Which deck?

Which Tarot deck do you choose? 

Staring out.. everyone tells go for Rider Waite Smith deck?  but which RWS do you go for?
Universal RWS, Radiant RWS, Standard RWS Tiny RWS
and By the Way you can't get your head around the images.... Grab a deck anyway and put it aside to help you learn the symbols and basic understanding of Tarot .. Always good to have..

Ok  so I purchased a RWS I struggle with the imagery, leaves me cold, but I still want to learn tarot and understand the meanings..

Next thing to do is take a look at all the decks that are similar to RWS on some level, there are plenty of amazing decks out there,,, Don't get anything to fancy or too different,, find a deck you feel drawn to and speaks volumes to you....

When you take the Fool and know instantly it is about new adventures, new pathways, fun etc...

There is no right and wrong deck to look at for learning Tarot....

I found Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot was a Deck Beginners could learn from, because of the meanings on each card....

For me the first deck that truly spoke to me was Native American Tarot
By Magda Weck Gonzales

But there are some amazing decks to purchase... 

Go through Amazon.com 
Check through the Kickstarters...
check through the Feed on Instagram or Twitter... 
Look at what other readers are using ....

If you want to learn Tarot but unable to purchase a deck straight away, check out 
There are several RWS type decks there..

There is Version 10 now out but unless you register you are limited to 3 decks ... so I have kept at this stage the previous version.. I have over 140 decks ... 
Downloaded from various free sites plus the ones I have scanned and added from my own physical decks plus the decks I have created myself.. I love this tool. I have found having to use your own intuition in reading the cards have allowed me to work on many levels with E-mail readings... 

Please trust in yourself when choosing your own deck 
Your deck does not have to be gifted- old wives story 
Purchase the deck you feel the images speak to you loudly.. 
Full of imagery... Take a moment to check out the Free Resource sites from my Link pages..... 

You might feel drawn to use Lenormand or Oracle decks .. There is no right or wrong deck to use. 
All decks offer guidance and insight... 
Ink and paper allows you to open up your own intuition on many levels through it's imagery and words.   

I can not say it enough, find a deck you love the imagery... the artist's themes......

Remember there are also Marseilles and Thoth type decks also ... you may prefer to work with one of those systems... 
Which ever you decide be committed to working with a card a day until you have completed the deck .

All I can say is Enjoy The Journey ...

Any questions, leave me a comment or find me on Twitter @RevVesta ..


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune