How YOU should Feel After a Card Reading?

How Should You Feel After a Tarot, Oracle or Lenormand Reading? 

How Should You Feel after Any type of Reading? NO Matter the Tools used...

For me I like my clients to leave with hope and understanding... even when things may not seem so positive I still want my clients to leave with a feeling of hope and understanding.. of gathered insight into what may happen, depending on the changes that could take place...

A client arrives all apprehensive anyway in regards to a reading... we do not want to add to their anxiety... We want them to go away with a sense of being cared about, about being supported, being able to bring positive energy into their journey... Of something new and exciting that could lay ahead...

A Person does not come for Doom and Gloom... Not truly in their hearts, they want you to tell them it will be ok....  IT will be ok just not what they expected on their journey.. The cards may show that guy they want is not available (mentally, emotionally or physically... ) leave them with that and they go away thinking they will never find love.. they have no hope ... etc...
But find away to share in the cards the possibility of new adventures, they could be busy with life they don't have time for love right now...  A romantic love, an intimate relationship right now but they could have time for some fun, something a little different .. who knows what lies ahead unless you are able to share what the cards say... in further detail...

What I think I am trying to share with you...
If you have had a reading that left you feeling unhappy, with no hope, anxious, upset in some way..
Then find a reader, (Recommended by a friend or someone you trust) who can offer further guidance into what lies ahead for you, a reader who offers it with love and understanding, Guidance that brings knowledge in how you can move forward with Hope and Love .....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune