Page 17- The Tower

Rider Waite Smith  
XVI The Tower....

When this comes up in a reading people go into to panic as though it is all doom and gloom but there is so much more to this card when you look at it symbolically within your life ...

Let is look at this image and describe what we see ..
A tall Grey Tower like structure it looks as though it has been hit by lightning, so the roof (the Dome) (looks like a Crown) has been destroyed, there are flames, so we know fire has been lit within the structure...People have leaped from the building and have fallen head first arms outstretched towards the ground , in the air we see clouds, or is it smoke surrounding the tower...

What colours seem important grey, black background, blue and red, yellow and orange  ...
What do the colours mean?

Now in your Journal write down everything you feel this card is telling you, what does this mean to you?  What does the Tower represent in your life right now?  The Flames and the fire, what does it mean to you? The Lightening .. The people leaping from the building?  Your thoughts are of value at this time in relation to this card ....

Aqua Tarot ... 
Do the same as above, describe the card, the colours and the feelings this card arises within you...
DruidCraft Tarot ..
This image also has the tower on a large rock and surrounded by Water, what differences does it make to the meanings of the card?
Describe what you see and how you feel  with this card?

Merry day Tarot ... 
This is interesting, the author decided to add the word Self-awakening to the card, What difference having the word does that make?  You see stairs with lights There is a dragon .. what colours ?
What are the similarities and the differences?

Forest Folklore Tarot 
There is a blue sky with lightning striking at a ruined tower on a grassy knoll covered with stone walls also what appears to be in ruins.... This does not seem so violent or serious.... How do you feel about this card compared to the others....

After working through these cards have you a general understanding of what this card could mean overall?  Have you expanded your knowledge with this card? 

CBD Tarot de Marseille ...
Traditionally this card can mean Exile,, things been sent away into exile... Also we see this card as Trauma, something horrific about to happen, something that will make our world crumble, our life shaky and wobbly and out of sync... But it can also remind us that when things are destroyed we get a chance to recreate what we desire, we get to rebuild, redesign what we want in our future...
This card overall can ask us to reach a new understanding, enlightenment, new knowledge, wisdom by taking a leap of faith...  so we can stand on solid ground of reality ....

Anything else have you gathered from looking at the other cards .. looking at the similarities and the differences? 


The Major Arcana ..

The Fool 
  The Magician 
  The High Priestess
  The Empress
  The Emperor
The Hierophant 
  The Lovers
  The Chariot
The Hermit
  Wheel of Fortune
  The Hanged Man 
The Devil 
The Tower
The Star 
The Moon
The Sun


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


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Photos of my Collection

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune