Tree of Life Tarot

Tree of Life Tarot 

This deck is 22 Cards that are not illustrated as RWS or Marseille de Tarot or Thoth .. It combines Tarot and Kabbalah, Astrological influences are also included ...
Here I will begin to explore this deck on a deeper level ....

Let us begin with the IV The Emperor ...

 This card's Keywords Traditionally-
Fatherhood, Authoritative, Ruler, Provider, In control ....

Now we look at each part of this card-

Aries- Sun Sign-- Leader, Initiator, Leadership, Masculine, Energetic, turbulent, leader of the pack ...

Saturn - Ambition, authority, status, discipline.....

Uranus- Brings self Forward in ways to create revolution of self, require new ways and means..

Sun- Spark of life, conducive to individual accomplishments..

Hebrew- Eh (5) Window meaning Enlightenment. Divine revelation, Gift of life, Divinity, Spiritual Life, Freedom of Choice.

Kabbalah - Walks the 15th Path between Tiphareth to Chokmah  from Wisdom and Balance...

Four- brings Stability, structure, order, strength, security, consolidation, conservation, boundaries, walls, restrictions, confinement, rigidity, severity....


Transformation, change, release, letting go.

Scorpio- Clearcut, loyalty, Complexity, individuality, seeing through own eyes..
               Accept change, not to be fearful of it.. Strength in surrender

Sun- Ego, sense of purpose, vitality

Venus- Fertility, beauty, enthusiasm

Hebrew- Nun- Fish, Flow, supple and flexible like a fish. Faithfulness, Soul, Emergence, humility, fertility, continuity, increase and multiply .....

Tiferet- Netzach Path 24 from Beauty/Balance to Victory and endurance

Four- brings Stability, structure, order, strength, security, consolidation, conservation, boundaries, walls, restrictions, confinement, rigidity, severity....

12th July, 2018

XVII The Star ...

XVII The Star 

Keywords- Dreams, Inner Light.. Light out of the darkness..

We begin by looking at the Star Moving from Yesod to Netzach from Foundations created to a sense of Eternity ... Spiritual concepts move into action Bringing a sense of Fortitude and determination to overcome all challenges within one's life ...

You can look into Astrology with this deck also Sun signs and Planet influences ... If you wish to delve deeper .... The Star - Aquarius - influenced by the Moon and Venus ... Looking at Emotions, Motherhood and Fertility, beauty and enthusiasm.....

Tzaddi - Fish Hook - to pull something towards you, escapable, trouble, harvest, rightous and to hunt ....
Numerology- 900, 90  brings it down 9  Teth- Serpent. Prudence... The gate...
Completion... Achievers. Inspired, intellegent, knowledge to good use..
Wild enthusiasms are short lived.. Natural talents not always recognized. Desire to help others can be a little too much for others. 

13th July, 2018 

IX The Hermit ..

Keywords- Solitude, learning within silence, Shown the way by the light, Reflection, meditation, contemplation, wisdom gained from knowledge, reading, studying, appreciation, gratitude , understanding .... (these are some of the keywords I find when this card appears...)

Sun Sign - Virgo ....
Common sense, and intelligence, quiet, dependable, know themselves well. Quick witted, shrewd and perceptive....

Planets- Jupiter -Luck, expansion and Mentor

               Sun- Ego, sense of purpose and vitality

Kabbalah- Chesed to Tiferet  20th Path  brings Kindness through to Beauty .... being Kind allows a beauty to shine through

Hebrew-  10 Yod-  Open Hand - the essence of all life, the creator, The Divine Spark .... Power of Spirit ....

14th July, 2018 
XX Judgement / Aeon 
Keywords- Resurrection, awakening  true self... Rebirth .... 

Pluto- Death, Rebirth, subconscious forms

Mercury- Communication, wit, cleverness 

Earth - introverted and generous and they are tolerant, honest, trustworthy, diligent and steadfast by nature.....

Hebrew - Shin (300) Tooth- Process of transformation, breaking down, grinding into particles, building anew, healing, restoring... Fire aspect unchangeable, unmovable, Divine Power, Balance 
(More info- Spiritual Meanings of .... ) 

Kabbalah- 31st Path Hod to Malkuth
Splendor to Kingdom...
Brings the force that breaks down energy into different distinguishable forms. Mental energy, communication, reasoning, action and movement,  it brings structure. 
Manifestation of all creation, life, ideas, form. Gives tangible form and density. 

XI Justice 

Keywords - Consequences after action taken... think about what consequences will affect your journey and others.   the truth, legalities. communication .. balance ... The Law... 

Peaceful, fair, harmony, gentleness  .... 

Strength and Aggression ....

Ego, Sense of Purpose, Vitality 

Lamed 30  Ox, Goad --12th Letter ....
Spiritual Learning , staff, goad. The Heart... Spiritual Learning  is the heart of Human Existence.  

Pathway 22 Gevureh to Tiferet 
Severity to Beauty ...
From A strength, judgement and power , from restrictions, chaos and upheaval .... Restrictive and Eliminating energy can cause it to a sense of the Spiritual Energy becoming physical in form through Tiferet, The Converter, the Harmonizer....

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My Thoughts and Opinions

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How I Connect With The Cards...


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