Lord of the Rings Deck Review

This deck fascinated me ... how do we include the story of The Lord of the Rings into Tarot readings ... What does each card actually mean, do they follow the traditional meanings or has the author changed them slightly .... 
When I began to explore this deck I realized how well this deck was put together .... 
The meanings of the Tarot plus the storyline to be included in the Card Game ... there really is two aspects of this deck ... but I find as I work with this deck I discover how well the game, the words written on the cards can be included in a basic reading .... 
This really is a fun deck with a truly serious side to it has it shares it message of insight ... 

Here the 0 The Fool 
a youth, a novice, a student of life ... 
Gollum sits and contemplates what is possible .... by a pool of water ... 
The Fool begins his journey carefree and free-spirited and unknowing what is ahead ... 
but then realizes he has to yet decide in which direction he must move.... he must decide to either go with the flow or physically make the move .... of careful thought ... 
In this card we see the Moon.. so we know he is being reflective... looking at his phase of his journey... which part of the cycle is next?  Water is also reflective but looks deeper at his emotions ... The Moon and water are connected with the tides... the ebbs and the flows ... 

So you can see with these cards the meanings can be looked at in a different way .... within the images ....

II The High Priestess 
She is able to see what is hidden. The High Priestess reveals the Ancient Mysteries... 
The Truth of the Occult ... The connection to the Sacred .... 
The Crescent Moon - Waxing Moon - the connection to the Sacred Feminine Divine ... 
The Sword speaks of Communication, cutting through the choices, the decisions, to find the truth, the facts ...   We have Lady Eowym is guided by her Intuition  ... we have the High Priestess using her psychic abilities to have this sense of knowing ..... 

Knight of Wands 
Hesitation, observing, not necessarily rushing ahead... needing to find out more information before diving into the situation .... there is a sense of preparation .... 
On the Card- Faramir prepares himself for the ensuing battle against the Orcs... 
Faramir does not rush in  but gets himself sorted, organized first ... He finds out what he needs to do first .. and then takes action ....  

Three of Wands 
Seeing the destiny that lies ahead, but yet not quite able to reach it yet . Have achieved so much but yet has much ahead .... 
Aragorn, Gimila and Legolas begin looking for their abducted friends ..
So there are things they must do first before releasing their friends from the clutches of the enemy ... It has been about preparation, choices, decisions.. actions to be taken first ... 

Nine of Cups 
Everything happening behind the scenes.. preparation, so close to reaching the dream.... 
Bilbo holds his birthday party at Bag End... a reason to celebrate what has been and what could be ...and what is at this moment .... 

Nine of Coins 
Everything so close to coming together .. look at the perspective of what has been and is at this moment .,... what is possible when it all comes together ... 
The Nine Rings around the Tree of Life . 
Nine for Mortal Men, damned to die
The Pathways of Life are open for those 
who can resist the traps of Mortality ...  

It seems on our journey we may be caught unaware and given things in our life that may not be in our best interest.... are we aware of what is at this time?  

17th July. 2018 ..

Ace of Swords
The Intervention of Gwaihir The Eagle represents a Major Breakthrough.  

 Breakthrough; sudden resolution.
The use of power in just the right

measure. Effective and timely intervention.

Dream Oracle 
Return to the basics as there is a fight between good and evil..... 

What does that actually mean?  

Predicting Your Future...
There may be communication issues... Delays in any response you may have been expecting. Be Flexible, not stubborn. Accept there may be a time you need to work hard for less reward... 

Encyclopedia of Predictions:
The essence of Air-New ideas, thinking clearly, reason, justice, sense of power, great force, the need for great control ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune