Minor Arcana - Swords

Continuing with the Minor Arcana let us explore the Swords ..




Keywords for the Suits of Swords 

Ace of Swords-Clarity, an idea, a thought, a fresh beginning to a plan, the truth ...Double edged
Two of Swords- Choices, decisions, blinded to the crossroads, the options available..
Three of Swords- Betrayal, honesty, neglected, integrity...
Four of Swords- Rest needed, vacation, time out, sleep..
Five of Swords- Third party conflict, fight, might be needing to walk away from a fight.
Six of Swords- Shift in thoughts, maybe moving onto smoother waters, leaving behind old thoughts
Seven of Swords- Thief, stolen, taken away, needing to get back what was once taken.
Eight of Swords- suppressed, bound, blinded, not seeing the way clearly, using other senses to navigate the way ...
Nine of Swords- Stressed, worry, anxiety, Give worries to the Universe... Ask for help
Ten of Swords- Endings, back stabbing- symbolic, Finish something.

Now let us look at the Keywords for the Court cards of the Suit of Swords 

Page of Swords- Youthful person is a truth seeker... Does not tolerate lies, he wishes to uncover the truth in all aspects of his journey ...
Knight of Swords-A young knight arrives on a white horse rushing ahead with no real plans, maybe.. maybe he has an idea but not really thought about clearly.  This card reminds us to be a strategist intellect in ideas and plans.  Slow down, do not always be in a rush ...
Queen of Swords- A Mature Woman who looks to the future, Sharp tongued, clear cut about the truth, Nurtures plans, ideas, intuition and thoughts.
King of Swords- A Mature Man who gives practical, logical advice re the Now. a Deep thinker, thinks carefully about what he communicates.

Not a exhaustive list of keywords- create your own by looking at each card in detail...

Other Suits and their keywords ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune