
Showing posts from July, 2017

Why Do Readers Read Cards Differently?

Each Deck is so Different .. There are many different Tarot decks designed by many different amazing individualsā€¦ Every deck is perfect in itā€™s own wayā€¦ Some images speak louder than others, that is because we as readers are all very different, we are individuals that like and are drawn to different artworkā€¦ Also our thoughts processors are individualized.  Our perceptions are individualized.  No one sees the same image in the same card. Different colours, characters, symbols stand out for each of us. That is why you will find different Tarot readers deliver the same messages in a different way.  And sometimes it can take awhile to make sense of a reading.. We as Tarot Readers have to interpret what we seeā€¦ With our experiences in life so different from each other we interpret things quite differentlyā€¦ I understand there are suggestions in how we read Tarot and there are basic keywords ,  trying to memorise what someone else sees can drive one crazyā€¦ I find wh...

Update with

Wow This is awesome... I am having so much fun, being creative, discovering new decks online to share for fun, for learning and developing own intuition, ability to receive the guidance from Tarot and Oracle cards.. My Recommendation: Download The Orphalese Tarot and Oracle Software.... Choose one of the versions available... Comes with 2 Decks and 3 Spreads.... Version 10   ... (limited usage )  if you want to  add more decks  either register which is quite reasonable  or go back to version 9.... Then you can continue .... Now comes the Fun Part.... Download over 100 Tarot/ Oracle/ Rune/I-Ching and other Fun Decks.... Then Look for Other Free Download decks  that available online- decks you can study with and have fun learning.... (Add info to the details tab) Take The Decks You Own and scan and add them to the program ... Don't forget to add Author info to the details tab. Then Take each deck and add info to the pop-up notes.. info from...

Solar Plexus Ready to Digest Life...

HeKate's Xing Crystal and Chakra Healing Oracle Solar Plexus Ready to Digest Life... This speaks of being healthy, in eating, nutrition but also speaking about how you react to situations on your journey.. How do you choose to react to things as they occur?  When someone speaks rudely or is difficult, do you respond i the same up or with understanding that maybe they have had a difficult day and needs to be treated with kindness and understanding.. Treating others as you would like to be treated.... When you focus on the yellow in the card feel yoursslf being successful,. When you can see yourself as being successful you see others in the same light in all they do. You believe and have faith  in others as you do for yourself.... See Yourself Being All That You Are, changes the way you react to situations, Y0u are responsible for those choices you make....  Personal Power, abition, intellect, astral force, desire and emotions based on intellect and ...

Echoes of One - Sacred Geometry Oracle

  Sacred Geometry Oracle Today 24th August  12 Expanded Sri Yantra T his card speaks of Freedom , Freedom in opening oneself to all possibilities.. Opening up from within, Surrendering to what lies in The NOW.  Not worrying about the future. not swelling on the truth  but allowing self to Sit still in The Moment Being Present in Your Heart, Bring self to a place of pure Love. An expansion of your heart 'that lies beyond words but is a feeling that is unable to be truly described or appreciated by anyone else. This is your moment to BE!  Reflect, meditate on the card and find your inner expansion...  9 Echoes of One The Greater Whole and Balance are the keywords for this card... We see two people sharing a moment, it is very intimate, close, no one else exists but these two... The World has disappeared, Only these two People actually exist in this time.... In this moment... Everything is coming together, joined, merged, everyt...

Game of Thrones

Finally Got back into having a peek at this deck  Today's card The Emperor ..  This card always reminds me of a ruler that provides well for his people, an authoritative figure that earns his respect through doing what is right for his people...  This card reminds us to be our own leader in our own journey... For us to make our own plans and ideas.. to provide for ourselves in what we want ....  \ Jess's Thoughts when she created this card...  The Emperor - Tywin Lannister Keywords: Authoritative, father figure, structure Reversed: Domineering, controlling, excessive, inflexible ! On reason why I loved Tywin for this card is the fact that the Emperor was once a warrior who have elevated to a role of being the one running the show. Often someone who relates to this card runs into problems with finding themselves carving the battlefield from time to time and getting sucked into tricky situations. Thatā€™s kind of the story of Tywi...

How I Connect With The Cards...

The Way I Connect with the Cards, the messages as individuals for each person. Knowing that each person is so different from another... I understand that everyone is different, All Readers read differently. They may use tools or no  tools . They may use Cards, Runes, I-Ching, Tea-leaves, palms and crystals.. You may even find a reader that connects with jewelry. There are so many ways a reader will read for a client. Even card readers read differently from each other, Some use Tarot, Oracle, or even Lenormand Cards, Others will use playing cards, they use specifically for Readings. You may find some readers read the cards to set meanings and others use them as Gateways to connect with their Spirit Guide to receive individual messages.  There is no One Correct way. There are no blanket rules in regards to how a reader should read.  You may find some readers connect to the Angels and Archangels before and during the reading.  You may find  Tarot and...

HeKate's Crossing


Vesta's Art Tarot Deck- Suit of Earth


Vesta's Art Tarot Suit of Air


Vesta's Art Tarot Suit of Water


Suit Fire


Vesta's Art Major Arcana Image and Meanings
