Romani Method of Reading Playing Cards

I have been reading a book by Robert Jasper Lee  "The Old Romani Playing Card Book"
Robert explains a bit of the History and gives an understanding of the Elements, the Realms and the describes a bit of each suit..  Talks about what the Numbers mean  and then begins by putting them all together .... 

To learn and memorize the cards as individuals is taking a little while ... as I am beginning to understand each suit and the numbers overall  it is taking a bit of time to fully understand each card in each area of life .... I can give a reading and share the info as an overall but still learning to put it into a reading with depth... 

So Far  ... Without looking at the book  ...
I Understand Spades Element of Air speaks of Thinking, Intellect and wit ... thoughts and ideas... ,
Club Element of Fire speaks of Creativity and desires, passions and ambitions ...
Hearts Element of Water , Dreams, love , Feelings and emotions
Diamonds, Element of Earth, Finances and Health, physical, body ... security...

One speaks of New Beginnings and the Home
Two speaks of Relationships and how to manage them
Three speaks of trials and tests ....
Four structure and foundations
Five Magical connections
Six- feeling Safe
Seven - Luck,   Good or Bad luck- fortune ...
Eight- Completion
Nine- Initiation
Ten- New Opportunities, a chance to redo something

Jack - a Youthful man yet to mature ....
Queen- A woman  with qualities yet defined depending on the suit ....
King- A man who may be moving through a practical journey .One of Logic...

Ace of Spade- reminds one to be centred and calm so ideas can be launched
Two of Spades- Asks what do we truly desire in  our journey by getting to know the qualities of Air...
Three of Spades- reminds us that when we know what we want with clarity we can overcome these trials and tests...
Four of Spades- tells us we can move forward on our path
Five of Spades- Speaks of the Confidence we have as we walk forward on this journey
Six of Spades- tells us we can leave behind our anxiety and stresses....  take some time out and rest  ...
Seven of Spades -Take of the Blindfold to see what awaits is ..... being aware of your environment to see what is.
Eight of Spades- tells us everything is completed at this time and it is time to know what lies ahead for us as individuals ...
Nine of Spades-  A new level within our pathway  awaits us .... as we shift within ..
Ten of Spades- What mentally do we see what is offered to us?    Are we ready to grab this new opportunity? 

Jack of Spades tells us to use our brain not our physical strength
Queen of Spades- reminds us there are times when we need to hold back  on an idea....
King of Spades says now is the time to actually move forward  on this plan .....

Now to work on The Clubs ....
We begin :

Ace Clubs - speaking of Passion being able to use it wisely
Two of Clubs reminds us there is a time for a us to learn how to use our passion
Three of Clubs asks us to allow more passion to overcome the trials we have in our creativity....
Four of Clubs- there are moments when we must get a little more motivated,  create more passion in our journey so new ideas can take shape ....

I am still  learning and moving through the suits ... through each card adds to the story  ....


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