Working with a Pendulum ...

There are many ways to work with a pendulum , for many reasons.. Some will use a pendulum for Divination..... Others for Dowsing,   for deciding the answers re something .... But also I find for me  I love working with a pendulum and was introduced to working with a pendulum  for healing .....
For clearing away the debris and for Applying healing in some way .....

For me It began by me programming The Pendulum to move in the direction that Would clear debris, blocks and apply healing  but would also include Yes and No, Maybe- Not yet decided ....

It was also important as in Soul Energy Clearing and can be used for all practices .. to make sure self and Client are prepared for the working ....Added new aspect to SEC with Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle 

It is also  important to assist in your Journey with pendulum that you have a pendulum  you love working with, you may find yourself with several depending on the wok you are doing ....

In finding a book you can work with , charts are also another useful tool  when working with a pendulum  ....

I will add  Several Youtube Videos in regards to this topic .... Channel Hekate's Crossing .....

There are some amazing Pendulum Chart sites  ....

 I do love working with a Book , I have had several over the years ....
and have ended up with

Which provides a wealth of charts that can be used to discover all sorts of information......

I found another way to work with the Pendulum is to apply Vibrational Healing ( some may use it for Radionics)  ... By asking Higher Self to apply the healing from for example  Bach Flowers even though I may not physically have any Bach Flower Essences with me, Crystals,  Any minerals, vitamins etc....can be applied this way  ....

The Pendulum is such a useful tool  and can be Metal, Crystal or Wood ..  any Natural material can be used ..... Find a Pendulum  you are drawn to ..... There are many shapes, sizes and styles ....

More info added later

From My E-Book- Chapter 5 Continued re Chakras  includes a small aspect of working with a Pendulum  ....


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