Chapter Three The Clairs Clairvoyant e.t.c.

What are the Clairs?

There are always some confusion about the abilities we all have within us and how they can be enhanced, used and worked with. What is the difference between being a medium, clairvoyant, and a psychic?

Medium- Someone who is able to communicate with those that has passed over. Communication can provide closure in regards to a loved one, a family member or a friend. An understanding about what happened at the time of passing over, maybe some concerns about what could be happening in this life right now with family or a friend. Messages are normally loving and compassionate. This is about respecting those that have passed and those the reading is for. This is never a time for arguing with Spirit.

Clairvoyant- Someone who sees an image, a still photo, a person, a video, symbols, colours in regards to the person wanting the reading. They receive information through their third eye chakra (further discussion in that chapter). This is can be very difficult to interpret the message. Say exactly what is given without translating. It can be like receiving a message in a foreign language. Sometimes the only person who understands the message is the person receiving the message. This is not Mediumship.

Clairaudient- Hearing voices, noises, words, songs, music, lyrics. These are through the ear chakras, some people only hear Spirit Guides, Angels, Those that have passed, not see. Some use both senses.

Clairsentient- This is a more common sense that is used. This is when you feel the emotions. Feel the illness. This sense can get overpowering by empaths. Walking into a room and feeling the emotions of others can be overwhelming, tiring, draining. When heart is opened to this it is important to use the protection technique and grounding techniques before leaving house for the day and whenever you need to. Aventurine can be a great Crystal Essence to protect against this over whelming situation.

Claircogniscent -A knowing. Have you, at any time, just known something you had no idea you knew? This can be when sometimes you just blurt out something without thinking
about it. You had no idea where it came from but for some reason, even though you were never told, never read about it, never saw it, you knew anyway. This is a knowing.

Clairaroma / Clairscents- Smells. Have you ever smelt something, it got right up your nose, but no one else seems to smell it? You cannot discover where the smell came from? This may be when you smell something from the Spirit Realm. A clue someone is around you that passed. Sometimes the smell can create a taste in the mouth. Drink plenty of water if that happens to you and plenty of mints.

Psychic- This is the umbrella term for all of those abilities. Not all psychics are a medium or use all the Clairs but they do use one or some of these abilities in their readings or healings. Some psychics use other tools to enhance their readings or healings. E.g.: Tarot or Oracle Cards, crystals, runes, photos, jewellery etc... They use their intuitive abilities to enhance their readings. To give more information than what the tool means on its own.

In Journal write today’s date and rewrite the quiz. Then sit, relax, feel calm and centred. And answer this quiz to the best of your own knowledge. No right or wrong just what is? Tick or circle the answer that suits you that sits right within.


1) When doing the exercises was it easy to visualize?
a) Yes
b) No
c) A little

2) Were you able to hear anything?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Something

3) Did you feel something within self?
a) Yes
b) No
c) I think so/not sure

4) Did you think you knew stuff without actually really knowing it?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

5) Was there a strange smell or taste that couldn’t be explained?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

6) Doing this quiz have you answered mainly yes?
a) Yes
b) No
c) It included lots of c.

Which questions were you able to say yes to? 
Which ones did you answer C to?
Maybe you have a little of everything? Which ones do you feel are your strengths? Which ones do you need to really work on? You decide. This is your journey. I am not going to tell you what you have and what you need to work on, only you know that within yourself. No one can judge you for what you have. Just remember whatever tools you have within self use it with integrity, compassion, love. Never for the EGO (Edging God out), this is not for self-gain but for the Highest Good.

I do not like to bring up those topics but sometimes it is really important to remind ourselves of why we are doing what we are doing?

Are we developing ourselves to bring about money gains? Do we want the fame, or the celebrity status? Or are we doing this because we would like to help people? Are we helping people, to feel good within ourselves or do we want others to feel empowered? Do we want control or want others to be in control of their own lives? Write this down in your journal for you to reflect on. Be honest with self.


There is so much to share on this topic I was wondering if this was a good place to put it. And then I thought why not? If need be it can be shifted.

Tarot-lots of people have heard of tarot but there are lots of myths and misunderstandings. Tarot cards are just that, cards with ink printed on them with images. The images open the mind to intuitive information in regards to the vibrations, energies of the universe. Depending on the colours, symbols, characters used. Tarot decks are normally seventy-eight cards with a story to tell within each card. There are 22 major arcane and 56 minor arcane. The minor arcane are divided into four suits representing different aspects of your life. They are a tool to create information to assist in dealing with issues, in offering further insight into your life. There will be more information in a responding chapter.

Oracle cards- hope you have some understanding of what an oracle deck is if you have already purchased a deck to assist in your visualization techniques. This is a deck created by an author to assist you in daily insight into your life. This does not follow a particular system as tarot does. There are many, many themes. So choose a deck that speaks to you.

Runes-24, or Ogham- Norse, Germanic and Anglo Saxon symbols which give a message depending on where they are placed within the spread. For more information I suggest you read a book especially dedicated to Runes.

Crystals- Each crystal holds a message. There are many ways to work with crystals to receive their messages. This requires much further study.

Psychometry -Messages from photos, jewelry, anything belonging to someone else. Some (not all) mediums may use this to connect closer to someone who has passed. Allowing the reading to flow smoother and with clarity. Clairvoyants may use this to connect and allow images to flow through with information.

Art-Some mediums or clairvoyants may use psychic art to draw images of a Spirit Guide, someone who has passed Auras and symbols, messages for the querant. (This is the person wanting the reading).

Scrying-Crystals balls, black mirrors, bowl of water, candle, fire, clouds and more. Images are seen within these tools by developing the Third eye. Some people find this easy, others difficult. This is not an easy task for some people. It may take practice.

There are many more tools that can be used for Divination these are some.


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

Understanding the messages within A few of the Cards

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Shadow aspect spread