Tarot de Marseille Reading


When I begin to look at these images I get a sense
of choices needing to be made, understanding the need for a breakthrough
towards Attaining something important within the journey
It is important to complete, finish a task at hand .....

Now we can begin to look at each card further, taking notes from 
Predicting Your Future  (DK series) By Julia and Derek Parker. 

keywords:- Love, harmony, choices, sacrifice....
Questions to Ask Self..
Am I being fair to my lover?  Am I receptive to what
they are thinking, wants to achieve or do?
Am I jealous?
Can I talk in a civilized manner to others?
Do I truly Love them?
What are my reasons for love?

This is about being happy and enjoying the relationship.
This may also about the need to compromise on some level.
Make Sacrifices when necessary.
Manifest harmony through shared interests.
Controlling one's own anger, bickering and jealously.
This can be about understanding why you love someone ...
Unconditional love, passion that is intense.

Ace of Wands

Wands- action, adventure, achievement, challenge.

Wands can also symbolize energy and growth.

News of a new business opportunity is coming your way.
Challenge seems likely to achieve your wishes by being
aggressive and controlling any tendency to be
ruthless in your actions.
An important phone call, fax, email could make a
difference to your future. 
Nine of Swords
Swords-Mental activity, truth, tact and fairness

Swords represent mental strength, courage,
authority, achievement and ambition,
 Indicative of change.

You need to be careful of the words and action taken. knowing when you are wrong is
important and will resolve the issue.
Worry may hinder your progress.
look for any complication in an objective light.  

VIII Pentacles
Eight-Partial Success 

Pentacles- prosperity, hardwork, financial progress.
practical concerns.

Pentacles represent  materialistic world of finances.
Relationship between self and work.

Although you will gain success you could feel
dissatisfied. Perhaps you are less fulfilled than you would
like you may need intellectual stimulation
or simply be in need of more exercise .  

Angel Reading Cards 
12 -Angel of Claircognisance 
This Angel speaks of feelings of others that affect self on many levels. 
This Angel may remind us to make sure we stay aware of our own feelings as well as others so we can differentiate the differences. 

From The Book:-
You are being inspired by above,
This is about reconnecting and understanding this gift. Asking you trust in this. Accept the Divine Guidance.  This Angel arrives to teach you and ask you are receptive to learn how to use this gift wisely.  Receiving Guidance via Claircognisance will allow things to fall much easier into place. 

I allow and accept the guidance of my Angel of Claircognisance into my life. I trust and acknowledge that the information my Angel of Claircognisance shares with me is far the highest good for myself and those around me. 


My Thoughts and Opinions

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