Chapter Five Continued Chakras


A pendulum is a tool that can be used for healing and answering questions. Pendulums can be crystals, metal, wooden pieces on a chain or cord. The choice is yours. No right or wrong type.
When you have decided which pendulum you would like to work with now it is time to cleanse, consecrate and program it to be used.


There are many ways to cleanse a pendulum. I do not mean physically clean with water because it is dirty but to clear away the energies of others, not bad or good but energies that may interfere with you getting correct answers.
Start with cleansing by visualizing a blue cleansing light washing through the pendulum.
Or smudge with white sage (Dried plant used by Native Americans, Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans when cleansing a room or a person.)


This tool is a sacred tool to be used with healing or answering questions from Spirit (Higher Self). Have respect for your tools and they will respect you.
To consecrate the pendulum, visualize a white light going through the pendulum and then a gold light.
Or hold it quietly in your hands, hold your hands up to your mouth and quietly, slowly blow your breathe three times onto the pendulum. Connecting your energy with it.


To program your pendulum enables you to only get answers you understand clearly. There are many thoughts and opinions to how you should program the pendulum to work with you. This is my thoughts which work for me.
For Yes, I programmed the pendulum to swing like I was nodding yes.
For No, swing like I am nodding no.
Working, clearing, applying healing, swing in a circle for when healing is applied or blocks need to clear.
Maybe- diagonal swing
Stop-when finished.
I made sure this was clear and easy to understand. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple Sweetie. Did not want it to be complicated.

Exercise 5:3
1. Stand or sit quietly.
2. Breathe deeply and slowly.
3. With the pendulum ask that the base chakra is cleansed
4. Watch the pendulum circle and when complete, stop.
5. You can ask if it is complete and watch it, does it nod yes or no.
6. Then continue with each of the chakras until complete.
7. Then continue again with the base chakra to balance it.
8. Again ask if is complete? Yes or no?
9. Continue with all the chakras until completed.
10. Then ask the Higher Self to realign the chakras.
11. And watch when it is completed.
12. Thank Higher Self when complete.
13. Write everything in journal. Feelings, sensations. Images etc.

Practice, does this every day then find a friend to be a guinea pig to help you practice. Ask her to write you a review in what she felt and thought. Helps to see what you can do to improve. Feedback is really important.

Crystals and Chakras

There are many thoughts on how to work with crystals and the Chakras.
Lying on the body with the crystals that represent each chakra. These are just suggestions. There are many different crystals you could use. Trust in self.

Base Chakra-Red. Red Jasper, black, obsidian
Sacral Chakra-Orange. Carnelian
Solar Plexus-Yellow. Tigers Eye
Heart Chakra-Green. Malachite or Pink. Rose Quartz
Throat-Blue Lace Agate or Turquoise
Third Eye- Lapis Lazuli
Crown-Amethyst or Selenite.

You may find yourself being drawn to other crystals that may be more suited. Use them. Trust your intuition.

Exercise 5:4
Lie down and place the crystals upon your body. Close eyes and breathe slowly. Listen to quiet music. Incense and candles going, to create a healing environment. Try also with a friend and see what they feel and thought about. Did they see any images, words, have sensations? Write down everything.

Chakras are also affected by Sound. There are many ways to create sound healing for the chakras. Compact discs, music created especially for the chakras. Cleansing, balancing each chakra. Vibrational healing using a Tibetan bowl can be incredible. Chanting using special chants with certain music notes can bring about an incredible shift within.

Base Chakra-Note: Middle C Chant: Lam
Sacral Chakra-Note: D Chant: Vam
Solar Plexus-Note: E Chant: Ram
Heart Chakra-Note: F Chant: Yam
Throat Chakra-Note: G Chant: Ham
Brow Chakra-Note: A Chant: Aum
Crown Chakra-Note: B Chant: Om

Exercise 5:5
1. Do not sit. Stand with feet slightly apart.
2. Inhale and exhale slowly to a count of three. (as previous exercises).
3. Close eyes.
4. Inhale as You exhale start with Lam
5. Do this 3 times.
6. How do you feel?
7. Continue with each of the chants until completed.
8. Then write down how each chant made you feel? Where did you feel it?
9. How do you feel now it is complete?
10. Re do this exercise if you can with the musical notes with an instrument or vocal.
Remember to journal everything with the date at top of the page. Do this every day. How do you feel after doing this for one week? After One month? One three months? Six months? (optional).
There is one more thing I must share with you. A very long time ago, this was shared with a group of us by a visiting Hawaiian Kahuna in Honouring your Magnifencence. This is about deep breathing, feeling calm and centred by saying as you exhale the vowels.

Exercise 5:6
1. Stand. Do not sit. Feet slightly apart, arms by side.
2. Inhale slowly, hold, exhale.
3. Do this until feel your breathe.
4. Inhale, hold then as you exhale say “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
5. Do this three times
6. Where do you feel this? How do you feel now?
8. Do this three times.
9. Where did you feel this? How do you feel?
11. How do you feel?
12. Three times.
14. Three times
16. Three times.
17. Then keep breathing slowly.

Write down how you feel. How it has affected you?

Now try saying “A E I O U”. Do this three times. And again write down how you feel. What are the vowels of your name? For me Paula “A U A” . Saying it three times in honouring who you are. Very powerful.

There is so much more information available on the chakras we will continue further study in another chapter. Continue to go through the exercises. Go back and repeat some of the previous exercises. Keep journaling everything.

To have your own copy of this and more information with Further Study of The Chakras


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