Page Ten IX The Hermit

IX The Hermit 

The Hermit arrives in a reading  to bring us  into a sense of being in Solitude is ok ...It is not lonely but being alone allows one to sit in Silence .. When one sit's in Silence they can truly hear what is important ...

The Hermit usually faces to the left (inwards) holding the Staff of Wisdom, often faith and strength in his left hand and a lantern in the right to show the way along a difficult and stony Path of Life. His wisdom has been attained through introspection and being able to study in Silence and in Solitary Self-Containment ... As he becomes a true Seeker after Truth and Light he will be able to use it wisely... One must withdraw from life, from the chaos, and create a quiet space, meditation, reflection, contemplation.. bringing a sense of Sacrifice and a reassessment to one's life.  Be careful in not being too extreme to exclude others completely....

I find this card also reminds me  That there is always lightness out  of the dark, a light at the end of the tunnel... One will find a light of hope within the darkness one only has to seek ....

Now let us take a look at several Cards  from different decks  ....

Cards Added we begin with Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck .... BTW did you know it was actually Illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith, who was an artist in 1908-  .. Pamela was commissioned with Instructions by A. E. Waite  (the Mystic) to replace the Pip (minor Arcana with Illustrated images ) Also some of the Names of the Major Arcana was also changed modified from some of the Christian Aspects of Tarot ...


Coleman- Smith Tarot      Traditional Tarot     Old Cardboard Tarot


Vaudeville Tarot        Tarot of Fire             Gilded Tarot


Enchanted Tarot Ultimate     Merry Day Tarot         Renaissance Tarot 

Below are abstract, clip art decks I created ...

HeKate's Xing Arty Tarot 

NEXT PAGE- X Wheel of Fortune ...

The Major Arcana 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune