Sacred Sites Oracle cards

 This deck  is an oracle deck split into categories.. Different places within the world  separated because of there vicinity to each other, to their continent,   Because of the Ethnicity. the Direction .... I need to explore this deck more in depth  to get a better understanding of the cards and the categories ...  

Today we begin with Mount Tai 

I want to begin by looking at the image ..
What do I see? 
Yin Yang, The Sun, a statue, a temple with long steps going down between the mountains into what appears as water, swirling ... there appears to be a dragon type creature  in green and orange ..  

With these cards the bottom appears in the past , the middle of the card in the present while the top of the card appears in the future ... 
So with that in mind my initial thoughts re this card speaks of balance in the past, a sense of  fortune to be had ...You may have had an emotional time   yet at the moment you find yourself  trying to climb through some obstacles, delays  to reach  something sacred to find happiness, joy and inner peace. to see what could be exposed to the light ....  

Time to look in the Book ..
The Direction of East ..
Country: Shandong,  China 

Keywords - Energy, Focus, achievement, 
In the Past, The Ying Yang symbol speaks of  perfect balance...   while the Dragon represents Wisdom, power and good fortune , a positive perspective.  

In the Present,  There are some questions to ask yourself....Seeing all of those steps are you deterred from reaching the top?  Have you had a clear run to the top or taken to meandering paths to explore different teachings along the way? Have you had a difficult journey or still waiting at the bottom of the mountain steps?  Are you willing to seek a different perspective?  Walk the same path as everyone else? or choose your own path?  

Now we look at the Potential, Kwan Yin at the top speaks of Mercy offering, sympathy, compassion and insight. Call upon chosen Deity for guidance and support on your journey. This is the time to keep going.. to be encouraged to not give up .. All is possible when you give it a go...  

In the book there is a prayer to Kwan Yin ...

An arduous journey I have walked and though I 
question what's been taught, 
I take courage by the strength in me, 
I know I can change what I can see
or Yang must again be joined by Yin
to find the light, allow darkness in
to raise the goddess and see her in all, I need
not let the good side fall.
Kwan Yin come take a walk with me, be my light
so I may see
Steady my resolve so I needn't stop and help me reach my mountain top. 

 2nd September, 2021 

Today ... 

We begin by seeing two swans together gazing into each other's eyes , shaped like a heart it speaks of love , romance ...  Next the symbol of Venus  a reminder of  Passion  ...  
Next we see the Temple ..a place of worship, a sacred place where love, sexuality is embraced.. A place of purity within it's own love ...  
The potential  shows a Goddess naked reminded us  that instead of being covered up , how important it is to embrace one's own body..  Maybe we feel the need to cover up ... 

Next : 
Here we see Ganesh - remover of Obstacles .. a sense of wisdom gained, prosperity arrives when challenges are dealt with .. 
Next the bustling city, a community connected by  the Sacredness within ... 
The Goddess Holds a pot in each hand, to me this seemed to speak of balance  in some way  ...  

Location: Aydin Province, Turkey 
Keywords: Energy Focus- Love 
Past speaks about The Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the place dedicated to passion, , love and beauty. 
The Swans represent being bound together.  The 5 petaled White Rose - Romance. Venus- The Roman Goddess of Love  asks you are receptive to love , opening your heart to love.  This reminds us we are all worthy of love even if we have felt heartbreak. 

In The Present- A Sacred Site dedicated to Love. Love of the Divine, , of others and of themselves. 
Rituals , Fertility Rites, flowing passion, Belly dancing and Sexual acts of worship. Embrace your feminine sexuality. Become both Mother and lover. 
This asks us about healing our feelings of abandonment, asks who denied us love?  Who striped you bare of your temple ?  

The Potential of our love speaks of embracing our sexuality, loving our own body, being completely with another. Do not be embarrassed. Be open! 

Location: Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords:  Energy Focus: Overcoming 
Ganesh offers the removal of obstacles,  of beginnings,  star of ceremonies, and new enterprises.
What is stopping you from moving forward? 

Present - the city of Varanasi, Sacred, a community filled with Temples and Shrines. A city of Spiritualism, philosophy, and mysticism .. Being cluttered or organized? Chaotic or serene?  Time to declutter... 

Potential- The Goddess Ganga, To wash away  aspects of your life. Regrets, fears, and worries. Restore to wholeness. Release and forgive. Break Free from chains. 

Meditation : Aum  Aum Aum  ... 
SLOWLY   Chant   ------AAAAAA      ouuuuuuuuuuu        mmmmm
Repeat , feel within ....

North- Somerset, England ...
Focus Energy : Blossoming 

When first looking at this card  I thought it may have been about a sense of emotions, a love on some level , an awakening , a connection.. 
I see a Woman with a bowl, an owl... The Tor upon the hill surrounded by the Zodiac signs.. Antlers upon the Tor to me speaking of stamina and strength, endurance, fertility ...

From the Book we see the Maiden with the Holy Grail speaking of the past  connecting to the Divine Feminine, awakening to one's own psychic abilities ..
In the present we see the Owl who asks What is stopping you from awakening within right now?  
With the Potential knowing there is a possibility to bringing knowledge, wisdom into fruition and understanding 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Photos of my Collection

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout


May Study - Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle