Shamanic Medicine Cards Review



This deck for me carries imagery to an amazing level that opens new doorways to insight that gives guidance on many levels ...
This is a new deck for me, and am absolutely loving the images.
This deck has visions from the Elements, the directions and so much more .
The Guidebook carries alot of information per card....
It begins with a journey of the card, what it means overall, continues to tell you what it reveals and what other Divinatory Meanings are,  then it shares a Personal Message ...


Take the Guidebook
Take a slow breath and focus on a question....
let the guidebook open and read the message...
Take the cards and choose a card ... Look at the two messages and find the answers that lie within your question ...
Write in your Journal the messages that you receive and Divine the answers...


Taking a card..
Inhale and exhale slowly  .. focusing gently on the imagery of the card....
Keep focusing on the card as you find yourself stepping into the card....
look around you as you speak to the character... if there is no character look around and look at your own sensations...and be aware of how you are feeling.... Notice  colours, smells, anything you are touching, what does it feel like?   Notice all that you can and when you are  ready, Thank the character.. Thank your Spirit Guide and step out of the card....
Take a slow deep breath and relax....
Then take a moment in your journal to write everything you can remember about the card... every moment that you were inside the card, every smell, colours, everything your saw and touched...


The Back of the Card 

The Box and the Guidebook ..Share the same image from the
Medicine Shield Card  for Protection ...

Medicine Shield Speaks 
Your Personal journey's mine to tell
I wear your story very well.
I'll guard you as you hold me near,
Protection placed, nothing to fear. 

25th January, 2018 
Challenge ....

From the Guidebook 
Trickster speaks 
Upside down and inside out
Tis what my medicine's about
Chaos and change I bring with me
In order that you truly see.

Trickster revealed
The Trickster takes on many forms, male, female, god or goddess, Spirit or Animal. They are all wise and skilled in self-willed behaviors. The trickster pushes peoples boundaries to test whether they run or stay the course. we learn from unexpected experiences and teachings the trickster brings. Sadly this purpose and meaning has been lost in modern times where the trickster is often depicted as a Fool, Clown or Comic.

Other Meanings ...
To move out of your comfort Zone and embrace new challenges. Stop procrastinating, for your purpose awaits. Release control, judgement and expectation. A surprise direction is a great blessing. An opportunity disguised in a situation is just what you've been waiting for ...


  1. Hello, can you please share with me the text of the book for the card "Fire" that you showed up?

    1. Fire Speaks - Call upon the Spirit of Fire,
      Invoke new courage and all you desire.
      My force will ravish fears and plight,
      Ignite the flame of passion tonight.

      A fear of fire, a cold approach brings obstacles, offer warmth to others. a renewed passion. A sense of inner strength.

      What does fire mean to you .. for me it can speak of burning away of something that no longer serves you. a sense of being creative in one's journey. Finding one's own inner passion . To yearn, burn for someone, something ./.. With these cards I have started to find they give answers when you look at the imagery, think about the word... (sorry it took so long to reply... )


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