Tarot de Marseille

There are many different versions of this deck .. Tarot de Marseille comes not  from Marseille but is a style of  Tarot card that was reproduced by many different artists with similarities and differences... They were produced by many in Cities across France and from several Swiss artists .... Flemish also .. There are varieties with the Spanish Tarot and The Italian Tarrochi and Decks from other European Countries that may seem similar but also very different ...

The Other Style of Decks include Rider Waite Smith (Designed By Pamela Coleman Smith on commission for Arthur Waite in approx 1910- 1911 .... Recommended for those beginning the Tarot Journey ...

and Aleister Crowley with Freida Harris 1938-1943 before both artists Died so published in 1963 Thoth Tarot ....A more advanced Tarot Deck   including Occult Symbology ....Astrology and Kabbalah ....

I have used similar decks overtime 1JJ Swiss Tarot (unfortunately this has now disappeared from my life)  and Looked at several decks on Orphalese.net
The Imperatrix Tarot, The Grunged Marseille and Marseille in a Can   (A fun deck for virtual use with the software) Finally I decided I needed to purchase a  physical deck to use and learn with as I wanted to get back to the roots of Tarot ....

I decided to purchase a Lo Scarabeo  Tarot de Marseille 
A modern version Of Claude Burdel 1751.... 
This deck has similarities and differences re colours within the deck... and looking at the imagery overall I found similarities and differences within the different decks ...


I have spent some time looking at different books and Youtube videos, websites
and discovered there are many ways to work with Tarot de Marseille....  Some work with set meanings for each card.. Some people look at the deck as the numerlogical connections from the Pip (Minor Arcana) cards to the Trumps (Major Arcana) ... with the connections to the Elements (the Four Suits)  ... Some just look at the imagery to get a meaning within the context of the question... What do they see the cards in a progression is telling them  (they usually work with 3 cards or more) and in how they connect together to tell a story... In understanding how the Suits progress ....

Some connect loosely with the Rider Waite Smith, others to Playing Card meanings overall. 

This deck I purchased with the LWB has set meanings for each card to begin with and then from there can start looking at the cards in further detail , by working with the imagery itself.  By describing how one feels from the image.. in what one actually sees, What is the character doing?  Where are the items placed within the card? What surrounds them? Are they open or closed? What colour are they?  How many? and what do they represent? 

I wanted to begin by learning a set of meanings, understanding some keywords and then I can build from there...

By Looking at first The Lovers- The Keyword for this card speaks of Choices ....
and The Chariot speaks of Victory ... So looking at this combination, we see a sense of success if we can make a clear cut choice in what is right for us at this time ....  

A real simple way of looking at these cards ... without thinking about a context these cards could mean, depending on the question asked .....

Overall I love the vibrancy of colours within this deck and the way it has enabled me to discover so much more re tarot ... on a very Traditional  but yet modern way... 
Even after working with Tarot for over 20+ years I continue to discover I have yet so much more to learn...

Check out my Youtube Channel  Hekate's Crossing  for my introduction to Tarot de Marseille.

and then check out the rest of the learning vids I have on my playlist I have added from other's I have looked at and have found a variety of learning methods and meanings.. you may found useful .... in regards to Tarot de Marseille....  The meanings I have included come from the Lo Scarabeo  LWB ....
There are so many great people who have shared some amazing information I felt that instead of repeating the information I would share the links on my Youtube Channel in The Playlist  Tarot de Marseille Learning  There are a variety of great Videos .... (hope you enjoy the information and it assists you on your journey of discovery ....

Check out this link for a little history about the different decks ....
 Tarot de Marseille Heritage 

Also check out info Different methods of reading with This style of card...

Yoav Ben-Dov 

Tarot de Marseille on Wikipedia 

Rebuilding of Tarot de Marseille with Jodorowsky and Camoin

Here are some basic information to further your Study ....
Tarot de Marseille Made easy 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune