Card of The Month August
A little slow in getting this card posted ... Templar Tarot 16 The Tower This card speaks of Being Shaken, walls crumbling around you, it can seem a card of doom and gloom, an unspeakable worry, stress event, something that just shakes you to the core. It can feel as though your world is tumbling all around you, everything has been destroyed but yet it can speak of a month of being vulnerable, allowing yourself to accept things as they are, allow the walls around you to crumble, to let the barriers you have put up to be lifted on some level.. to know that even when things seem at its most hopelessness you can rebuild anyway you want, you can recreate, redesign your own path, your own journey... You can put things brick b brick the way you want.. not as everyone expects but what is right for you... This is the path I have accepted for myself to rebuild, to recreate what was once I felt was crumbling around me....