Why do you Want to learn Tarot?

Is it fun? Is it Scary? Does it say that you are this paranormal, psychic, Witch? 

Yes it can be fun  but also truly hard work  to be the best you can possibly be ....

Is it paranormal?  No ...  Psychic?  No  Does it make you a Psychic?  Or a Witch?  NO! ....

What does it make you?  A Human being that uses a tool to develop one's own ability to use the Tarot to gather information from Ink, Paper and Artwork ...

Tarot is a tool that one uses, no matter what faith, or religious beliefs you are..
Tarot can be read once you understand the keywords for each individual card and how they run together to make a reading ...
Tarot was a system devised many years ago in a concept that allowed the reader, no matter who they were, to give information in relation to a question.. 

So now you decided you wanted to learn tarot, Now look at the true reason why? Ask yourself.. if you want to use it for fun or do you truly want to realize the potential that is available to you to use Tarot as the tool it can be used for?  Do you want to use it to show off to your friends?  Think carefully if you really want to scare your friends by pretending you understand the real meanings behind the concepts of each card .Do you want to just make-up Shit ?  or do you truly want to use Tarot Wisely....

I don't know how many people, have been petrified, after someone who did not truly understand Tarot,  they have come to me saying someone told them they will die by a certain age, by a car accident or by hanging, suicide.... or someone has come to me saying a reader told them they were pregnant or going to be pregnant and the best solution is to terminate or adopt out the child.... After taking a real look at the cards and deciphering the message ...  Death  - can also speak of a transformation , changes .. maybe something decaying, and dying on some level.... maybe they  were ill and needed to see a doctor (because maybe it would feel as though they were dying - I would never say those exacts words- be considerate when sharing the message- finding a way to find hope and support so they can make positive changes ... )  The Empress can speak of fertility, bounty and abundance but it does not always mean a pregnancy ... it can be a need to nurture a project, a journey on some level  .....  Sometimes the messages are actually symbolic... I understand those who may use Clairvoyance on some level... may also see a death as being literal..... or a Pregnancy being a baby on some level .... it is important to remember many messages we receive are symbolic, even in dreams .....

We are interpreters of the cards ...we translate the messages from images into words.  into concepts.... into a reading the client can resonate with... we take the message and be hopeful, be positive and create, manifest the change required.. I know life is not always rosy, life is not perfect and we all have ups and downs, challenges, strife and difficulties, things that seem impossible to recover from... We are all given lessons and a chance to grow, to change.. to transform our lives for the best it can possibly be... And Tarot can help us find the solutions to those issues....

So now you must decide what type a reader you will be?  What will you use Tarot for?

Tarot can be used in many ways and it all depends on the Reader....

  Do you want to speak of luck, someone's fortune.. the good or a the bad, the challenges, the hopes, the successes, the failures.? ...  I am not talking just about money... and I am not only talking about the Future.. am talking about the Past and the Now....

Do you want to speak of material aspects in one's life?  Emotional- in regards to Love, relationships, twin flames, Soul Mates, marriages  etc?   Will he come back? Will he love me? 

How about thinking about self?  How do I be the best I can possibly be without a Man?  How can I be whole within myself?  How do I self-love? 

How about Career?  or Friendships? Social, or Finances?  Health  or Children?

What about Spiritual aspects?  Psyche aspects, Jungian and Freud aspects within a reading?  Aspects of the Mind? Mental and intellectual aspects?   

Will you begin by understanding the keywords? or begin by just looking at the imagery?   Will you use them both in a reading?  Will you just pretend to understand or truly learn and study? 
Do you realize learning tarot is ongoing, and can take a rather long time?  To read Tarot professionally is not a quick study but one that takes years to master even the basics...  It isn't just about understanding the keywords and by looking at the imagery but by understanding how the cards go together in a reading, and how concepts can change by card combinations.... The Question will change the meaning of the card... the surrounding cards can modify the meaning ... whether the right way or reversed can change the meaning of the card..  The system used can change the meaning, the deck used can modify the meanings slightly... There is much to learn when you pick up that first Set of Tarot .... 

What type of Tarot Reader will you become?  Who will you Be when you Read Tarot? 
The decision is yours.....

These can be applied to any Divination Tool you decide to work with....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune