Page 15- XIV Temperance ....

XIV Temperance - 
This card- speaks of healing and harmony, transformation through moderation... It counsels us that compromise is the answer at this time....

Now let us take a deeper look at this card ....
Rider Waite Smith Tarot ...
As we see in this card an Angel with large wings stand with one foot on land the other in the water, pouring water from one cup to another ... a sense of blending maybe ... tall grass, yellow flowers .. a path leads towards the mountains .. A sun  shines brightly ....  The Symbol The Triangle on the Angel's robe  what do you think it means?  The Robe is white ... the water light blue .... The Wings maybe red in a sense ....  


Aqua Tarot                 Tarot of Reflections .....

What are the similarities? What are the differences?


Tarot of the Forest Forest Folklore and Tarot of the Dreams ....

The Differences and the Similarities ....

Take out your deck  and look at Card XIV   Temperance ...
What does your card say to you? What symbols, colours stand out?  What are the similarities or the differences to RWS.... to your deck..?

Advanced Study ... if using  TdM or Thoth type decks ...

Tarot de Marseille  (CBD Tarot)  Plus the Thoth Tarot

Similar Messages but added differences ....

Tarot de Marseille - Moderation brings Transformation .... Stability and Diligence...
                                Taurus with Moon Influences ...

Thoth-  Sagittarius; unification of opposites, balance; inner change,
transformation, alchemy, a quantum leap; creative power.

Next card to be Added XV The Devil  ...

Major Arcana Cards .

The Fool 
  The Magician 
  The High Priestess
  The Empress
  The Emperor
The Hierophant 
  The Lovers
  The Chariot
The Hermit
  Wheel of Fortune
  The Hanged Man 
The Devil 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

The Starman Tarot ...

Tarot of the Divine 12 month Spread

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