... Recharges one's energy. Enhances relaxation, creates lightness of Spirit, stimulates feeling of peace. Attracts friendships, business opportunities to one's path. 

Sagittarius, Leo and Pisces ..... 

Today's Card: 12th September, 2018 
The Goddess Oracle -

Feelings/ Emotions 

28th August, 2018 ...
It feels as though I have done nothing to this page over the last few months ... but on Instagram and Twitter I have posted many different Oracle readings that you may resonate with .... Go to my Instagram @hekatesxing  for details of Oracle Cards ...
I have also been working through Deck Reviews both Tarot and Oracle Decks.. which may allow you to find a message that resonates for you at this time ....
There is so much to do to add to this blog ... I wonder where the days disappear to?
I have been updating and tidying up the Blog , maybe changing a few things ....

I have added Five Oracle Readings for Today- sit with what resonates for you.... 
Take a Moment, take a breath and write down the messages that you receive from within ... 
Blessings and love ..... 

Angel Therapy Oracle Reading ... 
Time to delve deeper into crystals maybe by going to a workshop or seminar, maybe doing some study yourself...  work with integrity, maybe find someone who also works with integrity to assist you learning Crystals ..

Angels of Atlantis 
Archangel Jophiel speaks of Forgiveness, this may not be an easy time but coming from your Solar Plexus, Your Gut Instinct, in how you digest your experiences in life, this not forgiving may be causing you stomach issues, this does need to dealt with, faced, acknowledged, work through on some level.... allow the healing to take place ... 

Art Through The Eyes of The Soul ... 
These cards share a message of being courageous, as you know you are cherished and protected  as you travel this Sacred Journey, that is of value to your Spirituality .... 

Butterfly Guiding Light Oracle 
These cards speaks of Being in Harmony as you use your Intuition to allow yourself the freedom to explore your visions .... 

Crystal Ally Cards 
Listen to the Wind, feel the Energy from the Earth , 
Understand the Cycles you move through on your journey ..

HeKate's Crossing Chakra and Colour Healing 
Take a breath, take a moment in reflection -  notice the sensations in your Sacral Chakra, 
How do you feel?  What do you notice as you look at the other cards? What do the colours represent, the words?  The Image of the Buddha .... Being mindful of  the sensations..... write down the message you receive, that is unique for you ...  
Blessed Be! ..

Wow a new Month-  
May 2018.... 

May 28th
I have been quite lazy in posting individual Oracle readings.... as I have been posting bulk on Instagram .... Click the link below to see details ..... 

Vesta's Art Nature Spirit Oracle ..
There is no right or wrong way to read these cards as the messages come from within .. look at the colour... what sensations do you feel within.. If you close your eyes and really listen what message do you hear clearly  ..... 

I am not going to post my thoughts as I do not want to influence you .... 

Take care Blessed Be! ...

Today's Tarot and Oracle Posts from Instagram have been added to the Blog Right here for details 
Check out the daily posts find your inner message ...

Blue Angel Oracle  
The Emerald Goddess speaks of Fertility .... The Ancient Days speaks of The Eternal Flame and The Angel of Manifestation speaks of Wealth .... 

 AT this time in reflection if we wish to manifest wealth on any level within our journey we must continually believe it possible to nurture our journey.. the decisions we make must come from pure heart... Burn away the debris, the blockages that stop us from believing it is possible ....  KNOW IT IS POSSIBLE ...   
April 2018 already ..

Have been  posting regularly on #Instagram 
Daily cards - constantly ... if you want to see what cards may resonate with you ...
Click Here  

Today 26th April, 2018

Today's Angel cards from Harmony Angel Oracle by Angela McGerr

Today the Message from the Angels ..

Archangel Ariel speaks of abilities, developing psychic skills, enhancing what you already have within self ... 
Pitas Sophia speaks of acknowledging your true potential .....
Angel Achaia asks we work through the issues, the blocks that stop us form moving forward by stepping into a Healing vortex and allowing the debris to be cleared ...
Archangel Michael asks us to stand in the knowledge of our own personal truth and know we are protected as we cut the cords of attachments ....

Archangel Oracle + ULM Oracle 


These cards speak of asking for help and in working with the Sacral Chakra will allow us to be able to do that...  Focus on your Sacral as you ask Archangel Raphael for help and guidance....

Vesta's Art Love Oracle 

This card  speaks of Creating, blending new formulas together 

to create something entirely new ...

Maybe today you are  making some changes in how you react to a situation..

Rethinking the formula of how you reacted last time and realized it did not work ...

Time for something new ...

Maybe you a finding away to  balance your Chakras.. to awaken Kundalini, to reach enlightenment, 'that Eureka moment ....

Have added Different Oracle Pages  for some of my Oracle Decks 
Crystal Oracle 
See Link for more info  ...

 realized have not updated this page in awhile .

Today's Card- 21/03/2018
Treasure Map Oracle  cards to bring together a Thought for Today...
Think about what these cards mean for you ?  
Do you feel lost?  confused and unsure about the direction you are moving in?  Do you feel you are being blocked at every turn? Does it feel like there is no way out of this situation?  

Closed Doors-
Are things happening in secret?  Do you need to be discreet at this time?  Are you a Private person? 

Are you feeling out of sorts? Needing to find some balance?  Yin-Yang.. Opposites will bring a sense of balance to the situation ...

14th February, 2018

Vesta's Art You Are In My World Series Oracle 
Patterns (RX) Foggy/ Confusion
What Patterns are holding you back?  Are you creating old habits that are causing confusion and making you feel foggy- unclear in decisions.... 
At the moment it is a good time to clear old habits so you are able to think clearly to move forward....
for more details..

Butterfly Guidance Healing Oracle

Guardian Angel 
To see more about this card 

My Thoughts 
This card reminds us of our Guardian Angel.
Our Guardian Angel is with us since birth and when we listen to our Guardian Angel we are guided in all we do. 
It allows us to achieve all we want by opening our heart to all possibilities. 

Guardian of Preservation

Key word_ Tradition, ritual, bonding, family, support, inheritance

The Guardian preservation  is the keeper of Traditions. He Makes sure everyone is provided for and that they in turn provide what they can for the good of the whole. In his being he holds the memories and the histories of your ancestors, those that came before you and without whom you would not exist. He holds a record of your heritage and remembers the sayings, the songs, the rituals and habits that are special to your family.

This card arrives to remind us where you belong, who your kinfolk are. He comes stepped in tradition and heritage  to remind you that you did not arrive alone. You are a product of many souls bonding together to pass down their legacy within you. Your Birthright is to be part of a strong and protective society.  

Butterfly Healing  Oracle
Friday, 12 January 2018
1:09 p.m.
Guardian of Day and Night
This card shows yin- yang  balance, the opposites, duality, polarity….
Indigo Third Eye…
Connections to Spirits, Angels and the Afterlife…
Mediation/ Visualization
Sleep issues
Dreams/ Nightmares
A Spirit Guide

Keywords for the Card- balance, cycle, rhythm, attune
The rhythm of the earth, sun and moon is the domain of this Guardian… Synchronizing with the turning of the planet, the hours of daylight and night. This Guardian protects our body and mind from the extremes of too much or too little sleep… Too much or too little rest is harmful in different ways and in the same way, fighting against the cycles of the Sun, Moon and the seasons is bad for our general wellbeing.

The Guardian teaches you to tune into the cycles of day and night and to utilize them to their greatest effect. Learning to check in with your mental and physical state and make the necessary adjustments boosts your brain power and gives you a winning edge.   

Taken from the Book that comes with the cards….

Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards 2

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

1:32 a.m.

Medicine Wheel Spread…

East- Emergence :Vision Quest - Seek

South-Abundance :Journey-Imagination

West-Purge : Sea Creatures- Immersion

North- Solitude : Offerings- Wealth

Water- Expression : Conch Shell-Calling

Fire-Passion : Prayer-Hope

Air-Creativity : Medicine Shield- Protection

Earth-Nurture : Death-Transmigration

Medicine Wheel-Continuation : Sacred Site-Purpose

Altar- Honouring : Bones for Casting-Divination

Lower World- Past : Feather-Restoration
Middle World-Present : Curse-Retreat
Upper World-Future : Dreamweaver- Accessibility

To begin again, to know who you are as a wholeness within it is important to become your authentic self…
To express who you are listen to your inner calling…
To create abundance  use your imagination
For Passion in your life it is about having hope
To Purge the old immerse the new within
To awaken creativity know you are protected at all times
There is wealth within your own solitude
As there are changes in your journey nurture self on many levels
As you continue on your journey know you have a purpose in life
In honouring Who you are, acknowledge within the answers come from Divination.

In the Past you restored who you were
In the Now Take some time out for self
IN the future it is about accessibility to your own abilities, your own dreams …

25th October, 2017 
Angels of Atlantis
Haniel- Willpower
Today think about being empowered, be determined to achieve your goals, focused on what you desire in your life. Taking action in what you want... allowing yourself to make a difference in your life... Your Journey is your choice in how you take each step... 

13th September, 2017
World Goddess Oracle 
Skuld (For more info re this Card)
 See the website of Thalia Took. Website re Art of the World Goddess

Skuld Reminds us that things are are not quite ready to come into fruition, patience... We do not have all of the information just yet. There are times when we just have to wait until things are ready to arrive.. There are some things in life that can not be rushed...It is a good idea to make preparations.. to prepare.. Things are uncertain  in what lies ahead... 

10th September, 2017
Vesta's Art Nature Spirit Oracle..
Card #31- 

This card speaks of a hidden love, a  love that comes from the Spirit World.. We do not at first see it or feel it but once we can still our mind and sit in stillness we discover a love that radiates from those we love that may have passed over... 
This card also asks us to look at the many faces around us and see the warmth, the support and love that is shown to us... 
Maybe we feel we are being pulled in many directions by the different people in our lives, this card reminds us if we can come from a place of the heart we can be all of the things we wish to be, we just have to prioritize ourselves to find our inner love...

5th September, 2017
3 Cards from Vintage Clairvoyant Oracle 

Justice, Peace of Mind and Horizon
Things have worked out the way they were meant to, even if you don't agree.. you will have peace of mind in time as you look forward to what lies ahead, even though it is unknown....

I understand that things may have been difficult as you come to accept the decision that needed to be done... Through meditation, reflection, contemplation you will find your inner peace....ready to step forward on a new path, a new adventure... The world is your oyster so to speak..

4th September, 2017
Today's Oracle card is from Vintage Clairvoyant Oracle 

You are being asked to think about the promises you made..
Are you doing what is asked of you, of what you promised you would do? Maybe soon someone will ask you to make a promise, think very carefully before you say Yes to this... 
What are you sacrificing if you say Yes to this promise. Do you think you can actually keep this promise, or is it possible this promise may need to be broken? 

2nd September, 2017
Today's Oracle Card is Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose Oracle..

Reflect on Your Truth...
This is a time when you must reflect on the facts of the situation. 
Be aware of how you react to this situation at this time....

A New Month  1st September, 2017

Today's Card begins a new month... We have said Farewell August, we are ready to begin a fresh month with new thoughts, new actions, new projects, new starts ... We are ready to leave behind the old habits, the old patterns and begin a new path, a new cycle ... 

Angels of Atlantis ..
Archangel Shamael 
Beginnings ....
This is a time to start a new project, start a new idea, a new school, new work,etc...

Maybe you feel it is a new cycle of your life, a new phase.... of your journey.
Opening your heart to the new possibilities that lie ahead .. How exciting..
Oh, you may feel is a bit scary to be facing the unknown.... We do not truly know what lies ahead...
Are we ready to take those steps to find out?

Today 25 th August, 2017 
Crystal Ally Cards
Water & Amethyst 

Water- A gentle yet deep cleansing of old habits and emotions is near. Water, invoked clears lingering resentment, anger that may be blocking you from moving forward.

Time to allow the flow of energy through your life. Water brings balance, a stillness in your life.

Water brings communication to its highest truth.

Divine Connection

Crown Chakra

I am open to  Divine Guidance.

Summary of these two cards  
When you are able to cleanse away the old emotions and old habits.. Releasing with the flow of energy within.  To be able to communicate with an open heart to the Divine Guidance ..
To listen to the messages received  to it's Highest Truth .... 
Being at one within self  to truly hear what is been shared with you allows one to just BE!

Today 24th August , 2017 
Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose Oracle 
This card reminds us to Work with Devotion...
Work as though in a state of mindfulness.. You bare fully committed to what you re doing, You aware  you are doing.. You are Present in what you are doing!

Today 23rd August 2017
Hanafuda Traditional Deck 
This is a Traditional deck from the game Hanafuda... This deck is used for Divinatory readings.
There has not been a lot on line that has given me a lot of info so have deciphered some of the meanings myself  

Here is some info I have managed to gather 

suzuki and moon

The autumn moon is also known as the “harvest moon” or “hunter’s moon.” It is usually described as the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. That is, the full moon closest to when the day and night are the same length in the fall.

The full moon usually rises close to when the Sun is setting. When the Moon is full the Sun and Moon are on exactly opposite sides of the Earth. When the Moon is new, the Moon is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun, which is why we can't see it at night.


As the year progresses the length of days changes. Days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter. In the winter the full moon rises after the sun has set. In the summer, the full moon rises before the sun has set. At the equinoxes the days and nights are exactly the same length. Consequently, the moon is rising in the east at exactly the same time the sun is setting in the west.

It is called the “harvest moon” or “hunter’s moon” because people were able to continue working into the night by the light of the full moon without any gap between the setting sun and the rising moon. You will notice that the sky of the moon card is red. This is because the moon is rising at sunset.

For me - My Thoughts Re This Card...
This card speaks to me of reflection, anytime is good for a bit of reflection to review and understand the moment.. To understand the Inner consciousness... 
The Heron's really stood out for me so I researched Why? 
They speak of being unique, people not quite understanding the way you choose to live your life, people assume it is unstructured and without meaning ... 
The Heron Symbol and it's meanings made so much sense to my way of life and how I feel 


There two Herons and being white I get a sense of purity, balance of love on some level.. a cleansing, a purification .. being in the Lunar Energies gives you a sense of a Cleanse.... a Consecration... 

In Water-  again that sense of a cleanse but this speaks of the emotions... The Emotions being washed by being in the moment, being Present with your emotions allows you to move forward.. Feel how you feel fully...  Acknowledge and Accept How you Feel!  BE PRESENT! 

As I study this card fully I find more is revealed... The unknown that lies dormant has arisen to the surface....  What do you feel this card speaks of for you?   (love to hear your thoughts)...

Finally updating August 21st, 2017 
Isis Oracle 

Magick and Ritual 
Crafting Sacred Practice

Effect in the External World can be created through inner practice. 
Magick  and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and wisdom and apply your inner beauty to transform your outer world. 

I AM the light Divine. I AM the love sublime
I AM the peace beyond space and time

Today's Oracle Card
16th August, 2017
You Are My World Series
Tortured - Frustrated   
Are You feeling a little frustrated at this time, tortured?  Are you in pain and can't do what you want to do?  Are you restricted by work plans but instead you wand to do something else.. Frustrated about money? About being pulled in many directions....?  Help is all you can say... Ask for help.. for time out to gather your thoughts, find focus and clarity in what you have to do to achieve desired  results. 
Find your inner balance. There may be a moment when you can accept the situation for what it is and surrender to that moment.. Take a breath and sometimes it is important to allow it for that moment knowing things will change over time.  

13th August, 2017 
You are My World Series 
Sunshine ..


Bringing a little light and love into your journey…

Be outdoors, in nature…

Spend some time with those that make you happy…

Make Others happy by being kind….

Do something that little extra for someone, bring a smile to their day. 

11th August, 2017 

Romance Oracle

Trust in self.. Trust in others....
This is about being able to communicate on some level in how you feel ...
Opening the heart to trust again is a huge thing if you have found it diffiuclt in the past..
How you digest your experiences in how you are able to trust others and yourself also.. Sometimes doubt creeps in to our pathway.. in how we deal with that doubt will make all the difference.  

8th August, 2017 

Interactive Oracle No.22 (21jpg)

I look at this card and I see a Beaver...

Hard working, committed to what is of value to them right now...

I see a grounded energy, focused and determined.. not a scattered energy...

Coming from a place of heart, caring for the family...

A sense of looking straight through one and knowing their deepest, darkest secrets...  A need to heal old hurts...a cleansing away of the past debris to make way for the new....

Other Cards I drew Today

Crystal Ally Card
Daily One Card Draw.  Thought for the day...

Kunzite & Hiddenite
Joy & Gratitude
Water Element
Heart Chakra

This card shows Yin Yang (Balance ) for all things in our life... Being able to feel joy and Gratitude in all we have instead of focusing on what we don't have.....
The HIgher Heart allows us to have a connection to the Universal Love... while we keep our own heart in balance ... It is connecting to the  Universal energies without finding ourselves overwhelmed by the negative energies of the world,.. Being able to focus on the love in the World allow us to stay in alignment and in a state of Gratitude for all we are and do.   Finding our inner Joy in our daily life ...

Affirmation :
I give thanks joyfully for the gifts i receive. 

Enchanted Map Oracle
2 Card Spread

1)26 Deep Freeze
This card speaks of being stagnant, stuck.. in a deep freeze, unable to move, absolutely frozen in one place.... Can not make any decision at this time...
Needing to thaw out, unfreeze.  Make a decision through clarity, it might be time to ask for help.. Find someone who can give you guidance to How to move forward, What do you need to release, let go of before you can take a step...

2)34 Spark
This card reminds us a small spark can make all the difference in the world.. A thought, a change in your thoughts can spark a new energy within self.  
The Spark can set of a new reaction. a shift on so many levels.. it is a stepping stone to something new....

Even though you may feel stagnant, stuck it only takes the thought of needing to become unstuck that enables you to make the changes you need. The desire, the want to move forward and you can take that step.. believe and have faith.... 

What do you what to achieve at this time?  What are your dreams and passions ?   What do you truly desire in life?   What makes you nostalgic? 
This is a moment in life when your dreams and goals, the ignited passions within you are starting to stir... 

Vesta's Art Birthing Oracle 
Card No. 6  (05jpg) 

Look Beyond the Illsuion 
How Far Can You Go? 
What Can You See? 

This card speaks of The Birth of something you can not yet see. something that seems hidden.. 
You need to truly see.. not glance, not just casually look but truly see beyond what the naked eye sees... 
Look within to find the answers.. to find the truth we must look beyond what is expected of us ... to look beyond what people show us... 

Vesta's Art Nature Spirit

Card Number 36   (35.jpg)

When looking att his card I feel an opening within my Third eye, an awareness that the truth lies in a world beyond what we know right now...

 This is a Worl that can be tapped into with quiet mediattion, reflection The answers will be revealed.  When we are Silent.. when we no longer

have to speak aloud, we no longer have to shout what we know... because what we know lies within the Silence and we only hear it when we no

 longer have mental chatter.. when our minds are no longer chaotic...

6th August, 2017 
Universal Linking Mandala Oracle 
#106 Wellbeing / Nurturing 
This card reminds us of how important it is to nurture ourselves.. to ensure we are truly at our best....
through our eating, nourishment, resting, taking the nutrition we need within ourselves we find ourselves at our best.   Exercise- Yoga, Pilates, going for a walk, what ever you are drawn to for you, as we are individuals, what works for one may not work for another ...
This card also speaks of boundaries...Coming from the place of the heart sometimes we give so much of ourselves away we have  no resources left for ourselves.  Find your inner light and surround yourself with Love form the Angels  (Universal Light and Love) Balance the Heart Energy...

Today 3rd August , 2017 
The Dolphin swims into your life to remind you to take some time to breathe, to take a breathe, everything does not always need to be in a hurry    Take a moment to honour who you are as an individual ...

Today's Card 29th July, 2017 

Today's Card- 27th July. 2017 

Vesta's Art Archangel Oracle-Be Open to Love

Archangel Raphael speaks of working with children on some level,. Children are around you at this time..

What do the cards hold For YOU Today
26th July, 2017 

Introduction Oracle of Passion 

LWB Notes

The Embrace of Two Souls
Two people join in the light.. This is a positive relationship which brings joy, happiness, bliss and a friendship that is full of light .... a Pure Love..Healing Love

LWB Notes

Fire Within The Relationship,
There is a true passion within this relationship, an energy that could be volatile, intense, overwhelming if not cooled down alittle...

LWB Notes

Look Within.
The answers lie within ...

Do not look to others for answers for noone can answer the question but self.

25th July, 2017 

Harmony Angels


I love working intuitively with the Angels and Archangels...
Cassiel shows us pillars- duality, balance, polarity, a sense of strength, security within the pillars..  we see a dome of light  showing us we are surrounded by Purity, pure love.... , a purification of oue debris as we walk our path- a long path ahead of us...
A dove showing  us eternal peace from from within as we allow ourselves to soar, to fly ahead on our journey...  we see a darkness moving through the light, so even though we are traveling through a dark patch on some level right now, we know things will transform, change on our journey but there is something we can do during this... remember to stay Grounded (Earthy brown and black - focus on our Earth Star Chakras.....   Spend time outside so we caqn connect with Mother Earth... Baefeet so we can clear the foggyness that lies within...
Cassiel offers us security, and balance during these times... Harmony during this time, take a deep breath and invoke Cassiel

Today's Oracle cards   24th July 2017


Reflect on the Words as you Release (walk in) Contemplate  (in the Centre)  and Renew (walk out) 

I have been sorting out Some files and discovered a few decks I had scanned but has to finished adding to #Orphalese Software so now it is complete .. here are a few to reflect on ... FRom the Angels ....

 Animal Info from backs of cards... ...

Which card are you drawn to for reflection? 

Vesta's Art Beyond Illusion Oracle cards

Vesta's Art Birthing Oracle.. 
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and look at the cards, what are your first thoughts, write them down...

Vesta's Art Inspirational Oracle..
Feel the warmth of the sun shared with you as you dance through life to stay balanced...


Vesta's Art Romance Oracle 
These cards speak of Trust as you come out of the darkness into the light you have an unconscious awareness to bring forth into the open...


Connect With the Archangels For Healing ...
The Archangels are always with us ....


Reconcile you heart with self-love.... 


These cards speaks of opening the door to love, allowing all you do to come from the Heart and in knowing your own Spirituality, in Doing what you feel within self coming from faith and beliefs that are held in awareness.

What else do these cards say to you?



I think These Cards are Self-explanatory .



Sacred Path Cards 

Medicine Wheel Spread 

26 warbonnet 

This card speaks about moving forward on your journey through battles and struggles.
The moving forward begins within self... The inner battles.... Inner War within it behins with the Battle Cry- Forward...!!!!
This card speaks of transformations in the Material world.. The Changes you have to make physically....

In relation to work or a partnership (on some level) this is like returning home... Doing what you are meant to be doing... in one or both areas of your life.
24 Council Fire 
To make the adjustments needed in your life decisions must be made... Think carefully about what needs to be done ....and take action on those decisions...
This card reminds us we can only truly depend on ourselves to do what needs to be done.. We can not ask others to take our journey for us... but take responsibility for the decisions and actions we take in each area of our life....

Spread Notes


41 Shaman's Death 

Death and Rebirth 

Spread Notes

North-Material wellbeing

35 Shawl 

Returning Home 

Spread Notes

East- partnership/work related


Spread Notes

South-Adjustments needed

38 Field of Plenty 

Ideas/Needs manifested 

Spread Notes


This Card speaks of making sure Spiritually your ideas and needs are manifested... Are you doing all you need to at this time to find your inner peace, joy Spiritually? Meditation, reflection, contemplation, affirmation, Yoga etc..... 

34 Burden Basket 

Self Reliance 

Spread Notes

Evolving Self

Ideas, Plans and Reviews
This card reminds us to look at what ideas we have, how we are going to make plans, and what do we need to review what our ideas and plans are? 

What else does this card say to you? 

Vesta's Art Love Oracle
Life in A Frame...
Where is your life? Is it in a Frame or do you live outside a Frame?  Is your life structured? 
or unstructured?   Is everything picture perfect? or a bit of a chaos? 
What else does this card say to you? 

Soul Lessons Soul Purpose Cards 
Have Faith, Correct your Mistakes

Have faith in yourself as you correct the mistakes of the past....

Vesta's Art Love Oracle 
Spiritual Connection
Time to reconnect Spiritually.. Through Meditation, Working with your cards or other Divination Tool, Angels, Archangels, reflection, Contemplation, finding ways to Connect to self and Spirit.... on some level....

The Palmistry Cards 
Orphalese Software 
Decks on Orphalese

Jupiter (Index) Finger:

    Strength, Leader, Self Esteem, Teacher, Organization, Punctuality, Limelight
    A strong determined person will always have a long Jupiter finger than an Apollo finger


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

The Fool's Journey Through The Wands ....

Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

Favourite Tv Series Mystery, Fantasy, Supernatural