Showing posts from August, 2017
9 card Square Lenormand Spread
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Introduction Deck :Mystical Lenormand Spread: 9 card Lenormand Spread This as a learning exercise we will begin to look at each card as individuals then we will look at the combinations and how things relate to each other... Look at the cards yourself and see what messages you get as well .. Would be interesting to see how each of us see the cards... 1) The Birds. Mental chatter, gossip, their song (music ) 2) Ship Overseas,. foreign, movement, travel, holiday. Distance - long time... Free spirit 3) Ring- union, commitment, a circle 4) Cross- Faith, belief, destiny, 5) Scythe Cutting away, removing, harvest 6)Book Closed Book, New chapter in life, Sacred Writings, Reading 7) Moon Unconscious, fears, Seer, psychic, reflection 8) Clover Good Luck, need to be looking to find it, 9) Anchor, Grounded, stay put, are som...
Guided Meditation - Meet Your Spirit Guide By Unlocking Your Third Eye!
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What is ULINK?
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What is Universal Link Universal Link (ULink) raises your vibrations and permanently links you to the Universe to help you live the life of your dreams. You only need to ULinked once! A sense of calmness, knowingness and better decision making prevails when we are in close union with the Universe. ULink eliminates any blocks to having a quiet mind to hear the sacred inner voice which is the wisdom of the ages. The ULink can be completed within 20-30 minutes in person or long distance via the telephone, email or mail. 1) Clear out the negativity stored in the energy fields using these highest level vibrations. 2) Re-activate the basic 9 energy vortexes (chakras) including the 2 vortexes that have been shut down for ages. The first vortex connects us to the universal vibration which aids us in our intuition, our ability to be telepathic, and our true sense of being. The second vortex helps us to feel a sense of unity and beauty with all things...
What is UB?
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What is Universal Balance Universal Balancing & Universal Link eCourse Descriptions Universal Balancing (UB) and Universal Link (ULink) are creations born in New Zealand in 2007 and use the latest highest level vibrations that now exist to assist in balancing the body, mind, and soul. We prefer to use the term balancing rather than healing as healing implies having a disease with all the negativity attached to that term. We believe all is in divine order however; sometimes we may be out of balance. These hands off modalities are similar to older energy healing methods however; they stand alone due to their higher level of vibration. Both UB and ULink can be done in person or long distance. Communication is achieved via telephone, email or mail prior to the session for instructions and after the session to compare experiences. After experiencing UB and ULink, people can feel happier and healthier. Often there are noticeable changes in attitude as well a...
What is SEC?
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SEC Soul Energy Clearing Dear Honoured Soul, This Soul Energy Clearing (SEC) session can be a very powerful process of researching and eliminating discordant programs (beliefs) and energies from your past. It usually has a profound and wonderful effect on most people. Many mental, emotional, physical and soul healings have resulted within 6 months of the session. However, some people do not seem to be helped on an observable level as quickly as some others. I believe this person may have deep conscious habit patterns that have to be changed before positive outer changes and results can be experienced. Thus, it could be some time before you see a change. Often others notice changes within us long before we are aware of them. I cannot change your conscious mind or your habit patterns. Some people expect me to wave a magic wand for them and everything in their life will be absolutely marvelous. I wish that this were true. Sometimes...
42. Trainee Tarot Part 1: Choosing a Deck & Defining Your Goals
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Going from Freebies to Charging
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Going from Freebies to Charging This decision is when you decide you are ready to accept payment of some sort for the readings you do... You have been reading for family and friends, work colleagues, online in a forum or in a group... You have practiced and Practiced.. You have found your readings make sense.. People relate to what you are saying, you know the cards, not by memory but by intuition, by connection to the cards... You truly understand what the cards are saying .... Overall you feel you are ready... What's the next step? Decide are you reading online or face to face? Are you reading at home or in a space at a store, a fair, an expo, a market, at the homes of others? Then look at what type of readings do you offer? Can you read for 30 minutes face to face? Can you read for an hour? Do you prefer to do E-mail readings and take your time so charge by the card... There are so many things to decide.....
Matt Kahn/Teal Swan - full video
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This is an amazing video putting two amazing Souls to share the message ... Of love and healing ,,, So worth subscribing to both of these individual channels and regularly watch ,.. Bring yourself to a Higher Vibration by developing a new awareness, a new understanding within.. when it becomes a Knowing to Yourself ....
Why I Promote Other Readers and Mentors?
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I often get asked from Clients Why I promote other Readers/Healers and Mentors? Aren't we in competition with each other? Wouldn't I want to keep all the client's myself? The Short Answer , well maybe not quite so short... Take a moment to know We as Readers, Healers and Mentors are all very different, we share some similarities but there are also many differences in how we read, teach Tarot. What systems we use if any? Whether we read with Intuition or Card meanings directly? We are all very different.... Now look at the people in your vicinity, in your home town, Could One Tarot Reader do everyone's reading? Now Look at your Region, County, State ? Ok think now of your Country..... What about How many people in the World want Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand or other Divination Tools in their Reading? I do not offer everything.... so another Reader may suit better... Then think about each of us has something else we may bring to the t...
How YOU should Feel After a Card Reading?
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How Should You Feel After a Tarot, Oracle or Lenormand Reading? How Should You Feel after Any type of Reading? NO Matter the Tools used... For me I like my clients to leave with hope and understanding... even when things may not seem so positive I still want my clients to leave with a feeling of hope and understanding.. of gathered insight into what may happen, depending on the changes that could take place... A client arrives all apprehensive anyway in regards to a reading... we do not want to add to their anxiety... We want them to go away with a sense of being cared about, about being supported, being able to bring positive energy into their journey... Of something new and exciting that could lay ahead... A Person does not come for Doom and Gloom... Not truly in their hearts, they want you to tell them it will be ok.... IT will be ok just not what they expected on their journey.. The cards may show that guy they want is not available (mentally, emotio...
Do we Need More than One Deck?
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The Big Answer is No.... But why Not? (What are we leaving behind, to walk into the unknown?) Do We Need More Than One Deck? We are all drawn to different Tarot, Oracle, Lenormand, Cartomancy Decks just as we are drawn to different Tools, Cards, Crystals, Runes, I-Ching., Spirit Stones, Tea leaves, Self...... etc,,, We may also find different clients have different needs... so if we have a selection of Tools or Cards in this case we may be able to deliver the same message in a different way.... Find more information because of the connection we have with this deck, or what the image offers... So why not start your collection off with that One More Deck.. One more tool to add to our Tool Box. Whether a new Oracle or a new Tarot or even that extra Lenormand Deck... Add it.. if you feel drawn to the imagery, love the artwork, find it easy to connect with Then Go for it... purchase that extra deck (If you can afford ir) Why not create you own extr...
Which deck?
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Which Tarot deck do you choose? Staring out.. everyone tells go for Rider Waite Smith deck? but which RWS do you go for? Universal RWS, Radiant RWS, Standard RWS Tiny RWS and By the Way you can't get your head around the images.... Grab a deck anyway and put it aside to help you learn the symbols and basic understanding of Tarot .. Always good to have.. Ok so I purchased a RWS I struggle with the imagery, leaves me cold, but I still want to learn tarot and understand the meanings.. Next thing to do is take a look at all the decks that are similar to RWS on some level, there are plenty of amazing decks out there,,, Don't get anything to fancy or too different,, find a deck you feel drawn to and speaks volumes to you.... When you take the Fool and know instantly it is about new adventures, new pathways, fun etc... There is no right and wrong deck to look at for learning Tarot.... I found Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot was a Deck Beginners could learn from, bec...
Belline Oracle
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It is 5am on a Tuesday morning, wide awake and this is the deck I choose for a 3 card spread ... Copy of Reading for this 3 card spread Introduction Deck :Belline Oracle Spread: 3 card spread LWB Notes Passions, awakening new motives for areas of life , eg work, career, friendships, etc.. 31 Passions Traditional image of this card is included in the description .... Here we see two hearts, pierced by arrows, above a rooster. The rooster symbolizes pride and alertness, just like how the rooster crows when it sees the sun in the morning. The hearts pierced by arrows symbolizes passions unleashed when the desire remains unfulfilled. Hence, this card represents living life intensely and impulsively, much like a daredevil. This is the only card in the Venus series that carries both positive and negative meanings as intense passion without thought (impulsiveness) can lead to excess and dangers. For instance, the client can be extre...
Lenormand Cards
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T here are some amazing Lenormand Cards out there are some amazing sites with great info regarding Lenormand... Meanings are normally straight forward and to the point but occasionally a deck may add another depth because of the artist's imagery... Some incredible artists have created an array of beautiful Decks and some variations of decks A Selection of Lenormand Decks Vintage Lenormand Gibson Old School Lenormand Energetic Lenormand Carrie Paris A great Lenormand Site Carrie Paris Valentine Lenormand I laid out the bottom 3 first Bear, Clover and Man- Protector, good luck and a man in your life.. This man is a protector and shares good luck Middle Row' Mountain, Bird and Woman A woman in your life brings obstacles, through gossip, mental chatter ... Top Row.. House, Ring, Coffin Security, union with endings of the old, transformations... Today 2nd September... From Mystikal Lenormand Click he...