Aiyah Healing Manual

Aiyah Healing

Breathe.. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, feel your-self feeling centred and calm..... Ask for The Aiyah Healing..... Feel your-self connecting to the Source...... Standing behind the person hands on shoulders (Position 1) say “Aiyah” and hold until feel the need to move them down the arms ... (Position 2) Move hands from behind the neck through to the floor slowly and say “Aiyah” as you move hands down ..... Slowly ..... (Position 3) Hold hands on side of head, either side, and say “Aiyah” and when ready move down towards the floor ....... Thank Aiyah.

When wanting self healing find yourself centred and calm and ask for Ai-yah healing by saying “I am ready to receive Aiyah Healing” Do not for-get when finished you must thank Aiyah for the Healing .....

When sharing your healing by distance ask the person to say “ I am ready for the Healing from Aiyah!”
In person it is you who must thank Aiyah for the healing.......

How does Aiyah Work?
It comes from the source ....Aiyah is an Asian word as a Sigh, a stress re-liever....... Temporary as it may be . It helps with the moment so it is im-portant we all must be able to connect with the Source to have the healing applied .......

It takes several minutes to feel the energy, the balancing, the connection, the healing.... It will affect everyone differently as it gives them the best of what they need at this time.... It allows one to feel relax, motivated, calm, clear-headed have been the feedback from some of the people that have received Aiyah Healing.....

Can you Charge for the healing?
No..... It is to be given freely when you feel someone needs it, you offer and they accept.......All you require is feedback in how they feel and for them to Pay It Forward.......

Can I Sell The Manual?
No.. This manual must be given as a whole to anyone that has received three Aiyah Healing Sessions from they may also pass it forward.

Can I charge for Teaching Aiyah Healing?
No... As this manual goes with the Aiyah Healing and I am not charging to share or teach others , you must also not charge to teach others, as it only takes a few minutes .... To learn.......and share with others ....

Can I print this manual out?
Personal use– yes ..... For others you have shared this method with, email them this manual......for their own personal use..... If you have printed this out for them give it to them freely with Love ...... As you would Aiyah Heal-ing ........

Aiyah Healing is a modality that was given to me to share in a Global Way so we find inner peace and love in all that we do in life .........It was given during a moment of quiet reflection during the month of October 2014 .....

Share Aiyah Healing to all who need to fine an Oneness within, a connec-tion within self......a new awareness, a balance, compassion for self and so much more on many levels .... 

Blessings .........


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