Page 20-XIX The Sun

Today we explore Card XIX The Sun ....

Time to look at Rider Waite Smith Tarot .... designed by Pamela Coleman Smith ....

Take a moment, take a breath and look at this card.. Look at what you see?  Notice how you feel?  What colours seem important?  Talk about the character, the animal, The Sun, The sunflowers, the fabric. What is it? What colour is it? The wall. describe it...

Step into the card and talk to the child, listen to the message, maybe the horse has a message...

Be in the warmth of the Sun, bask in the heat... how do you feel?   Spend time with a horse, how do you feel being with a horse?

Epic Tarot .... 
Look at the differences with the two cards.... How does this card make you feel compared to the RWS card?

Fairy Lights Tarot ... 

Take a moment, take a breath and write down all you can about this card ...

Tarot of Reflections ... 

Celestial Tarot 
Take your time as you notice the characters on this card, the symbols ... what do they mean?

How  do you feel about this card?  What do the colours mean?   Who is the Character?
The Planet. the Astrological signs?  The Zodiac etc? 

From the LWB..
XIX THE SUN: The Radiance of The Sun
As her eternal companion, the Sun follows the Moon in
the Major Arcana, just as day follows night. Apollo the
charioteer guides the golden ball of the Sun across the
heavens pulled by solar steeds, one whose mane is visible
in the brilliant light. Apollo holds the reins of the new
order heralding the dawning of consciousness and the
integration of what has past. As the radiant source of
light, the Sun suggests optimism, vitality, and encouragement.
With the Sun rising being positive, confidence and
openness to receiving support and feedback is possible.
On an oracular level the card suggests a phase of creativity
and personal growth since obstacles from the past have
been relinquished.

Take out The Sun from your deck...  Take a moment, Take a breath and look at the card.... 
Write down everything you see and feel.... 
Look at keywords that make sense for you... 


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with

How I Connect With The Cards...


Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

My Thoughts re the Word Fortune