Why Hekate's Crossing (Xing)_

What HeKate's Crossing ?  

And Why  XIng instead of Crossing in  my art and signage ... 

This was a transformation taking place over a couple of years ...

My Journey began when I discovered that book Green Witchcraft By Ann Moura , I also discovered Silver Raven Wolf and in her books she asked a series of questions and gave me some things to think about after reading her book.. I worked through the exercises in Why I wanted to take this journey into Witchcraft ...   as it is a commitment, one that is not traveled lightly.. Was I ready to open my heart to love, to the possibilities of Magck .. Open myself up to the Gods and the Goddesses of the World .. The Universal Deity.... All of these questions were asked and i found myself starting a Grimoire  (Witches Journal) ..

A Roman Goddess arrived in a meditation telling me we would work together and her name will be included in my business. I had no idea what she was talking about, let alone who she was.. I did some research and things fell into place ... by 2002 Readings at Expos and Fairs 2009 Business at Home 2010 Business in Town   until 2015   .

After that time I received a message from the Roman Goddess telling me our time together was ending and another would arrive to take me ahead on a new path... I would no longer be standing at that crossroads... (I wondered what she meant by that statement)

I have spent since that time I closed the centre taking care of me, during that time I received in a dream a very clear image of HeKate ... Why a K instead of a C ( i did not know at the time- until further research except for what she told me at that time - TO connect with the energies of Ancient Times I must use the letter K (capital K) she made that very clear... Afterwards i discovered the traditionally her name was always spelled with a K never a C that is a modern spelling...
Also in  the dream I received a very clear image of signposts telling one to go in different directions, depending on how one is feeling.

HeKate was standing at the Crossroads in a full Moon with her White Hound....
telling me to leave behind the past, walk ahead , do not stand still, no longer looking back, always stepping forward one step at a time .... New Growth, New reflection on what lies ahead ....

So here I am with a New Blog  .... With HeKate's Crossing ...

oh and why a X instead of Cross  because the paths go left and right forwards and left and right backwards  and standing in the middle allows you to   leave behind the past and know you only have two choices ahead of you...  one path leads to good choices m the other path may lead to choices no so great.. they will get you to your destiny but  it might be a little bumpy along the way...

I need to visually show you ... I will add an art piece  hopefully being able to explain it better ...

Closet way She could think of to use the infinity symbol that represented Crossroads ..
It does not really matter what direction you travel eventually you get to the crossroads and again have to make a decision in he direction you choose to go in ... And even if you can backwards for awhile you can eventually come back to moving forwards and even if you are always moving ahead there may be a time when by an action you move backwards in your direction... Hekate said their is no right or wrong direction only the choices you choose to make ..... Do you make the road easy or a little more diffiuclt for yourself?

Totally up to you....


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