Page Six The Hierophant

This card  V (5) The Hierophant

speaks of Traditions, Traditional Thought, Religion, Spirituality, Mentor, Teacher, Learning, Institution,

Each card holds deeper meaning... Let us look at the colours and the characters, the symbols in each card....

Rider Waite Smith Tarot 
Keywords listed above..
This card also speaks of Faith, belief, the key to your own Truth is through your own learning and understanding.. Stay grounded (red- base Chakra)  Trust in how you digest your experiences in life (Yellow- Solar Plexus) 

The Goddess Tarot ...
Juno was honored as the patroness of marriage and other traditional rites of passages in
women’s lives. This Roman goddess was believed to watch and protect all women—from
their first breath to their last.
Meanings: Following established social structures and traditions. In love relationships, the
desire for marriage or declaration of intentions for the sake of security. Reversed:
Nonconformity. Questioning of traditions for traditions sake. Possible rigidity
The Herbal Tarot 
Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Blue- Communication, Wisdom, truth 
Pillars- balance, stability, duality... 

Traditional tarot 

Tarot of Sacred Sites
Teaching, mentoring, learning..
Steps- climbing up to new levels of awareness..
The Rope at the side shows the support that is given during this time...
Stillness- sitting quietly allows for an awareness that lies within..

The Alchemist Tarot 

Tarot of Fire 

The Native American tarot 

The Medicine Woman Tarot 

Crow's Magick Tarot 

Major Arcana 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune