Quick Update of Keywords 78 Tarot Cards ....RWS

These are just real quick Keywords of my own thoughts if you want to begin your Tarot journey with a little understanding of each card K.I.S.S. 
This is one list of suggestions of keywords. A starting point to develop further knowledge about each card .... 


0 The Fool - New Beginnings, fresh starts, a Youth, A dreamer, an adventurer, A free Spirit ...
1 The Magician- Beyond Illusion, Manifest reality through the use of Tools and skills. A trickster, a master of Illusion, Untrustworthy ...
2 The High Priestess- Secrets revealed, Mystery, Occult, Psychic abilities, Bringing things into fruition, Knowledge of the Spirit Realm..
3 The Empress- Motherhood, Bounty and abundance, Care for self instead of being a Mother Hen to others..
4 The Emperor- Fatherhood, Ruler, Boss, Supervisor, Manager, Being in control of own life, authority ...
5 The Hierophant- Traditional Beliefs, faith, Spirituality, Teacher, Mentor, learning, discovery of self.
6 The Lovers- Choices, Marriage, Union, Harmony, Partnership, Relationship...
7 Chariot- Victory, Direction after contemplation....
8 Strength- Wit not brute force, endurance, stamina, mentally and emotionally, courage ..
9 The Hermit - Prudence, Solitude, Meditation, reflection, knowledge gained through Silence and retreat from the outside world..
10 Wheel of Fortune- Destiny or Fate, Round and round, what goes up will  come down....be aware of where you are at this time, review direction..
11 Justice- Balance,  Action then consequences brought forth. Truth, Legalities, the Law...
12 The Hanged Man- Sacrifice, Viewpoints, options, different perspectives, hanging oneself (Symbolically)
13 Death- Transformation, through endings, changes, release and let go, surrender to new ....rebirth
14 Temperance- Transformation through moderation, pouring out the emotions, taking care of self gently ...
15 The Devil- Addictions, bad habits, old repeated patterns, chained to the past... break free of those chains.
16 The Tower-  Exile, Wobbly, Shaky, Crumbling walls, leap of faith, being able to rebuild what has been destroyed as you wish to .. standing on solid ground of reality.
17 The Star- Hope, Wish, inner light, Reaching beyond the stars...
18 The Moon- Dreams, unconsciousness, Cycles, awareness of the ebbs and flow of the tides of emotions... Moon Energy
19 The Sun- Happiness, Joy, Peace, Sun warmth, energy... Contentment and freedom
20 Judgement- Resurrection, awakening, Re birthing one's truth self..
21 The World- Endings, Farewell, Reward, Moving through a new cycle of your journey...

The Four Suits  of the Minor Arcana ... 
Wands (Batons) - Fire, Creative, Spiritual Energy, Desires
Cups (Coupes) - Water, Emotions, Feelings, Empathize (Spiritual ), Dreams, Soul
Swords ( Epees)- Air, Communication, Thoughts, Plans, Ideas, Intuition (Spiritual)
Pentacles (Deniers )- Earth, Physical, Health, Wealth, Finances, Security, Home

There are many way to associate the the Minor Arcana ...
Let's look at the connection between the Minor Arcana and the Major Arcana ...
Connect them to the first 10  and 2nd 10 of the Major Arcana ...
Take all the Aces  and look at the Magician and Justice (11)


Look at the similarities and look at the differences....
Write in your Journal your thoughts about each set of cards .... 
Ace associates itself with New Beginnings,  We see that it is in the palm of the hand ....
Aces also associate itself with Thoughts, an idea  before a decision is made...
Remembering the Suit Associations what do you think Ace of Cups mean?

Next Set ...
The High Priestess, Hanged Man  with the Twos of each Suit...



Two's Are Choices, decisions, balance, duality, action not yet truly taken....
We can look at perspectives, viewpoints of each card.....
Write down what you see, how the cards ,make you feel, what are your thoughts re each card ...

Continue this with each set of cards ... I am not going to do everything for you  as this is about your keywords, your thoughts re each card.. The readings come from your own understanding of each card ....

The Next thing you can do to look at the cards .... as a progression ... 

Take a complete suit Numbered Aces to Ten to start with ....
E.g. The Cups ...




Let us look at the Fool   This 0 The Void .. into the light ....

The Youth, The Student, the free spirited Soul  who takes a journey through the Suit of Cups. .. Think about the People he meets, the sights and sounds, the smells.  How does he feel? What does he discover.? ..
Write a story as The Fool travels through the World of Cups... 
When that is done do that for the rest of the suits ..... ... What do you discover about his emotions, his dreams.... his feelings...overall?

These are my Stories I created with different decks .... The Fool's Journeys

Some thoughts and ideas about what the cards can mean .... as the Fool discovers amazing worlds...

These are some beginning thoughts as you start to learn your deck  ....

Next Page in this Series 
Looking at the Keywords for the Suit of Cups 

Wands and the keywords ....
some thoughts re each card 

Looking at the Major Arcana Intuitively 
Cards added over time .. 

The Star
The Moon
The Sun 

Rider Waite Smith tarot Worksheets ..
To Download Free and print out for personal use


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune