Epic Tarot - Reading 26 Sept.2018

What do I need to Know re the rest of the week , with what is going on? 

Working with The Epic Tarot .... 

Without going into full details, I made an error in judgement a few years ago and have paid for that time and will continue to live with the consequences ... All I have been trying to do for the last year is move forward with my journey. Make things a little better for myself and my children. I know I am not perfect and can admit my mistake but that is a very personal journey...  Last night someone sent me a very nasty message in my Twitter DM which threw me into a bit of a tail spin.. I am lucky I have many friends and family that have supported me through this difficult time.. Unfortunately, those that make reference to a time of the past, actually do not have the full story but only what they have been told and have made a personal judgement on my past actions... This reading allows me to process this on a real personal level... 

Let us begin with the first two cards 

3 Spheres and 10 of Swords -
These cards speaks of being elevated, being recognized for what I have achieved. Know I have done the best I can at this time, and know I have support... 
The Work is done- I have done what I needed to in the past, that part of my life has ended.. time to move forward and get on with the possibilities with clarity.... knowing the truth within self ...

Part Two 
Griffin of Swords- talks about Sword in Action.... there are things I can do without rushing in. careful planning, careful thought, be a  strategist in all that I do...

7 of Books (RX) this tells me the best thing to do is block the battle (exactly what I did - blocked the person) confirmation I did the right thing, without getting into a battle and trying to explain things my side of the story, left it alone ....

1 Sphere- tells us The Sphere IS! ...  Potential of all possibilities is what I make it ... 

Part 3 ... 

Griffin of Chalices- talks about the Chalice being in Action brings News on some level ...
Also speaks of Dreams, and love being in your life when  you keep taking action ... (Do not listen to the Nay-sayors )   Take responsibility wisely at this time ....

2 Books- speak of things not yet written, creativity burns wisdom .... Up to me what lies ahead overall ...

6 Swords- Time to be Inspired, find inspiration .... a shift in ideas and thoughts... through knowing my own inner truth ...

2 Spheres- Being balanced within -  back to my Yoga and meditation, Chakra work/ Energy Healing,.. Know I have support  to find my Inner Balance...

3 Swords- Something weighs heavily on me .. I know that I need to let that go, release, forgive myself as I work ahead on my journey.. I had thought I had dealt with it but yet I let the thoughts of others still affect me on a deep level...  I still know I have the rest of my life living with my past actions but I can not let it stop me from living my life ....

5 Books (RX) Upright this card speaks of Being attacked, and I know this may come up over time again and again, there are people who can not help themselves but get involved in other people's business. They think they are always perfect and never made an error in judgement . Said Yes when they should of said NO..... Gave in to someone else asking instead of staying firm in the NO! 
So I need to find ways to stay protected ... Stay clear of other's negative thoughts and opinions.... and find a way to stay firm in my own truth ... the Facts ... not assumptions!

I know overall this will take some deep work .. through working through this personally..
By sharing this  here in my Tarot journal online... I may find others may be critical of my past ... 
I have left that past behind.. all I want to do is find peace with my family and friends, those that have supported me over the years during this difficult time, understand my error and I have and will continue to pay for it for the rest of my life, due to restrictions on some level... Those I can not control .. There are some things I can do and that is take a step forward one day at a time ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune