Some Steps that May help...

Something has drawn you into Witchcraft, a book, a movie, a tv series, a friend, a feeling , a magazine, something online .. It does not matter how you were drawn into this path you find yourself walking upon but why... Why does it resonate with you?  What does it make you feel as though this is where you belong? 

The First thing you need to do is find yourself a book to write in, a Journal, A Book of Shadows, Grimoire.... This book will contain all of your thoughts and opinions. THIS IS YOUR BOOK.....
Everything you discover resonates with you, spells, rituals, tools, herbs, essential oils, symbols, colours and so much more .... Your knowledge will expand with commitment... 

This is not about what others see but what you see within self, what you discover about who you are? What beliefs have you carried through life?

Look deeply and ask yourself - Why Witchcraft? What inspires you to be A Witch? What does it mean to you?  Religion vrs Science?  Can you combine both?  Do you wish to explore Wicca? Druidism? Paganism as a Whole?  IS there a branch that interests you more?  Find out about Dianic, Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Asatru, Stregharia, Correllian Wicca and more ..... Find what resonates with you ... maybe you want more of a Solitary practice? 

Maybe Wicca does not resonate with you on any level and you want a more Norse Practice, or maybe a Celtic or Pictish practice (Traditionally Pagans - Country Dwellers) ....

Druidism seems to resonate, a Shamanic practice seems more your pathway ....

Whatever path you choose, know why and understand that path to the best of your ability...

These pages will include mainly aspects of Wicca,  Witchcraft as that is the path I take ... I do carry other aspects within me and when we cover Reincarnation- (Past Lives)  I will share those connections with you ....


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

Photos of my Collection

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune