Chakra Wisdom Tarot

Chakra Wisdom Tarot ...
Today's Energies 
Nine of Wands
XV The Devil
XXI The World ..
For me when I look at these cards The message speaks of perseverance, keep going to achieve your goals , as you find away to break free from the chains holding you in that place, soon you will find yourself saying Goodbye, farewell to the past and allowing self to walk over new thresholds on new adventures. 

Looking at the \Sacral Chakra for me speaks of knowing who I am at this point of my Path. Looking at my own identity, my own sexuality.. Who I am as an individual......
This is not about anyone else as I travel  on my own personal path .....
These writings come form the Book 
Nine of Wands 
Igniting Inner Fires
The Wand She holds is on fire, indicating that she is still not yet beyond the problems that she is recovering from.While she may be ready to move forward soon, it will not be until she puts out the emotional fires that plague her. 

Chakra Message:- Pushing forward when it is time to stop and heal can create costly mistakes-first emotionally, then elsewhere. There will be a price paid in the future for a decision made in the present. 

Indication:-You may have a fire to deal with before you can proceed. Will you burn through the obstacles? or will you experience the burden it leaves? 

Keywords:- Guardedness, recovery, stamina, patterns. 

Meditation:- Allow the wand of fire to be the stake you drive into the ground. Light a candle if you can and stare into the flame. What passion still burns in you? Can you feel it? What is your next step? 

Contemplation:- Are you willing to stop burning yourself out? 

XV The Devil 
Is the Fool seeing her Shadow?
The Fool stands holding an orange Chalice,
Yet the surrounding yellow flame indicates
that she is making decisions that may burn her.
Can She see that her own shadow does not reflect the image we see?
Is her brain attempting to ignore the reality? 

Second Chakra - Sacral ......
The message speaks of looking at your own motives.. to be able to correct your choices when you become aware of them becoming questionable in action. 

Realizing the options you hold may not be limited. Knowing you are not defined by the Hidden Forces 

lower vibration, competitiveness, jealousy, self-deception, violence, cheating, shortcut 

Planet:- The Full Moon speaks of emotional trickery that will be exposed.. The truth will be revealed Now. 

Meditation:- If you betray yourself, who can you blame? 

Next Steps:- The Tower illustrates what happens to the Fool when she ignores the lessons she has learned and forgets who she truly is. Will she be able to recover from the fall? 

XX The World 
Manifesting Secrets of the Universe 
Eighth Chakra:- two feet above the Crown Chakra.
The protector of  our physical being,
Representing Karma from other lifetimes. 

Eighth Chakra Message:- Know you are supported as you heal....The Connection to a Higher Vibrational Healing. 

Indication:- Know through stillness The energy moves down through us as we open to Spirit to be receptive to our wishes. 

Keywords:- Discovery, certainty, travel, satisfaction, triumph, inclusiveness.

Planet:- Uranus- Sudden change and disruption.Reveals the future of innovation. 

Meditation:- Step into your World Energy. 

Next Step:- As it is a sense of Completion, you are now ready for what lies ahead...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune