Game of Thrones

Finally Got back into having a peek at this deck 

Today's card The Emperor .. 

This card always reminds me of a ruler that provides well for his people, an authoritative figure that earns his respect through doing what is right for his people... 
This card reminds us to be our own leader in our own journey... For us to make our own plans and ideas.. to provide for ourselves in what we want .... 
Jess's Thoughts when she created this card... 

The Emperor - Tywin Lannister
Keywords: Authoritative, father figure, structure
Reversed: Domineering, controlling, excessive, inflexible
On reason why I loved Tywin for this card is the fact that the Emperor was once a warrior
who have elevated to a role of being the one running the show. Often someone who
relates to this card runs into problems with finding themselves carving the battlefield
from time to time and getting sucked into tricky situations. That’s kind of the story of
Tywin. He’s also very much the authority and father figure around King’s Landing, despite
not himself being the king. The “king” will get sent off to his room by his mommy while
Tywin does the real work. He’s also very controlling, especially over Tyrion, and anyone
that he doesn’t see as up to his standard.

3rd Card ready for the Day 26/07/2017

From the Author...

Temperance - Syrio Forel
Keywords: Balance, patience, moderation, purpose
Reversed: Excess, lack of balance, lack of foresight
Syrio, the master swordsman from Braavos, is given the task of teaching Arya how to
properly fight with a sword after Ned Stark discovers Arya’s sword, Needle, realizing her
interest in fighting isn’t going to go away. Rather than punish her he decides to have Syrio
teach her how to use the sword so she doesn’t get herself or anyone else killed by
accident. The sword fighting lessons are kept secret - instead everyone else thinks she’s
off getting dancing lessons. Syrio teaches Arya how to be patient, how she must maintain

balance and poise above being aggressive. 


Temperance for me speaks of balance in life through allowing indulgence in some way, taking time out to indulge a little can bring balance and insight to where you are headed.. Remembering moderation is very important to keep balance in life... It is about having purpose in one's life... a Reason for actually doing something...with understanding ...

2nd card I Drew from the Deck...

The World - George R.R. Martin, the only man who knows what
the true ending of this will be. {Well…with the exception of the show’s writers who know
what the endgame is for everyone since they are catching up to Martin when it comes to
the show vs. the books.}
This Card for me asks the Question Is it really the end of everything, or just a change in the cycle.. Is it a new stage of leaving behind.. The end of an era... This card brings to me so many questions about where AM I right now.. What is ending and what is ready to begin something new... What have I completed? and what am I about to begin... What am I an expert in? What am I the student in?

This card really asks the questions to make you think about What is the End Game?  Truly does it ever really happen?  When something ends does it leave you asking more questions? What's Next?

Game of Thrones by 
The First Card from the Majors Only Deck ....

From The Author- Jess 's info ...
The Hierophant - Luwin
Keywords: Religion, tradition, conformity
Reversed: Challenging customs, restriction, rigidity
Luwin was the Maester of Winterfell and worked hard to uphold the traditions and beliefs
around House Stark, including working to teach Bran about all the houses of Westeros to
help groom him for his future, one that comes quickly when he becomes acting Lord of
Winterfell. Luwin provides Bran council and stands in very much like a father figure to
him and Rickon. He very much fulfills the role of the Hierophant when it comes to holding
with tradition and the conformity of the community.

Let me work with this deck and I will start adding my own info as i begin to connect ....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Photos of my Collection

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout


May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle