Today's Tarot Card

These cards are not done everyday 

These cards are added as I feel drawn to add them.. There are other readings on my page when you check out my Journal, The Deck Reviews both Tarot and Oracle, Lenormand, Kipper and Belline and Cartomancy Cards .... There are also Today's Oracle Cards which may have a message for you ....

Take a moment, Take a breath  and find the answers that lie within... Which card gives you a message you resonate with Today ? .. It may be a message from the past  that resonates ... If you are learning Tarot these may help with your own study... take what resonates and discard the rest ... 
With the cards you may find my own thoughts plus thoughts from other resources... these give me something to reflect on and expand my knowledge re the card... 
Take care and enjoy the Journey .. Blessed Be!

27th February, 2019 
I have not drawn cards for this blog for awhile but have added lots of daily cards to Twitter and Instagram ... see past posts ... 
Today I did a Spread- cards of the day .... with -----
Archeon Tarot 
Knight of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles 

For me with these cards I feel that news will soon arrive, whether I like the news or not is totally personal.. How I react is up to me .... There may be a chance the news that arrives could be related to my skills.. the ability to achieve completion in something that is of value ...  It may mean that I am able to overcome challenges at this time .... 

How do you feel  when the news arrives that you have been waiting for ?   Have you been able to complete the task you have been set?  Do you feel you are able to overcome all challenges set for you at this time?  

30th January, 2019 

Michael Whelan Tarot ... 
IX Cups 
 Nine of Cups speak of great health as problems seem to evaporate almost as soon as they appear (short illnesses) Emotional joy and material gain seem not possible at this moment but soon will be as the darkness is short lived..

We look at this card .. we see the naked back of a dark haired woman standing against a wall to the right of her we see what appears maybe as a stained glass window , maybe mosaic in style .... a vulnerability,  not completely being shown .. a darkness that soon will add colour ... a vitality to the path .... not yet been seen as the outside is obscured from being fully realized...  A dream  not yet achieved, a love not understood....  The are many colours Red speaks of vitality, Yellow in trusting instinct, Blue asks us to communicate clearly our thoughts, Purple asks us to Connect within our own Spirituality, beliefs, to trust all will be as we desire..... .... Green reminds us healing moves through ourselves when we nurture who we are.... 

12th September, 2018 

Today begins a new look at The Fairy Tale Tarot ..

Seven of Cups 
The Silver Plate and the Bi-Coloured Apple 

Translations from different languages can be different ... 
This is from a Russian Fable 
Click Here to read More 
The Silver Plate and The Transparent Apple 

This card for me speaks of choices, many options are laid in front of us and in which choice do we make, as not all of the choices will be of value to us.... some are sent to confuse us, to teach us a lesson .... to show us that not all are what we expect, just because we are given something it does not mean it is good for us... 
The Truth will always be revealed, be thoughtful of what you desire and the actions you will take, misuse and abuse will find you out... 
Just because you want something does not mean you will have it. 
Take stock of what you do have before you seek more. 
Appreciate What you are being offered...
This card arrives to ask you what you have been dreaming about?  

31st July, 2018 

Lover's Path Tarot 

Keywords: Confidence, Mastery, Support

MEANINGS: Dynamic, stable enthusiasm. The ability to bring ideas to
fruition. Creative inspiration and help. 


This card reminds me a Youthful in heart sort of  Older Man,   a Bit of a player, has a lust for life, a desire for creative energy ...  Always looking for fun ..he may be practical in some approaches to life but knows when to have a laugh. 

I find this card seems to turn up when a Bit of a Playboy seems to have arrived in your life... Someone who has lit your fire....Has seemed to turn your Sex life very intense.. In the Now ....
This Man is confident in his journey and what is happening for him.  He can inspirational and very helpful at this time also....

28th July, 2018 
Vesta's Art Tarot 
Today's Message 
My Thoughts 
Ten of Air- This card  reminds us of the endings that are happening right now .... These may be thoughts, ideas, plans.. Things are changing as  things come to a complete stop... These may be times of when Something may need to be ended, left behind. finished with on a mental level... 

This card can also speak of being stabbed in the back... a sense of being spoken about behind the back... Someone not being open about with thoughts, ideas or a plan they may have.  It could speak of dishonesty at this time on some level... Someone not being with complete integrity... someone not being trustworthy .... 

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fortune Telling 
Present circumstances may be making you feel depressed and unhappy. Plans are falling through and you don't understand why. The card can also suggest a long journey and that a legal matter looms large on the horizon... 

Dream Oracle
There may seem like it is Doom and gloom, a disaster ahead. Time will heal the difficulty provided integrity is maintained. 

The Encyclopedia of Predictions
This card may speak of treachery, a trap, maybe failure of a plan, may feel like absolute downfall.   But Forewarned you can be forearmed ..... May help you review what has already been done, How can things change..... be done better?   

20th July, 2018
Vesta's Art Tarot 
Eight of Fire...
This card speaks of things happening quickly..... rapid.... 

Dream Oracle-
This card talks about thinking quickly, sometimes applied  forcefully, quick fire communication could be misunderstood and not always trusted. 

The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fortune Telling
New coming your way heralds major changes in your life that could involve travel with your career. 
New Ideas could produce excellent results, especially if with financial reorganization... 

Predicting Your Future:
You must think before taking the initiative- impulse action will cause delays, setbacks...Keep calm and do not force the issue... Caution will lead to things moving forward ...

19th July, 2018
Vesta's Art Tarot 
06 The Lovers
Relationship, Intimate relationship, partnership, passion, romance, love, polarity, balance, union, marriage, commitment ... 

Are you ready to commit? Are you wanting balance?  This might be some time to create some passion, a little Romance in your relationship.....  

Dream Oracle
-Liberation, Inspiration, Divine love, Fusion, Bonding....
Element- Air
Sun Sign- Gemini...
6- Building of communication, trust within any relationship 
Deities- Mercury, Hermes
concepts-Freedom through Unity. The integration of the spiritual with the basic urges. Union with Higher Self. 

Predicting your Future,
This card speaks of being happy within your relationship, with compromise and sacrifices. Must maintain a sense of humour throughout.  Keep harmony by not being jealous.  Do not bicker, it is senseless. Love not Love but the person who is with you at this time...  Love who they are as an individual not what you expect them to be...

Encyclopedia of Predictions:
This card may arrive to ask you to make a choice between two lovers, this decision is not simple or straightforward, each choice speaks of losing and gaining.... this card can also speak of Change.... 

18th July, 2018 
Vesta's Art Tarot 
 Today's card is Knight of Water - this card reminds us news in on the way .... maybe someone announces something that affects us on some level ... we may receive some news via written or verbal communication that may cause us to be a little emotional ... This card arrives maybe to tell us about this youthful man that arrives in your life, he brings a kindness that you may not be used to, a Romance that is unexpected. You may find yourself swept of your feet, literally taken for a ride..

The Dream Oracle - This Knight is the archetypal Knight in shining armour, a true romantic who is on a mission to find the Holy Grail of Perfection. 

The Encyclopedia of Predictions-A friendly, romantic, young person, representing new friends, great vision yet could be untrustworthy .... 

Predicting Your Future- Could bring an invitation, news which is important, he can be romantic, dreamy and untrustworthy.. He is anxious for you to receive the message, be cautious and skeptical of anything he offers. Develop your powers of concentration....  

July 14th, 2018 
Chinese Tarot 
Today's message 
Knight of Swords
This card to me always speaks of rushing ahead, a sense of needing to make a plan before you rush straight into it .. Think carefully about what you are doing, where you are going? What may be the consequences from your actions?  
He may also be a youthful Man who arrives into your life.. Thinks about  things before taking action maybe not one of his strong points. He may be a man who arrives to remind you that you need someone who is thoughtful .... who thinks of you .... 

XIII Death 
This Card arrives when you may be going through lots of transformations, changes in your life. Maybe something has been let go, ended on such a dark note. Maybe you are being reminded of what changes and transformation you have already gone through and the fact now is you are leaving behind the darkness and walking now in new light. a sense of Renewal, a rebirth of self on many levels... This is quite deep and spiritual changes in your journey ... People may now be saying how much you seem to have changed within self.  

Ace of Coins 
This card arrives to remind us of how much potential we have ahead of us.. With thought we can take action.  This card speaks of new opportunities that are available to you right now or maybe available in the future.... There may be financial improvement coming ahead for you... Success is possible also ..

JULY 13th, 2018 

Have added other cards to Instagram and Twitter, not added here .... 
but also have been adding cards to other Tarot Review pages on this Blog...
Medicine Woman Tarot
Epic Tarot'
Tree of Life Tarot 
Ghosts and Spirits Tarot 

Today from Vesta's Art Tarot ..
Eight of Earth -----
This for me is a card about skills, talents, working for reward... You are rewarded when you use your skills, talents wisely.   This is in all areas of your life .... but especially in your health and finances, security and within your home.  But can be in regards to work, love, social life, depends on the question asked. 

Let's see what else is said about this card..... 

from:-Predicting Your Future 
Although you will gain success you could feel inner dissatisfaction. Perhaps you are less fulfilled than you would like, you may need intellectual stimulation or simply be in need of more exercise.... 

Where did May go  already Into June... 
Wow  .. Time has flown by ... 
ON Twitter have added From the
Vision Quest Tarot ... 

3rd June, 2018 

Two of Air 
Inner Peace.. 
Are you at this time at a Crossroads, knowing you have a decision to make but feeling like you are blinded to the true path?  Maybe this is a time for you to take a breath, remove the blindfolds and begin to reflect on the path that allows you to feel balanced within with clarity .. 
This may be a time for you to look at the ebbs and flows of the tide within. 
Find the light that shows you the way ... Look at the ideas, the plans you have made.. Can you trust your own intuition at this time?  Find a way to seek the truth ... Know there many possibilities to get to where you want to be .. some paths may not be so easy if not thought about clearly...
Take your time., do not rush .... move with the flow.... 

2nd June, 2018 
The Hermit 
The Hermit arrives to remind us in Silence we find the answers.. IN Solitude, is not about being lonely but the need to be alone  to be in contemplation, reflection, meditation... Knowing the knowledge that lies within only comes forth when we can be in Silence... Connecting with our Power Animals. The Medicine of our Power Animal at this time can only be heard when we truly open our hearts.... to accept the message that is shared with us at this time...  It might be a time of Hibernation, away from others for a moment, we are nourished within our Souls .. The Fire Sparked within us brings new opportunities... bringing a light that shows us the way .. the message revealed from the smoke that wraps around us in that moment brings enlightenment .... new understanding ...

16th May, 2018
Templar Tarot 
We see 10 of Wands reminds us to look at the burdens we are carrying at this time ... 
also to  remember that sometimes hard work can be worth it.... but we must remember to  Take care of self, a little pampering in moderation (Temperance) .. to release what is not allowing us to be nurtured....  7 of Disks-  in this card we see a battle, a sense of tug of war..... being pulled in different directions on some level... looking at what is of value to us at this time will be important ... taking back the security that we feel has been taken away from us... maybe a sense of finances or health may be involved also ... This card asks us to look at what is ripe right now and pluck what we want back into our journey .... 

8th May, 2018
Templar Tarot 
These three cards speak of a give and take union, a relationship that must be looked at from all angles.. all the possibilities within this relationship allows it to be nurtured.... cared for giving it abundance on many levels... A bounty of riches....Happiness, joy, blessings .....  

Today- Instagram posts updated Right Here ..
Both Tarot and Oracle Readings..

7th May, 2018
Native American Reading 
with Crow's Magick Tarot 
Native American Oracle 
Sacred Path Oracle 

I have been posting cards daily on Instagram to see more 

Today's Tarot Cards 26th April, 2018 from the Templar Tarot 
Star speaks of Dreams, prophetic, underlying messages lie within your dreams, are you able to recall these messages to discover what lies ahead for self...  As the Chariot asks you to contemplate the direction you are moving ahead upon .. and decide where you are headed? Six of Cups speaks of a gift being received, not necessarily a physical gift.. it could be a gift of support at this time, a few kind words... take heed my Dear and reflect upon these words to find your inner answers....  these are guidance shared to allow you to be empowered on your journey....  There are times of healing through communication, expressing who you truly are by making sure you use your energy wisely... Connecting with us the Angels, a Divine Connection brings support on many levels ... you only need to sit still and ask .... we will hear your prayers ..... Blessed Be!  

30th March, 2018 
Quantum Tarot Version 2.0 
The High Priestess , 2 Pentacles 
This brings a sense of Seeking, uncovering the truth  but first  be aware of what you are juggling ...

The High Priestess speaks of Always uncovering  what lies hidden, the secrets of the Mysteries, the occult, Knowing what lies hidden and revealing it when necessary.. She also understands that even when she reveals them she does not always speak of them, something best to stay  unspoken ...

2 Pentacles finds himself always trying to juggle everything at once . there does not seem to be true balance in aspects of their life.  maybe finding themselves pulled in many directions, can not say No to others, so always doing everything to help others  a detriment to their own health, causing unbalance in aspects of their own life... 

26th March, 2018 

Unconscious awareness awakens quickly Spiritually

The Moon is Water Element
A sense of  being emotional at this time ... a bit up and down.... fluid ...
add that to the fire and you get a sense of unpredictability, wild and it could add a depth of illusion to it all....  (just some thoughts )

The Moon speaks  of awareness, facing your fears,   Spirituality, psychic, seeing, Seer, Clairvoyance, Cycles, Phases.  Lightness out of darkness, enemies, loyalty.

Eight of Fire asks us to acknowledge how quickly the renewal of creative energy awakens, passions, ambitious .....

Eights Opportunity, Observation, Intention, Abundance, Repetition, Infinity.

Other Thoughts ...
Back to basics
Getting a signal
Environmental matters
Going with the current
To Read More Click Here 

More detail looking at Kabbalah Raven's Site
The Eight of Wands is Swiftness, the element remembers the flaming powers of its self. The Eight of Cups is called Indolence, the emotional waters are not so happy with Hod's logical intellect, still licking the wounds of Netzach and mourning for the loss of Tiphareth. The Eight of Swords is Interference, the Swords are restless and trying to break out, the intellect Air doesn't really like the reign of another intellectual (Hod) above. The Eight of Disks is called Prudence, following its phlegmatic nature, the Earth has learned from the last events and tries its best to prevent further salto mortales such as this.

there is some incredible information on line   in regards to this card ...

This is a great Site to look at  ..

Overall depth can be added to these two cards .... on many levels.... 
Enjoy the journey ....

25th March, 2018.... 
My Review of this Deck   
Don't forget to check out The Website :
The Coffee Tarot  for more details.... 

24th March, 2018 
Vesta's Art Tarot .
Part B of Choosing One card to focus on...

What does the One Card mean to you on a deeper level.. As we are all individualized the same card may have a different meaning for you.... 

Vesta's Art Tarot 
Today's Card-
16 The Tower.
I know many people struggle with this card and think OH NO when they get this OH what horror! But I love this card because it means that even though things may be wobbly and shaky for a while once we surrender to the walls crumbling and we take that leap of faith, we get this sense of Enlightenment, a new understanding, something awakens within us, maybe our passions are stirred, we allow ourselves to heal on many levels, we are finally able to stand on Solid Ground of Reality.. We survive, we come through to the other side...
Embrace this card with a Knowing everything will be okay once we get through to the other side ...
Blessings .... 

March, 2018 
Vesta's Art Tarot 
Today- Choose One Card and reflect on the message ..

Epic tarot 
XVIII The Moon 

This was something  quite different for me Yesterday
sorry took me so long to add it to the Blog ..

Goth Tarot 
These cards are quite Different ..
Knight Of Swords -
With this card I get a sense this knight has an idea, ready for battle, he has a plan, his thoughts are clear in his mind as he stands ready to make his move.  
X Pentacles-
With this card we see a man carrying a woman who seems to have needed must rest. I feel that soon she will be okay, everything will come together but she must spend time being taken care of in some way. 
1 The Magician 
A Man who uses Illusions to create a little Magick in one's life. He uses Tricks that must be seen to be understood, and even then you have to truly look and see he is using his tools to manifest his desires. 

February, 2018

14th Feb..
Fractal RWS Tarot 
V Swords 
1 Swords  (RX) 

These two cards together allow us to understand that as there is some mental conflict in our lives at this time we know it is in our hands to have clarity .... 
It is important at this time to know that it is up to us as individuals to have clear decisions so we can remove the conflict and struggles from our pathway. 

4th Feb, 2018
Epic Tarot 
10 Swords 
The Sword's Work is Done.
At the end of the day after all the arguments are made and debates run dry, the real gift of the sword is understanding. When everyone around is in agreement, pain eases and healing begins.

My Thoughts: 
This card speaks of endings of ideas, plans, thoughts... finally everything starting to come together.
A sense of wholeness within. 

Heavenly Host Tarot 
XIX The Sun, Eight of Swords 
A Heavenly Host tarot bringing Tarot and Angels together to bring insight XIX The Sun,Eight of Swords These cards together brings a sense of freedom when we can unbind ourselves from the blindfolds, from the ropes that tie us in knots... It speaks of the sun shining within.
19 The Sun
Divine Timing, Freedom, Things warming up. allowing the sun to shine on the situation, vulnerability...
The Angels tell us to surrender to the moment....

Eight of Swords...
The Angels remind us we have a mental choice in how we bind ourselves to the past, to thoughts that hold is to negative actions. Allow ourselves to be free of old ideas, old plans.... Surrender to the possibility of a new light within.

January, 2018  

21st January, 2018
Ghost and Spirit Tarot 
XIX The Sun 
freedom, divine timing, vulnerability, warmth, possibilities, potential.... success, liberty .... facing forward. adventures... walking ahead strength, stamina, endurance, digest experiences.. Solar Plexus trust.

Are you ready to walk ahead with strength, focus knowing you have liberty, freedom within self.. Feeling the warmth of the sun around you... feeling the vulnerability of self on many levels... 
Knowing things work out all in Divine Timing you are supported by loved ones ...

10th Jan, 2018  
Vesta's Art Tarot 
Six of Fire 
Harmony, Gift
Energy, Passion, Spiritual Energy, Creativity, Ambition, Drive, 

Confidence of authority ... leadership 

Over the last month I have taken a wee break away from the Tarot Cards to give myself time to reflect

Today's Tarot cards-
25th October, 2017

Sacred Fractal Tarot..
XV Materialism-Restraint
This card speaks of restraint, restriction, addiction, bad habits, feeling suppressed, chained to one's past. to something that holds on to you so tight you feel stuck, stagnant.. unable to move forward...
You know, you see what needs to be done but you feel so out of control that sometimes you feel the easier path is the road to take but yet it leads you on a downward spiral....

Knight of Wands
Hesitant, unsure of moving ahead.. observing, waiting for advice.. waiting for that nudge to move forward... Young Man, youthful, playful type of character, passionate...creative.... fiery....

Together these cards remind us that for us to move forward we must remove all chains, restrictions that hold us from taking action... 

Holy Tarot
Ace of Candles

This card speaks of that initial thought, that spark that creates an idea about energy, spirituality, ambition, creativity...Allowing self to make plans to take action...

25th September, 2017

Native American Tarot 
With Native American Oracle 
+ Sacred Path Cards
To know more Click Here  (Post)
Overall Thought
battles within acknowledge and accept when there are changes.. when you no longer need to fight...
Observe, do not rush ahead, a sense of hesitation allows you to take a breath, get some clarity ...

18th September, 2017

The Goddess Tarot 
VII Movement 
Also check out this link re the Goddess Rhiannon

 After Contemplation move forward with purpose and focus. Determination.
Reflecting on the past enables one to move forward ... No Grey areas only a need for black & White decisions...
Determination, a sense of empowerment.  A passion that lies within all of us surrounds the movement forward. Growth, strength..
Rhiannon reminds us of patience, of having  forgiveness.  She guides us to overcome the injustices we feel have been brought against us.   In Ritual, She will aid us in magick concerning Moon Rituals, fertility, prosperity, divination and self-confidence.
A Movement Forward, a direction,  which we must take with a pure heart.

14th September, 2017

Sacred Fractal Tarot 
Four of Cups..
Melancholy, missing piece of the puzzle, handed it on a silver platter.... A sense of not being aware of what's going on around self.. Finding new foundations, stability within your dreams, love and emotions ...
Are you feeling bored with your life at this time?  Are you dissatisfied with where you are at this time?  Feeling a little unmotivated?  maybe feeling a little self-absorbed at this time, everything revolves around how you are feeling?  Wishful thinking at this time?
This card asks many questions ?
Have you been spending time socializing, partying hard out?  feeling exhausted, tired, hung-over?

13th September, 2017 

New Deck Arrived
The Herbal Tarot .
XV Pan 
Lobelia Flower Meaning- Dislike, Rebuff, Arrogance, Malevolence

From Wikpedia Info re Pan
In Greek religion and mythology, Pan  Ancient Greek: Πάν, Pan) is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs.[2] He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is also recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens; because of this, Pan is connected to fertility and the season of spring. The ancient Greeks also considered Pan to be the god of theatrical criticism and impromptus.[3] The word "panic" is a tribute to the god.

In Roman religion and myth, Pan's counterpart was Faunus, a nature god who was the father of Bona Dea, sometimes identified as Fauna; he was also closely associated with Sylvanus, due to their similar relationships with woodlands. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Pan became a significant figure in the Romantic movement of western Europe and also in the 20th-century Neopagan movement.

In 1933, the Egyptologist Margaret Murray published the book, The God of the Witches, in which she theorised that Pan was merely one form of a horned god who was worshipped across Europe by a witch-cult.[53] This theory influenced the Neopagan notion of the Horned God, as an archetype of male virility and sexuality. In Wicca, the archetype of the Horned God is highly important, as represented by such deities as the Celtic Cernunnos, Hindu Pashupati, and Greek Pan.

XV Pan (Traditionally The Devil) 

Normally speaks of restrictions and addictions. being chained to habits, to old patterns that can be difficult to break.
Overall Pan speaks of Fertility, sexual fertility, a sense of wildness, erotic behavior that some may not find normal, but what is normal?  (makes You Think)...
Could be a behavior that  causes yourself great harm... causes you to seem like you are arrogant,  others dislike you because of how you behave towards others...
The red speaks of anger,  an energy, a vitality for life, a passion the black in it is holding you back from growing  into something positive, instead if you continue down this path there could be repercusions on many levels ...
This card asks you to change those habits,... break the chains...

The Star made me think of a pentagram - I felt like it spoke of ritual, ceremony.. through ritual the changes can take place... create a ritual, a personal ceremony to create a positive change within self ...

10th September, 2017

New Deck 
Vesta's Art Sacred Fractal Tarot...
Knight of Swords..
Keywords: Young Man,
Thoughts, ideas, plans, intellect, intuition
Rushing ahead into battle...

This card for me depends on surrounding cards but on it's own as a daily card it reminds me that sometimes to have movement, to move forward on one's own path there are times to rush headlong into ideas but once all the ideas have been worked out... Create a blueprint for your journey, find the light to follow... Make sure the plan is mentally sound, that you have support around you.. that you are not going into this alone... This card asks many questions re you  rushing into an idea without making sure the plan is a solid one.... Are you ready to use your voice to communicate your battle cry?  To say I AM READY!

8th Septemeber, 2017

Where have the days gone?
Vesta's Art Major Tarot 
IV The Emperor

IV The Emperor

Standing meditation
Leadership, ruler  ....
Strong, respected .....
Fatherhood, Advisor
Don't tell me what to do?   Don't push I will walk away .....
Speak nicely with respect and i will show you the same ...

This is about being a leader in many aspects of your journey. Being in control.. Ruling self with love and support.. Being a Provider ...

5th September, 2017

The One World Tarot
Eight of Swords
Air- Intellect, thoughts, ideas, plans, intuition, communication, Mental status
Eight-Rapid, quick, fast movement, renewal
Traditionally this card speaks of been restricted, blinded, bound, suppressed.. unable to  make the changes you desire, waiting for others to rescue you...
Being tested and tried...
Venus speaks of Love and Money... The materialistic love of  riches and luxury of the world...
Uranus  speaks  of Discovery of being able to seek the freedom, to create change, disrupt old patterns, the sense of liberation, using one's own intuition, non-conforming to what other's believe, allowing a breakthrough of a revolutionary thought, and idea
Aquarius- This card asks we work with the influences of the Aquarians at this time.. Spend time thinking about how to make things better.. use your Visionary Spirit, present ideas that may be found revolutionary.. Find that much is accomplished with the broad and logic mind.. Work with the Artistic and incentive mind, help others along the way of your journey...
This card offers many questions but also many answers to make the changes you need at this time..To release old thoughts, ideas, to find freedom, liberation, to break the bindings that suppress you, that stop you from seeing clearly...
A great card for meditation, reflection, contemplation...wield the swords to cut away the debris to find your inner truth, to find a clear path forward.... 


lay the Cards in a Circle with the Eight of Swords from one deck in the middle..
Take a Second deck - Choose 8 cards and lay them  down in a Circle
Card 1 at the Top moving clockwise
Card #1- What Do I need to release/Let go?
Card #2-What Blinds Me/
Card #3-What keeps me Bound/?
Card #4-What influences me Externally/
Card #5-What Influences me Internally?
Card #6-What Do I need to do to Make the Changes I need/
Card #7-What Gives me Freedom/?
Card #8-Possible Outcome? 

These are today's results 

The Link will give you the overall information of the Reading... 
Taken from the LWB     

Card 1 at the Top moving clockwise
Card #1- What Do I need to release/Let go?
 7 of Cups 
The Sense of seeing what is valuable and what is not/
Letting go the need to only see the value in everything I desire...

Card #2-What Blinds Me?
VII The Chariot
The Direction I think I must go, the journey that I must take 

Card #3-What keeps me Bound/?
VIII Strength 
My Own inner Determination, an endurance, a stamina 

Card #4-What influences me Externally/
Knight of Swords
A battle around me of other's thoughts ...

Card #5-What Influences me Internally?
Ace of Coins
Knowing my own potential 

Card #6-What Do I need to do to Make the Changes I need?
Queen of Swords
Look at the truth, know the facts, nurture my intuition

Card #7-What Gives me Freedom/?
Page of Wands
New Beginnings by learning as much as I can before diving head first into the situation.

Card #8-Possible Outcome? 
King of Wands
Everything Changes within my Environment ... 

That was interesting and insightful,  would love to hear if you tried this layout and whether your results were helpful ... 

4th September. 2017

The One World Tarot 
7 The Chariot 
This card connects with Sagittarius instead of Cancer and I had to do a bit of research to discover why ?  Check out these links for info regarding  info about why ..

The Chariot for me speaks of Direction after much contemplation.. After deciding in which direction to move, it is about getting there with determination, focus and drive...
There is no grey area in this movement, it is very black and white ...
This card is quite different in it's imagery with the Tree of Life.. The Sephiroth speaks of aspects in life we must all travel through to reach where we wish to be.. our Destiny... 
The Chariot travels from Binah (understanding) to Geburah (Severity) 
The Chariot brings a Primal Feminine Energy from the Supernal Mother who is receptive and creates form from the manifested energy that lies within and receives a sense of upheaval, chaos  and being restricted, asking that one discovers their own strength, power and sense of eliminating judgement from one's journey...
Seven reminds us to keep going in all circumstances, do not let distractions or others persuade us otherwise..  Through Hard work and commitment we will achieve exactly what we want in life... keep that momentum going.. Be prepared for your journey before you make that commitment because once you start there is no stopping, no changing direction, you can not change your mind...

Normally the Chariot  is influenced by the Water Element - Cancer, 
but This card is influenced by Fire- Burning away debris (Doubts)  burning away those things that no longer serve you... awakening the Creativity, a spark... of movement within self ...
The Influence of The Sun Sign Sagittarius  speaks of someone who needs to make  a choice based on the Ultimate knowledge and insight  from one's own experiences, and learning, understanding that to make these clear decisions One must be able to learn from past errors, and combine different aspects from a Higher Education within the Philosophy Of  Different cultures to look at the wider possibilities available to your journey.   

3rd September, 2017

The One World Tarot
King of Swords..
A mature man that brings thought and knowing and provides information that is needed during plans and ideas.. The need to review what is happening at this time... With the knowing of the truth of the situation.. The ability to review the thoughts of new plans that are troubling one right now ... 

2nd September, 2017

The One World Tarot
Eight of Batons
Fire Element
Symbols Include Sagittarius , Jupiter, Mercury

This card speaks of things happen Quickly within your Ambition, passion. Spiritual energy, creativity, inspiration, strength. Positive changes take place within your intuition. Knowing Goals are realized as things are close to coming together.

Using The energy of Sagittarius, discover the truth of the changes taking place at this time.
Allowing clear thinking and communication of what inspires creativity within.
There is expansion and a time of growth as the crossroads are travelled quickly in a chosen direction.
IS the chosen direction an easy path or one that is travelled with many lessons to learn?
There is a sense of versatility and agility, a new perceptiveness comes from the changes that bring new knowledge .
Trusting in your instincts in how you digest your experiences on your  pathway.
Travelling through Hod (The Eighth Sephira ) of Splendour bringing mental energy, being able to communicate with reasoning action, bringing movement, providing structure.
As ideas merge into a plan of action allowing a broadminded approach to life…

1st September, 2017

Today begins New Month ... For many of us it has been about dealing with our emotions, for others it has been very mentally challenging.. maybe for you last month was  all about your Spiritual journey energetically, creatively It has been a month of challenges as we discovered he strength that lay within each of us..  This month we may find we are needing Solitude, reflection.. we may gain much knowledge through those moments of learning. 

Today's Tarot card from Tarot of Fire.... The Magician ..
Are you seeing beyond the Illusion, beyond the trickery? Do You use your tools to manifest your desires, your reality?  Do you unite what you feel internally with what is happening around you?  Are you uniting your thoughts with your actions? 

This card always reminds me that if I actually want anything in my life it is up to me how I manifest the reality. It is not about relying on others but on myself... It reminds me also to be aware of what others want me to see is not always what is truly happening.  
Also a little bit of this and a little bit of that blended together can make something entirely different.. so it reminds me to be aware of what I am blending together, it could very easily make an explosion, something I may not truly desire in my life.   Sometimes just because we desire something does not always mean we will always desire it.... Things change, our thoughts change... our needs change..  

TO see my Learning Sheet Click Here 

I have had a few days break from doing these cards but today 29th August 

We have several Different Cards from different decks 

1)  Enchanted Tarot Ultimate 
Nine of Chalices... 
Divine Timing, nearing completion, nearing to finish... being prepared re love, goals, dreams... so close yet not there at this time... 

2)  Holiday Tarot  King of Mistletoe (Earth) 

Business man... Down to earth, practical,  grounded, advisor. provder ..

3) Native American Tarot
One of Pipes, \Sparks, a thought, an idea re yur self-belief, spiritual energy, ambition

Vesta's Art Tarot 

XIX Sun 

Freedom, divine timing, contentment.. Sun shining on the situation, healing, expansion, growth. 

25th August, 2017

Tarot of Mercedes
XV The Devil 

This card speaks of restraints, addictions, old patterns, being  bound , suppressed, tied up.
Unable to move, paralyzed ...
Are things tying you up in knots , Do you feel restricted, unable to make a clear decision? 
Are you repeating old patterns, old habits... 
Partying too hard,  drinking too much, over indulging in drugs? 
These are all things this card can represent... 
But it is not just about those things that seem physical..
We must look deeper and see what the root of the issue is? How do you feel emotionally? 
 What happened in the past that keeps you there in that state ?
This card asks many layers of questions... 
Write down the keywords and think about each one and how they relate to you at this time...

Re looking at this card and we see the Devil So to speak is nurturing a Man like a child... wrapped him up, restrained him and cradling him, caring, looking at him with care and concern ... 
I get a feeling this man is going through withdrawals so he is restraining him for his own good ... 
Maybe this is more about you breaking free from the restraints of the past and moving through with determination.... and self-control . Maybe you are controlling how you react to ha situation but being restraint.. Doing the right thing is valuable in this situation... Maybe someone has said something and you need to restrain yourself from saying something you will regret... and this is confirmation it is the right thing to do... 
Some thoughts re this card ...

24th August, 2017 

Today Enchanted Tarot Ultimate 
King of Swords 
A mature Man who rules  his land with the ability to problem solve ...
to think about what needs to be don.. He thinks a lot. He thinks deeply..
He may not be a man of action.. he may not have that spark of  creativity.. 
He may not be very emotional or caring ..He is quite logical, practical in his manner..

He Holds himself in high esteem...
He knows how clever he is in being able to solve everyone's problems .. 
He knows he is the go to guy when someone has an issue that needs fixing, he always has an idea how to do, but can he do it is another story... 

23rd August.. a fresh and new beginning ...

This deck is one of my favourites 
Shadowscape Tarot 
This deck creates a fantasy World of imagery that is watercoloured, mysterious and 
truly beautiful... 
Finding your inner light, your inner beauty ...
Bringing rejuvenation on many levels ... 
The Flowers speak of a gentleness, a love of self ... 
The swirling of the wind speaks of intuition,   
maybe your ideas have been swirling within,m the mental chatter swirling, bringing a chaos to 
Your inner mind...  
Time to rest... To take care of self ... 

This cad speaks of resting, taking time out to recharge the batteries.. 
To find stability  of the  mind and form foundations in your ideas..
I love the energy, the warmth of this card...
She holds onto the sword, like she is holding on to her ideas and plans waiting for them to form in foundation... 

I have not posted a couple of Days  even though I have shared cards on Twitter ... 

Today's card from Bazarrio de Dali 
The Hanged Man
Sacrifice, viewpoints, options..
This card has many layers to it .... 

I feel this card also asks us to have faith, to believe in something greater than we know within ourselves... A faith that enables us to make sacrifices of our self for others... We believe we are doing right by others if we do not care for ourselves.. This card asks us are we doing right by this sacrifice.. we must truly look within to find the answer... Have we truly looked at all the options, have we taken into account what others believe?   Have we looked at their individual viewpoints, understanding that perception is individualized...

Today I used Vesta's Art Tarot 
single card got Knight of Earth 

Then Did a 3 Card Spread and again Knight of Earth came up .... 

Vesta's Art Tarot 
Daily Cards 3 x Spread 
What do I need to know about today?  
Do YOU also resonate with these cards ? 

Knight of Earth

Young Man, sporty, healthy, down to earth ...  outdoors, 
material, physical needs, issues, situations,  Finances, health, wealth, security, home 
Reminds us slow and steady wins the race.... 

King of Water, 

Nurterer, practical, Mature Man, Romantic  Lover, gentle, caring, 
Emotions, Dreams, goals, Em-path, Clairsentient, feelings, Soul , Love 
Mature man shows us his gentle, loving side, Romance is the key here 

Six of Air 

Harmony, gift of words, 
Thoughts, ideas, plans, communication, ideals,  intuition .
 A Shift in thought patterns.... a change of an idea...  

Overall I feel these cards for me speak of two that have arrived suddenly and they show different sides of the same coin, if you know what I mean... If only I could blend both of them into one lol   

Today I animated My tarot card of the day with a Spread: Mood of the Day 

This is a 3 card spread 
Tarot  Bazarrio  de  Dali

Today we Take a Card from Michael Whelan's Tarot 

Orphalese Software 

Five of Coins 

5 of Coins ..
When I first look at this card without traditional thoughts I look at this guy in a space suit,  a pole on his shoulder  he looks proud, he has pride in what he has achieved but then you look closer and you see he has his eyes closed like he does not want to see the conflicts, the struggles, the challenges that may lie ahead , or maybe they are from the past …
We know traditionally this card speaks of poverty .. Being led to who knows where.. We hope it is warmth, to wealth, to good health … there are challenges of poverty  thoughts in life on some level …  it might only be a slip but occasionally it creep's in.. We don’t have enough of this or that… what if we had more of this or that?  
These are questions that we need to acknowledge and find an answer to in our daily life… but are they of value to our journey?   IS there are way for us to overcome these challenging thoughts, these inner conflicts so physically we can move forward onto better health and wealth? 
This is one card I struggle with… I want it to lead me onto a better path.. I want it to tell me I am doing ok, but instead it questions everything I think about in which direction am I actually moving… am I stuck in those negative thoughts re poverty?  

007 James Bond Tarot
14 Walthers   King of Swords ....

Today's card from 
Al chemical  Wedding  Major Tarot Deck 
VII The Chariot 
Direction, Focus after contemplation 

This card asks us to take a moment to focus on the direction you want to take .. It is important that you are clear, you contemplate the direction carefully.. YOu make sure it is where you want to be going... This card reminds us there is only black and white no grey areas with this decision. 

Today this card can be both Oracle and Tarot 
Les Animaux Apocalypse 

33-Enterprises  3 of Wands- 
Looking ahead  leaving behind the old

This card reminds us to look ahead at business ventures.. What can we create for ourselves? 

Today's 11th August, 2017

Today 8th August 2017 
Native American Tarot 

Matriarch of Shield
A Mature Woman that is grounded, earthy type.. Caring, nurturing of the body, the physical Healer of Health. A wise woman that shares her knowledge of healing the body... 
This woman also is aware of  the need to nurture the finances.. take care of what is valuable with money, . and security.... and the home ...

Today's Tarot card drawn from The Inner World Tarot ...
King of Swords 

Is this relating to a person who has arrived in your life or is this reminding you that at this time you must think very seriously about the ideas, the plans and in how you express yourself... Maybe it is time for you to cut through the lies to find the truth... Important , to be practical in how you do your to do list.. Write down your ideas, plans and the actions you must take... Maybe you find yourself in a position where in a group you must share ideas, thoughts and in how you will implement them at this time . 

Another Busy day yesterday sorting out other Projects.. 
so Today's Tarot card 5th August, 2017 
and the 6th August, 2017 (it flew out again)   

Today 3rd August ...

Meditate and reflect .... 
Wisdom gained through reflection, knowing there is a a light at the end of the tunnel.. A sense of Purification comes from leaving behind the old life, being in the Now... not worrying about the future... Solitude  is of value to your right now to rejuvenate self on many levels ... It is ok to have alone time, it is not being lonely ....  

Today's 2nd August 
Vesta's Art Major Tarot 
Deck : Vesta's Art Major Tarot 
Spread: 3 card overview

1)LWB Notes

XIX The Sun 
The Four Fold Pattern 
Universal Dynamism  

This card reminds us of pure joy, pure gifts and life where it feels  that everything is poosible. attainment is right there.. a dynamic energy that  brings Success, personal achievement ... radiance on many levels.    A Freedom to take time out and let the Sun Shine upon you, so that it feels it radiates from within   .... You are the Sunshine in everyone's Day .... .....   

Stability, Solidity, Security
Foundation Setting,,
If in this process you may find yourself with a need for responsibility, accountability, consistency and congruity.   If in this process it is   difficult to handle double messages, and handle irresponsibility, inconsistencies or incongruities...   Extreme process of rigidity and compulsiveness.  

Four Fold Pattern- Four Seasons, Four Directions, Four Elements   ....
In Silence 

2)LWB Notes

XV Materialism (Devil) 

Walking meditation

This card reminds us if we want to achieve our goals, our dreams, our Visions we must break free from the restraints, the chains, the limits we place upon ourselves or the thoughts we believe that come from another.    We seek the answers but only can be found within when we stop and surrender  to the  moment ...  

This card can also speak of wild times  ....   but we must remember    not to go to wild   but to   have  fun in life does not mean we follow the belief of others ..... We are not chained to others expect of us to do , but what we know we must do for ourselves.  

Vision, Searcher,
Envisioning, Planning and Seeking 
Nature's triangle is the mountain. Humankind's imitation of the mountain is the pyramid or arrowhead... Where do you see your goal.   Triangle speaks of being able to see What's needed and What's not working, and can take the organization or the family or the relationship to the next step. The need here is for shared vision. Shared Vision is equated with love and trust. Inventive, futuristic minds. Underlying fear, no more dreams, goals, visions.   Extreme process when people live so far in the future they aren't productive in the present.  They are so busy involved in goals and visions, they do not get things done in the Now.... 

The Way of The Visionary - East 
Walking Meditation 

3)LWB Notes 

V The Hierophant 
Share knowledge 
Growth, expansion, change 
Sitting Meditation 

Study, learning, new awareness
Spirituality...Faith, trust ..
Those of like mind, similar thought . 

Growth, Evolution, Change. The Need for variety, the need for flexibility.. In this process, flexibility is equated with trust and love. The More flexible you are with the person who needs variety on their life the more they feel loved and trusted. Less Flexibility they feel unloved and untrusted. Underlying fear that things will be too boring, too routine, too predictable.   

Way of Teacher -West 
Sitting Meditation

Today 30th July, 2017 

Deck : Celtic Tarot
Spread: 3 Card Daily Spread

LWB Notes

XI Justice
Balance, weighing up your decision... seeing both versions with merit.. working out the truth,  the facts, even when you can not agree with them. there is still an understanding why, an acceptance of the truth.... Cutting through the lies to bring the light out of the darkness...

LWB Notes

V High Priest,
Tradition, Spirituality, Druid , Nature Based Belief, faith... Being at one with nature brings knowledge, wisdom gained through learning and understanding... Finding balance within your Beliefs  brings greater understanding in who you an individual...

LWB Notes

IX The Hermit
He sits quietly in contemplation, in meditation, in reflection, holds out the lantern for others  to see, so that too can follow the light and sit in meditation, reflection  and gain the knowledge he has gained within his journey of not doing.... he has climbed the steps one step at a time and reached the top but yet he knows he has further to go.. and he can not go alone, even though hehas needed the solitude to reach this far, he knows he needs support and guidance to walk ahead..... he knows there are challenges that lie ahead on the path.. He is not so naive of life, hence why he stripped himself of his past so he knew he could face his future... he wants you by his side as he faces these challenges because he knows together you can face them the stronger you will be with the lessons already taught ....

Today 29th July, 2017 

Today's Tarot Card
Vesta's Art Tarot Deck
Two of Fire...

Look ahead, leave behind old decisions.. time to decide in which direction you wish to take... 
Stand strong in the direction you wish to move in..
Balance, duality, polarity in regards to self belief, ambition, spiritual energy, creativity. 

Today's Tarot Card 26th July, 2017 

Quantum Tarot
Version 2.0

XIX The Sun
I love this imagery.. The first words Were I am on top of the World
and Sun Salutation (Yoga) Greeting the Sun in contemplation, reflection....

This card asks why are you on top of the world, you have great achievement.. the freedom of success... YOU have all that you want and need.   You feel the warmth of the Sun on your face... The possibilities are endless...

Today's Tarot Card Date: 25th July, 2017 

Quantum Tarot Version 2.0 
Seven Swords ...
I look at this card... and the first thing i realize this card actually relates to a situation of the past that has been rekindled here.. it speaks of lost time... Feeling of a moment that has been stolen from me,something I may never get back...; This card reminds me that even though that is so it is now time to take back my life and start to mentally be in control of my thoughts, my ideas, my plans; It is truly time to see the truth of the situation, use my intuition totally, my Psychic abilities, my knowing and return to what I desire, i need in my life.... to move me forward.... It asks me too into the light.. to stop the crazy spinning of the mind, the what if's can not be acknowledged right now it does no good...; the only way is to take action.. To look at the value of; what I think... Discard, declutter the past things i believe were taken from me.. they were taken for a reason I need to see the light in the past, knowing it has brought me things that are better ... That I can now appreciate what I didn;t have.. If It had not been taken.. maybe I would of discarded it anyway.. I would not have appreciated it at all .... I actually believe this relates to a person overall for me...for you it could be something completely different....

This so relates to my cards in My Tarot Journal at this time... This post should really belong there also ....; AT this time I think because of the importance of this situation at this time.. my cards I choose with my email reading software, all the cards may reflect the situation even though Iwant to choose a card generally...... I may find a lesson, a message in all cards. today until this situation is resolved on some level....; within myself ...

Today's Tarot Card Date: 24th July, 2017

Quantum Tarot.... Daily Card.....
Knight of Wands – Mars 
From the author...
Mars’s red appearance is deceptive; in reality this is an icy, inhospitable planet with little remaining atmosphere.  But in its distant past, Mars was the scene of huge volcanic eruptions, possibly had liquid water and might have sustained some form of life.  In Roman mythology, Mars is the God of war and also, paradoxically, of agriculture.  But the aggressive side of Mars’s nature is key to the Knight of Wands.  This Knight has all the enthusiasm of the Page, with added strength, maturity and self-control.  The Knight of Wands is more focussed in directing his energy; he may appear assertive rather than aggressive, but he still relishes a good fight.  In a reading, the Knight of Wands represents a part of you that is energetic and combative.  He may represent drive and enthusiasm for a project, a more sustained approach than the Page.  His is the energy of persistence; the Page starts things off, the Knight keeps things going.  He may also represent a brave companion who will support you unflaggingly – even if he does tend to get into arguments.  His appearance reminds you to be more reflective and less argumentative about a situation, but at the same time retain your drive and enthusiasm to get things done. 

My Thoughts
Without really reading what the author has written these are my thoughts re this card.... From my own observation when I look deep within the card...
Look at the eyes, the face , the lightening (energy) the rocks, surface of the land.... the colours in the card.... What sensations do you get? What thoughts? What are your intitial thoughts?  
Knight a young Man or someone with a tendency to observe, look at what is going on energetcally... Somone who things about the different angles about everything.  Observes before giving advise... but sometimes can find themselves acting without all the information.. It has taken time for them to understand their weaknesses and gain their strengths.  This person has a sense of fire within them to always get the best out of a situation. Things can seem a big rocky or even a bit hot to handle but eventually with their own drive they can succeed.    It sometimes can be a bit of a hit and a miss situation...
Maybe this card has come up today to remind us it is time to start driving towards our goals with a sense of determination, a force of somewhat to gain control over our needs. AT this time it may be important for you to get all of the information with observation before you act... YOu don;t always need to rush ahead but quietly gather your wits about you before procceeding forwrad...
I love this card and the earthy but yet Firey energy about it .... I sense,  distance can sometimes be a good thing... we do not always have to be up close to observe.. but quietly observe from a distance allows us to think before we act... SO we  don't rush headlong into an enviroment that serves us no good...
Sit Quietly take a breath and obseve your feelings about this card.... What do you feel within?

Knight of Wands
This deck is quite different than the previous one the imagery is quite differnt.
With this card I get a sense of someone standing behind the youthful man, guiding him in the ways of truly seeing... This card actuallly reminded me of Carlos Casteneda as he was taught to Truly see by Don Juan. This takes time and a true understanding of sometimes doing is when you are not doing... this is something that can be very difficult to achieve... It takes a huge understanding of what can  be seen when you are not looking but seeing.. Observing an awareness that lies within without truly thinking about it but aknowledging it all the same... Not holding onto your thoughts but focused on Being in the Now... Be, observe and move forward without physcially moving ahead.. you do not always have to be active to achieve result. Results can be achieved by Not Doing....This self- belief, this Spiritual Energy lies within, you can not truly be taught how to be not doing... you understand it or you can not grasp this concept.. Grasping this concept only comes with not only knowing it but truly understanding it... Understanding the quantum physics of reality.. Just becuse it can not be seen physically does not actually mean it can not be seen.... Open to this awareness and truly See what we can not normally see...

Overall the same message but delivered in a completely different way ... if we take our time and observe what the card shares with us it is amaizng what we can truly see and hear... Take your time, STep into the card and acknowledge your own thoughts, feelings and sensations... Do not memorise everything someone else said about the card, think about What you observe about the card....

Blessings ...

A Message from the Angels - Heavenly Host Angel Tarot 

Seven of Wands.. (from the author) 
It is a card of valour, for, on the surface,
six are attacking one, who has, however,
the vantage position. On the intellectual plane,
it signifies discussion, wordy strife; in business
--negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition.
It is further a card of success, for the combatant is on the top and
his enemies may be unable to reach him.

My Thoughts re this card..... 

Inner Value 
Energy, Passion, Spiritual Energy, Creativity, Ambition, Drive,  
This Angel lights the way by lighting all of the candles from one wick, keeping the fires burning (so to speak)  She looks and watches ahead, waiting for them to return.. 
The Yellow speaks of Digestive Solar Plexus Chakra, the tranquility calms the inner fires that stir within.... 

Today's Tarot Card is from The Tarot of Dreams 

Will add info shortly, in the meantime reflect on  the image and look at the characters, the images, the symbols ...

My Thoughts....
 For me Two of Cups always talks about Give and take in a relationship.. remember to be ready to receive as much as giving... Make sure the relationship is balanced, one of love on so many levels... it is emotionally as well as physical.. with a real Spiritual aspect.. Communication is also very valuable ....   (oh  I was going to research the meaning of the card and suddenly started typing ..) .

Added  for Today's card Inner Child Tarot 
XIV The Guardian.. 
Inner Child offering for You today ...XIV The Guardian . (Traditionally Temperance) This card reminds me of being watched over ...guided.... being taken care.. Indulging the whims of others

of the Magicians XXI World of Illusions (Traditionally The World) End of an Era... When I look at this card I see that the end is an Illusion as Time moves through cycles.. We are always moving through cycles, never truly ending only making changes... It might be the end of an era but then something new begins... The pink stands out .. Romance of life... the love that is brought forth out of an awakening ...

What else do you see when you look at this card.. the colours. the symbols, the characters, which character stands out for you at this time?

Quantum Tarot ;;
Queen of Pentacles – Earth The Earth is mother to us all and takes many forms in human mythology – in Greek myth, she is called Gaia. The Queen of Pentacles is the tarot’s equivalent of this nurturing mother figure. She represents fertility and abundance, the sensual appreciation of the material world. She is at home in the world, feet firmly planted on the ground, and she supports all our ventures and plans. In a reading, she indicates the need to act as midwife to some new aspect of your being; a project, a relationship, a fledgling identity. This is a card of growing plans and projects to fruition. The Queen of Pentacles is a generous, encouraging mother who gives her children space and time to grow. Can you do the same for yourself?

The Soto Tarot.. 
This is quite an unusual deck ... 
The authors insight to this card ..
"Paging Dr. Iceman...Dr. Iceman to the ER please!" Alright recap time: for the CUPS we have the PAGE (student/intern), the KNIGHT (resident), the Queen (nurse), and now the KING OF CUPS who runs the “emergency ward” and is the doctor. Being a doctor means authority on how emotions works within all of us and ways to control those emotions from becoming out of hand. Where the QUEEN would fall prey to the negativity herself, the KING is calm, cool, and collected with his emotional control. He is also as caring as the QUEEN but will try and educate the patient on self help for future reference instead of “patching the pain” for now like the QUEEN. May seem a bit "cold" emotionally but that's just how he grew up...silence does not constitute indifference. He cares in his way and when the chips are due, he is all in to cover the cost! UPRIGHT: The KING OF CUPS hovers in the center as the cool ice cube that radiates wisdom as he heals the pain. He is anchored to a triangular platform symbolizing grounding in emotions. One who feels confident in both their masculine and feminine side.

My Own thoughts.. This card speaks of emotions... A caring role for someone of masculine energies...
There is a sense of communication, being able to feel outside the normal tendency of life... seeing the light within ....

Today's Tarot Cards 22/07/2017

Today's Tarot Card 21/07/2017 includes a range of Oracle Cards with it..

Native American Tarot VI The Lovers
Sacred Path Cards 
With Native American Oracle cards for reflection and individual thought ..

I have had a week reading several books from Carlos Castaneda...

Awesome reading ... 

Now let's get down to Today's Tarot cards

What a crazy busy week.... with my #artblog been updated ...with new photos and art pieces....

Today's Tarot Card

Vesta's Art Tarot Deck 

Knight of Water....

Youthful Man ,  Masculine Energy...  Moving ahead by observing what lies ahead... Taking note of the emotions that lie within... Adviser .....Romantic ..... Romance is on the cards....

Have been Uploading on my New #ArtBlog  

Now it is time to keep up with Today's Tarot Card 

Quantum Tarot Cards 

XVI The Tower...

Life has been shaken up for you ...
Life seems to be chaotic... very emotional  

X Wheel of Fortune 

Time to make decisions ... 
To think about your destiny .... 

King of Cups

Dreamy, carer, emotional times lay ahead...and support from someone who cares is of value right now ...

6th July, 2017 

ok ready to upload Today's Tarot Card
Vesta's Art Major Tarot 
VI The Hierophant

V The Hierophant 
Share knowledge 
Growth, expansion, change 
Sitting Meditation 

Study, learning, new awareness
Spirituality...Faith, trust ..

Those of like mind, similar thought .

5th July, 2017 

Today's Reading includes 3 decks ..

Vesta's Art Tarot deck

Vesta's Art Romance Oracle 
Vesta's Art Love Oracle 

Eight of Water, 
Reminds us sometimes we need to walk away ...
The Faith card asks us to have faith, believe in what we are doing, 
The Third card reminds us Love conquers all... Makes things seem not so bad ..

The Fool speaks of New Beginnings, fresh starts, new adventures
Faded Energy speaks of things getting tired, energy is fading.... dying on some level ....
The Third card speaks of everything being in a spin because of  what we perceive as Love...

Star- this card talks about our dreams, letting ourselves shine through the darkness.
The perception is Something is being lost, something, someone is leaving maybe...
Maybe it is time to try to do something new, rekindle what was....

What else does these cards say to you? 

3rd July 2017 

Today's Card from Vesta's Art Tarot Deck 
XVIII The Moon 

Reminds us to look at the Hidden Fears.. What are we afraid of?  IT is also about awakening our Clairvoyance and using our intuition... Looking at our unconscious awareness... What else does this card say to you?

2nd July, 2017 

Vesta's Art Tarot Deck 
XIV Temperance 

Reminds us it is okay to indulge ourselves on some levels... To take care of needs...


weaver, patterns in life,   pampering - there are times when over-indulgence seems to be okay .... a day of nurturing self ... in creating the life you desire .. through the law of attraction ....    

1st July, 2017 ... A new month   ... wow 


Today's Tarot Card...
from Vesta's Art Tarot ...
3 cards came out ... 

Vesta's Art Tarot Deck

 3 Card Spread asking for guidance.

1) Eight of Fire ...

Eight of Fire


renewal, rebirth,

Energy, Passion, Spiritual Energy, Creativity, Ambition, Drive,

Things happening quickly, rapid, fast ....

2)Ace of Fire


New Beginings, start,  awaken,

Burst of Energy, Passion, Spiritual Energy, Creativity, Ambition, Drive,

3)ix of Fire


Harmony, Gift

Energy, Passion, Spiritual Energy, Creativity, Ambition, Drive,

Confidence of authority ... leadership , 

Cards added up to 12 The Hanged Man for extra info…

12 The Hanged Man


Sacrifice, .. are you sacrificing your true self ..... or needing to sacrifice something that you have learnt through experiences ...    options and viewpoints ... are of value here ... 

27/06/2017 Today's Tarot Card

from Vesta's Art Major Tarot Deck 

XIX The Sun 

XIX The Sun 


The Four Fold Pattern 

Universal Dynamism  

This card reminds us of pure joy, pure gifts and life where it feels  that everything is possible. attainment is right there.. a dynamic energy that  brings Success, personal achievement ... radiance on many levels.    A Freedom to take time out and let the Sun Shine upon you, so that it feels it radiates from within   .... You are the Sunshine in everyone's Day .... .....   

25/06/2017 Today's Tarot Card:

01 Magician 
 HeKate's Xing Self-Created Major Arcana Tarot 

This card reminds us of our wishes, our desires can be manifested by using the tools we have within and outside of ourselves... We must also look beyond the illusion of what we see , we must see the truth of the situation.. The Facts...
So we can move forward in our journey...


I apologize for not updating Tarot Card of the Day but have been very busy the last few days...With Family...

Today's Tarot Card- Vesta's Art Tarot 
                                 King of Water


Nurturer, practical, Mature Man, Romantic  Lover, gentle, caring, 

Emotions, Dreams, goals, Em-path, Clair-sentient, feelings, Soul , Love 

18/06/2017 Today's Tarot Card

Vesta's Art Major Tarot Deck 
IV The Emperor

IV The Emperor

Standing meditation

Leadership, ruler  .... 
Strong, respected ..... 
Fatherhood, Advisor  
Don't tell me what to do?   Don't push I will walk away ..... 
Speak nicely with respect and i will show you the same ...

16/06/2017  Tarot Card

Vesta's Art Tarot 

Ace of Water 

Ace of Water 


New beginnings,  new start, changes, open the lid to new finding your inner peace, self-aware of your emotions...

Emotions, Dreams, goals, Em-path, Clair-sentient, feelings, Soul ...

15/06/2017 Today's  Tarot Card 
Vesta's Art Tarot 

Ace of Air 

Ace of Air, 

New beginnings, fresh start, clarity, 
Thoughts, ideas, plans, communication, ideals,  intuition .
Time to think clearly about your ideas, thoughts and plans...
Think about how you are going to communicate clearly...
Think about what your intuition is telling you.....
There is a new beginning a fresh start to the thought.... 
Are you getting to the truth of it?

14/06/2017 Today's Tarot 

Vesta's Art Tarot 

13 Transformation 

13 Transformation (Death) 

Changes within one's life as you end the old and allow the new to arrive ready for the rest of this cycle ....    there is a sense of transforming energies as you clear away the old debris   .....  

Not only physical but emotional and Spiritual, Mental, Energetic Changes ...

Remember to be gentle with self as you deal with these transformations. 

13/06/2017  Today's Tarot
Vesta's Art Major Tarot Card

XX Awakening
Self- Analysis
Sitting Meditation


This card speaks of all the hard work that has been achieved, the success to awaken the true You, resurrect who you truly are...
Time to blow your own trumpet, so to speak .....  
This card speaks of Self-analysis ....   reflect who you are and what you want....   Gone through the transformations, crumbled the walls, rebuilt who you are from within, there has been many layers of growth and expansion,, a lot of changes happening from within  and around you  ....
You are so close to dancing through new doorways as you complete this cycle.....     Ready to truly leave behind the old and start fresh, anew....
Are you truly ready?


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune