Minor Arcana Keywords Continued Wands

Let us continue working through the Keywords of the Suit of Wands .... 




Keywords Ace to Ten of The Suit of Wands ...

Ace of Wands-A spark, a thought of a creative idea, New starts ...
Two of Wands-Choices, decisions re an ambitious idea, a creative project, business enterprise... The World is in your hand, the World is your oyster...
Three of Wands-Achievements so far, not yet reached your destiny, looking ahead, left behind ...
Four of Wands- Hope, stability, celebration, foundations, A connection
Five of Wands-Battles, games of war, Conflicts
Six of Wands-Victory, success after a battle, authority, pride, a leader....
Seven of Wands-Standing up for self against others...
Eight of Wands- Quick, rapid, fast moving...
Nine of Wands- Nostalgia, viewpoint, perspective, standing with a thought of the past...
Ten of Wands- Burdens, hard work , ambitious, persistent energy ...

The Court Cards ...


Page of Wands-He is facing this energy of the wands, the need to have a drive, motivation, a youthful energy that brings a sense of a strength within...
Knight of Wands-A Young Man  who seems to hesitate in his movement forward.. It feels like he has not got all of the information before he rushes in ... He has motivation, and drive but likes to feel in a sense of being in control of the situation...
Queen of Wands-This Woman is fiery, passionate and loves life to the fullest, She is unique and follows her own energy with a sense of mystery to who she is as an individual..
King of Wands-This Mature Man has a drive from the past, he does not think too much about what lies ahead, he can be seen as a bit of a player as he is very much about his youthful past. 

These keywords are not all of what is possible to describe each of these cards... Just the beginning .. take each card and do some of the previous exercises again ... now that you have an understanding of the keywords does it change your initial thoughts of the cards

Ready for the Next Suit?
Cups- review the keywords
Swords- review of the Keywords
Pentacles- review of The Keywords


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune