Initiatory Tarot of The Golden Dawn

I have started looking deeper into this deck .... and have found it quite unique .... I love the imagery and the way the energy flows from card to card ... the connections and the further study in regards to Kabbalah and Astrology (Influences of the Planets with the Zodiac- Sun Signs ) ... This is truly going to take some time to enhance the study of this method of reading Tarot ..Switching from the different methods I did not realize how different the RWS and Thoth truly were ... and then to add this to the mix just adds another layer to the readings overall.

I find the imagery is very deep and allows one to gather insight on a different level...

The Major Arcana Imagery is quite unique in many ways and yet there are similarities ... on many levels ... Not the same but still an underlying message that resonates on many levels ...

I have  looked deeper at The Fool and moved through the cards to The Chariot ....
Have moved deeper through the Major Arcana to XIV Temperance....  

This is a slow and steady journey, as I look at the descriptions of the cards.... the studying what the book says - Reading material by Mathers and Felkin- Tarot of The Golden Dawn .....  
The descriptions do not perfectly match in the book  so writing up my own ... but the meanings of the cards  and the Information regarding the Astrology and Zodiac Sun Sign - (needs further study)  The Kabbalah info is really good though and truly helpful in understanding the card's meaning... within the Minor Arcana - further study re the Major Arcana is definitely needed ... 

0- The Fool 

Think about what you see within this card...
What does it traditionally mean to you when this card comes up? 
How can that apply to the card overall?  Do they connect ?  How does it compare to RWS, TDM or Thoth Tarot?   See the Differences, see the similarities? 

From Mathers and Felkin ....

The Foolish Man- The Spirit of GR-Alpha-Ioata-Theta-Eta-Rho .....Letter (Hebrew)- Aleph 
Attribute: Air 

Spiritual Matters- Ideas, thoughts, Spirituality, there which endeavours to transcend Earth. 

Materialistic Question- Folly, Stupidity, eccentricity, Manic ... 

Further Research- Aleph- Silent, Ox, bull, gentle, time, the leader, strength, What is first, Adonai, thousand, teach....  Connects the two Realms ...

Kether to Chokmah- the Force of Spirit emerges from Kether to walk from the Source into Manifestation at Chokmah ... The Potential to be Primal Energy ... this is the 11th Path ....on the Tree of Life (Kabbalah ) .... one of innocence, simplicity and inexperience.... 

Astrology- Pluto - Death, rebirth, subconscious force 
                Uranus- Eccentricity, originality, unpredictability.... 

Aquarius - Thinkers and doers, free spirited Souls, inspired by Freedom ... 

The Four Suits -

Wands - speaks of energy, a strength, strife, conflict but yet courage to overcome ...
Wands Speak of Dominion, Established Strength, perfected Work, success but yet the struggles to overcome take such determination...

                           Cups - has this energy  that is much gentler but yet a quiet strength pulls through the images ... The Cups speak of love, abundance, pleasure  and success...but yet there seems to be an underlying sense of conflict, violence and being affected by others....

                           Swords- has this energy that swirls when invoked, is forceful,  strong that comes from perceptions, A sadness that can be transformed into peace restored.... A sense of being defeated becoming earned success.... A feeling of Despair and cruelty with a need to be clever and eloquent ... to using your skills to bring ideas to the forefront....

                           Pentacles - This energy feels very grounded and earthy.. Materialistic, physical ... 
Pentacles bring us energy that talks of Change, work related, Earthly Power, A loss or trouble related, Success, of one being cautious, enormous wealth, kindness , fertile, and courageous.... 


Five of Wands                 Seven of Pentacles          Knight of Cups

Two of Swords .......

Three of Cups Queen of Wands Ten of Wands 

All The Wands ... 
Feel the Strength, the courage,.. the strife and conflict, the struggles, the labour and the swiftness with success overall ... 

This is a great deck to work with energetically .....  The images can be a bit revealing in some and maybe a bit triggering in some areas of life ,  I love that about this deck.. it makes you really look honestly at a situation.. You can not  deny what is being triggered within because of the images within a reading...

RECOMMENDATION LEVEL :  1-10   I would definitely give this deck  between a 8-9  for an advanced Tarot reader ...... This is not a deck I would recommend for beginners of Tarot ....
So much information to digest and understand ....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

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