Deep Dive - The Hoodoo Tarot

 I want to dive deep into  The Hoodoo Tarot by doing some spreads and looking at each card by diving into each image.. What do I see in that moment?  

This will be a slow journey and may take some time to work through.,. This is so personal  as the readings will be for myself ...

Let us begin with a single card ...

Today's message for reflection ..
Three of Knives 
This Tree is bare except for what appears as bottles hanging from the branches ... a person sits by the base of the tree... in shadow form so unable to see exactly who it is...  a dog  in front of what appears as a gravestone .. Is this within a cemetery? Is this at dusk?   
This speaks of a heartbreak  that seems a moment of despair, at this  time. There seems to be no hope that lies ahead...   It is a sorrow that is so deep that it lies within the Soul.  It feels like the world has betrayed everything you believed in... A Lost loved one, 
This is also a reminder that these moments will ease.. That these things may take time so it is important to be gentle with self to be patient and to be loyal to self on many levels. 

(I know what this references and who this relates to in my life ) 
As this is truly personal to someone in life  It is not my story to share ... 
But how I may help this person during this journey ... 

Plant: Eucalyptus 

The Bottles on the tree comes from a belief that Negative Spirits are captured by the bottle and then destroyed  by the sunlight at dawn. .. This comes from The South,  This is Africanism from the Kongo 

Let us further expand on this message ... 
Ten of Sticks ... 
I get a feeling this person may feel burdened on many levels 
maybe I  may have moments of feeling that weight upon my own shoulders...
This is something I may need to face  so I can move ahead ...
How can I throw off the weight /. What do I need to do so it will not be so heavy?  

Father of Baskets ... 
This could be the moment to not let emotions overwhelm me but to put my emotions aside and be practical in the emotional aspect of the situation.. a sense of  caring and kind in my actions needed at this time ... 
I look at this card I see him looking towards the woman carrying the burdens, is he going to get up and help or continue to  sit there and watch from the sidelines.? 

Mother of Knives.. 
Understands the truth of the situation, looking at the facts of what is going on .  She nurtures the motives behind any action taken, she understands the ideas, the plans that needs to be nurtured. to achieve positive results.   

Looking at all of the cards  ..  I get a feeling that there will be burdens for  all in this situation and I can be helpful and ease some of those weights by taking action and nurturing the ideas needed to make this ease overall  ... ... 

Today's reading - 25th April, 2021 

Five of Sticks 
We seen one person seems to be left out in the cold, apart from the others  who appear to be whispering among themselves ... , The One in front has her arms crossed in front of herself, 
giving the sense of being closed off from the world on some level. .. 
This card traditionally speaks of battles, and conflicts ..
Is that conflict coming from within or is it caused by outside influences that are not within ones own control ...  A feeling of been isolated from others . 

We continue with Five of Coins ... 
A child  stands in the middle of a Man and A Woman , 
are they his parents or two adults who seem to care ...  
They want to bring a sense of richness to the boys life  by surrounding him with love ... 

Son of Sticks .
A youth holding a stick in the air, his other palm facing outwards .. In a large field with trees in the background .. the sky is cloudy bringing with it a sense of fogginess,  
I don't feel yet there is movement but an hesitation to take a step forward.  A sense of needing to look beyond what we know... 

Nine of Knives 
Here we see a skull in what appears to be screaming, yelling, in a stress filled nightmare . surrounded by knives swirling in chaos ..  fruit with knives ... are they apples symbolizing love?  
This card comes to remind us to help others who may be stressed  but also to ask for help when we feel overwhelmed.  

Summary ...  
Overall a feeling of being left out in the cold , a feeling of being isolated from the world ,, knowing family support brings a sense of richness to one's path,, Do not rush ahead but make sure you have all the information needed, ask for help when needed to not allow yourself to feel too overwhelmed at times ....  

Today I did a video  on the cards I got in the reading ...
Cards ...
Nine of Knives , Daughter of Coins, Song of Coins, Son of Knives, Three of Baskets ... 
There is a a lot of stress and worry for those involved in this situation, 
It is important I give them the support they need..
There are some lessons to be learnt, some truths to be acknowledged 
SO there can be celebration overall  .... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune