Healing With HeKate's Crossing ...

I am not talking about a physical healing modalities... for me the Healing Modalities I work with, work on an emotional level .....
Enabling one to  awaken to a new level  of awareness within self ...
There are many different Modalities  that are available  ....

I like to begin with some guidance from the cards  whether from just one card  to a full Life Path Reading ...

I will do a Full 78  Card Reading for You ... This is will take several hours for me to type up  for you .. The Great Figure of Destiny  Spread 
Looks at the Past, The Present and The Future (what may happen )   Also What is of importance over the next four weeks ...  $180   for  the Full Reading ... 
Remember this is in depth   for you,  with this I offer my 20+ years experience with the cards, my time  (which is truly valuable- as I do have other commitments) and My Love for You, My support and kindness .... 

Services  of Readings and Healings
Are Listed Here....

More details  about   Some of the Healing Services ...

This system in  split into three Levels  ...

Level One  .....
Soul Energy Clearing 
What is SEC?  How can it Help you move forward? 
New aspect with Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle 

Level Two .....
Universal Balance 
What is UB?  How does it help me move forward in my life?
How Many Sessions do I need to Have? 

Level Three....
Universal Link...
What is ULink? What do I have to do before I can have ULink?  How will it help me?

Have a Reading with Universal Linking Mandala Oracle Cards....
Provides Insight and Healing Mandalas that will assist you in your journey...

FREE Healing Offered with Love ....
Ayiah   Healing 

What is this healing method? Why is this free?  How can I learn this?

I will add more info as I  write them up  on some of the other Healing Modalities I do..
If you see something but unsure what it is, please feel free to ask  any questions ...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune