Tarot Journal 2024

 I have been a bit slow in getting this page created  ...  

There are lots of things that have been going on over the last four months .. 

January  began  Wheel of the Year  Readings 

Continuing Egyptian Astrology 

Looking at  the messages for Each Egyptian Zodiac sign ...  

Lots of new decks have arrived and over the months have been diving deep into some Tarot or Oracle decks ...  Which can be found on YouTube ...  

May/ June 

Watched the Movie Tarot 

Shared my Thoughts  Here  with a video on YouTube .. Did A Zodiac Spread with the Spanish Tarot ...

Tarot Journal 2023


My Thoughts and Opinions

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

How I Connect With The Cards...

Zodiac Spread The Spanish Tarot

Exploring The Spanish Tarot

Wheel of the Year Spread 2024 COTM JUNE