Page Nine VIII Strength

VIII Strength  in some decks this can also be card Number XI  (swapped with Justice)

In your journal continue writing down your thoughts about each card from the different decks, look at at the characters, the colours, the symbols, other things within the image ...
Using The Exercise Related to Stepping inside the card and write down your thoughts and messages received...
Now let us continue with VIII Strength

RWS Tarot 

This card shows a woman petting a lion ... she has an infinite sign above her head  showing infinite possibilities and wears white with green .. The lion is orange (the Sacral Chakra) a sense of identity within one self ....  
This card speaks of a inner strength of courage that enables one to achieve what is necessary within self ...An endurance, a stamina that comes from facing the fear and doing it anyway ... A sense of mental strength by using your intellect, your gut instinct,  a spirituality that lies within self ... 
This is not about brute force but a gentle endurance .... within ... Use your wit to achieve the results you desire. 

Mercedes Tarot 

Orphalese Ten Tarot 

Vaudeville Tarot 

Old Time Tarot 

Traditional Tarot 

Michael Whelan's Tarot 

Steampunk Tarot 

The Rest of The Major Arcana 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune