Why I Promote Other Readers and Mentors?

I often get asked from Clients Why I promote other Readers/Healers and Mentors? 

Aren't we in competition with each other? Wouldn't I want to keep all the client's myself?

The Short Answer , well maybe not quite so short...

Take a moment to know We as Readers, Healers and Mentors are all very different, we share some similarities but there are also many differences in how we read, teach Tarot. What systems we use if any? Whether we read with Intuition or Card meanings directly?

We are all very different....

Now look at the  people in your vicinity, in your home town,   Could One Tarot Reader  do everyone's reading?  Now Look at your Region, County, State  ?

Ok think now  of your Country..... What about How many people in the World want Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand or other Divination Tools in their Reading?
I do not offer everything.... so another Reader may suit better...

Then think about each of us has something else we may bring to the table, another Divination Tool or another Healing Modality, that makes us different from other Card Readers....

Our Clients are also very unique in who they are and may find themselves drawn to one reader but not another....

To be honest, I don't see another Card Reader as Competition but a Colleague, with the same goals, to give the client the best they deserve... honesty, integrity,. love and support during what maybe a very difficult and emotional time.   Alot of the time our Clients come to us when they are desperate, depressed, unhappy, worried, scared...... they want to know everything is going to be okay.... For me personally I want that client to go to the best Reader that suits them....

And in some cases it may not be me, and that is ok......

That is why I recommend other readers in online...

Now why do I recommend their Courses, Free Resources from other Mentors in Tarot.. because we all bring something very different to the table.... Yes I have loads of things that may help someone learning Tarot , but if you just had my resource, that would stunt your growth in Tarot.. Looking at what other's have on their sites gives you more information re Tarot... another perspective.. It enables you to grow  with your Tarot Journey....

I want you to be All That You Already Are and More .. so I want to learn myself from others and I want you to learn more too.. develop your own skills, The World needs More Readers in a wide variety of skills ..

SO The Short of it is Yes I recommend other Readers and Mentors because each person that wants a reading or Mentoring are also individuals .....

Check out my Links Page .... Lenormand Post.... You will find some great recommendations

Just as there are a variety of artists that brings different 
perspectives to the table so to speak. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune