Seasons of the Witch- Samhain Oracle

 I have wanted to dive deep into this deck for awhile .. I have used it as few times, finding myself reaching for the guidebook for each card ...  So I now want to spend some time getting to know each card, it's images, it's title and it's poetry.. by understanding each card I am hoping to be able to read the cards without always referencing the guidebook.. SO let's begin this journey....

Starting with All Hallow's Eve .. 

Card Number 1... All Hallow's Eve 

This  begins by thinking about Samhain, what does it mean to me personally, this is the time when the veil is at it's thinest , the connection between the two realms are real close,.. We celebrate those who have passed with a supper and a Ritual.. Many Cultures celebrate this in different ways .  This is a way to summon the energy ..Summon a deity .... it can be an emotional time. 

2- Altar 

This is a sacred place  that one may use to honor another, a deity, through devotion, worship . It can be a table, a rock, a shelf, a box, inside or outside .. There is no right or wrong way to use an altar .. or to build an altar.  This is unique to the individual. 

3- Ancestors

For me this card  reminds us to connect with those who have passed... Finding a connection between ourselves and our Ancestors, looking at the history of our past ...  This may be a time to discover who we are as individuals, how do our Ancestors impact our current journey?  

4- Apples 

Apples for me can speak of love  but also of poison ..  taking a bite .. unknowing what will happen next ...  There could be deception, a lack of trust needed in those around you..  Someone is not honest in their action. There is someone rotten in the pack .  

5 Banshee

This card reminds me of the scream of the Banshee .. the reminder that she arrives to  warn  others of their fate.. maybe she is letting us know of her own fate, the loss of someone dear to her..  She is sobbing beyond this realm.. Her sobs are heard from afar.   This card arrives to speak of omens..  that share  warnings of things to heed.  

6- Bat 

In Different Cultures Bats can speak of psychic abilities ,a power that may lie hidden within. It may be feared by some  while others work with it to bring change to their journey ...  It can speak of what was hidden is now revealed... 

7- Black Cat

Independent, magick .. Even though a cat  may seem independent it will return to its home.  A magick is created by being a familiar connecting to The Witch...  This card arrives to remind us of our own boundaries , a reminder saying NO  can be powerful on one's own path.  

8- Broom 

Sweeping away, clearing the debris..  Making way for the new to arrive.. Looking towards one's dreams and goals ..  Connection to the Home ,,, 

A little each day  to build my knowledge of these cards ... 

As we continue ... 

9- Candle Magic

This card reminds us to manifest what we want through  working with candles, colour can be part of the manifestation spell...   It reminds us to manifest what we desire through action taken ... Illumination, light, fire  ...this asks what is our intention?  .

10- Cauldron 

For me this card asks us to blend things in  our journey to create something new to move us ahead ... It speaks of Transformations, changes to our path.  The Centre of our home ...

11- Coming of Winter 

This tells us it will be cold, dark soon, things may freeze for awhile, waiting for things to thaw ...  Things may feel stagnant on some level.. Stuck in one place... This may be time to rest, reflect on  what lies ahead...

12- Crystals & Herbs 

Working with Crystals, herbs during healing, spell work, rituals etc... This card may speak of this time being a time of healing... Find a deeper connection with  The Earth by working with its Energy... 

13- Dark Moon 

Releasing the old  , ready for the new.. The ghosts of the past need to be released  so new life can be breathed forward ... Bringing a new beginning to your journey... 

14- Divination 

Reflection, searching for Answers, finding guidance  by using Tools  to discover the truth. 


This brings us a connection to Mentors, to Others who can show us the way ...


This card asks we connect to the Elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth to find a sense of balance , harmony waits for you in this moment ... 

17- Frog 

For me the Frog hops but can also sit still in the moment, waiting.. it may use it's voice to tell us it is near or may be calm, and silent waiting .. Bringing with it healing of your emotions ...Transformations, changes .. a sense of serenity to the moment ... 

Day Three 

18 Graveyard-
A sense of those who have passed, there may be an ending to a situation or a Transformation on some level. You may find yourself at a crossroad... Trying to make decisions... Having choices yet to make. 

19 Greet The Darkness 
A need to embrace all that you want hidden. Acknowledge those parts we deny of ourselves ... Face our adversities.  

20 Grief 
This may be about dealing with our own grief, the loss of someone. Something may not be as it seems ... 

21 Haunted 
We may feel haunted from the past .. AT this moment the past seems to live around us .. 

22 Healer
We may find ourselves being a Healer, maybe we are a healer or need to see a healer for some reason. 

23 Intuition 
Using our intuition to  see the truth,  to  know what lies beyond this realm ... Trusting our intuition in a situation. 

24 Journey 
Walking ahead.. a Path awaits us in this moment.   a long journey we have taken, must take or will take ... 

25 Mischief..
Something or someone not being honest, not with integrity.. maybe a prankster, a trickster, a conman .. Maybe time to look beyond the illusion..   

Day Four 

26-Nature Spirits
Ready to start a new day .. awakening ..   bringing with it a sense of sacredness through it's playfulness .. Having fun  in this moment, knowing it is done with a sense of Ritual on some level .. 

27- Owl
Wisdom, Knowledge gained through the connection with The Ancient Ones .. Bringing a sense of Magic to it all...  Seeing beyond .... 

28- Potions and Spells 
Transformation, changes come from a belief  that lies within. Blending things together to create something new .. 

29- Protection 
Prayers, chants, affirmations of protection .. Asking  for protection..  Manifesting protection by action taken is so important ..

30 Pumpkin
Harvest .. Things coming into  fruition ... Gifts arrive in lots of different ways ... 

31- Rebirth 
renewal , feels like there is death on one level and yet things come into a rebirth from letting go of the past and letting the new take hold ... There is a new day for things to awaken.  

32- Reflection .. 
Seeing things for what they are...  reflective thoughts..  facts, truth ,  not everything is as it seems, not as it appears .. Be wary of the reflection ... 

33- Ritual 
Ceremony,   Connecting with The essence of the current energy..  Celebration, manifesting, creating , Creatrix energy... 

34- Rooted 
Grounded..  staying out of your head.. Connecting with nature ... Being At One with all! .... 

Day Five  
 As we continue looking at each card... 

This asks we are aware of what seduces us at this time?   What are we seducing in this moment? What are our desires?  This talks about surrendering to our desires ...  

36- Silence 
Sitting in silence, listening can bring us knowledge in the moment .. Meditation, reflection, contemplation, truly listening to what is being said.  

This can speak of a web being created .. The threads of life connected ...the patterns in life are created by our actions taken.  

38- Third Harvest 
This is about gathering what is of value to our Nourishment , in filling what felt empty at one time ... abundance, bounty, fruition..... 

39- Transformation
Changes , things ending so new can arrive...  changes come from deep within ... 

40- The Underworld
This can speak of a clear journey, moving from one aspect to another . things shifting .. taking a leap of faith, belief to what is possible ... into the unknown  

41 The Veil 
This speaks of connections, travelling between the worlds.   This is the time of year when the Veil appears its thinnest... Not truly seeing what is there ... needing to not only open your eyes  but believe in what you see. 

42- Voices 
Spoken, speaking, communication,  hearing what is there, truly listening ...  Using own voice in this moment .. 

43- Witch 
Knowing the Magick lies within .. You are all that is ! v 

44- Wolf- This speaks of freedom, being wild .. trusting instinct, being part of a pack (community, family)  learning gaining knowledge ... Speaking of using your own sound ...  


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune