Tarot of Metamorphosis

This is a deck I have just begun working with ...and unfortunately I don't have the LWB as I can see it would of been very useful with this deck overall ....

This may take some time to really get a grip on this deck overall in that it is very different in it's approach to Tarot ...
It truly takes one on a journey of changes, transformation as you look at each card ...

I begin this journey by drawing ....

5 of Pentacles ... 

We look at this card: 
The Pentacles indicates "The Posthumous Metamorphoses." We have reached a transition where we can transcend our weak fleshly bodies and enter "an era of uniting flesh and metal." 

Definition of Posthumous- occurring, awarded, or appearing after the death of the originator.

The Changes happen after the ending of the decaying  of something within our journey .. the ending, when something dies within our pathway , we allow ourselves to go through a metamorphoses.... 

Traditionally 5 of Pentacles can talk about loss and knowing there are others who are willing to help. 
This card speaks of Transformation of that aspect .. a change within self as you surrender to that loss and allowing yourself to move ahead with gaining understanding of the lesson given ... 

5 of Pentacles from Predicting your Future ...
Speaks of losses that have incurred will be retrieved and discussions will lead to an easing of financial difficulties. Maybe there is some benefit, financially and intellectually from some study, learning something new. Maybe you are about to receive some legal documents ....

Dream Oracle - 
Speaks of a loss of money or status, with hard work it is recoverable.  With confusion it may be a lean period for awhile... 

Fives may speak of power, domination, victory and change.  A tension between construction and destruction, enforcing necessary change. 

Pentacles focus on Money, stability and material matters.... 

Earth - Health, Wealth , Secure   

Cartomancy -Diamonds..... 

Today 17th July, 2018 

XIV Temperance
KEYWORDS- Moderation, Blending..... Reconciliation, Combination, Fusion, Balance, Stability and diligence...

Temperance brings us a message of encouragement. Take a practical outlook, control your emotions, but do not suppress them. It is important to enjoy what you do, have faith in your actions... Know you lead a life of peace and harmony. To make progress in your journey maybe it is time to study something that is of value to you. This may take some time as shortcuts will not pay off.  Slow and steady in your actions will lead to a fulfilled life. Be careful not to overindulge at this time, keeping things in balance, bringing stability within. 

I have noticed Different books give different thoughts .... 

Dream Oracle: 
Planet: Jupiter 
Sun Sign: Sagittarius  

Predicting Your Future:
Element: Water
Planet: Moon 
Sun Sign: Taurus 

Which set of Meanings work for you with this card?  

Encyclopedia of Predictions:
Temperance is one of the Christian Virtues, balance, economy and good management. Moderation not excess, helping others or accepting help from others. 
Pride must not stand in the way of healing... 

 "Metamorphoses of the Psyche. balances the opposite polarities of existence in an inner meta. that renews the human being. Pursue the harmony you seek, avoid stagnant situations and crystallization, both mental and material. "

Found description thanks to Flitting through Life 
Please check out rest of this Blog for great info related to Tarot ... 

UPDATE: 31st December, 2019 ....

III The Empress...

 From Twitter: 
This is the card of Motherhood, fertility, abundance and bountiful, seeing the beauty in all aspects of your feminine energy and of others that carry those characteristics ... Looking at this card I see communication, self-expression,

As I continue my Thoughts I look at the two who hold hands on the edge of what appears as a waterfall .. My thoughts are the siblings, the love between two that is unconditional, familiar......They see the beauty that surrounds them.. the waterfall to me speaks of the tumbling emotions that can come from Being a Mother on some level, the caring of others, helping others, doing everything for our children, for others, fussing over others at times when it seems we can not stop being a headless chook ...   

What else do you see from this card?  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune