Tarot Updates

Tarot Update: 


June 2024
There has been a lot going on with this blog, lots of things happening .
Journal 2024 

Wheel of the Year Reading for 2024 Plus Card of the Month (COTM)  updates. 

Egyptian Astrology Tarotscopes done each month 

Started Astrology and Tarot Pages- June with the Spanish Tarot but did share other resources too ...  Thoth and RWS ... 


August 2023

I have been updating blog each month  Card of the Month with the Wheel of the Year Spead for 2023   using The Angel Tarot by  Jayne Wallace, then furthering the study with other decks.. 

January did some Shadow work with Mama Jung's Oracle by Hand Me That Pencil. 

July-  I started  Diving into  Native American Oracle...  

On YouTube I began looking at lots of different decks each month. 
exploring Tarot, Oracle, Runes, I-Ching, Lenormand Etc 
My Creations and more .. following a series of decks .. 
Reading books but also always including a Reading, a card for reflection.. 
Lots to explore..  

August  - just updated My Setmore Page which can BOOK Sessions .. 
Added it to this blog on the Services page. 
Updated Polices and Ethics Page.   

It has been a busy year with my YouTube, building it with lives  
Have been a bit slow with this blog but hope you have  found lots of great information
here for you to browse.  as I have shared  each month  from the Wheel of the Year  Spread 
Card of the month from The Starman Tarot. ,a selection of  decks both Tarot and Oracle .. 
Have also spent a lot of time with Ko-fi Blog ..for m Members , giving them exclusive content and more..  
Hope everyone has had a profound year  ...  Take care  
Blessed Be! 

So many new posts .. 
Starting to explore each month with a Card of the Month. 
Check out The Creative Thoughts  (in Menu Bar ) ... 

Here Over the months the posts have grown with 
Card of the Month, Native American Astrology, Egyptian Astrology and exploration of different decks .. 
Enjoy the journey ... 
as you browse the site ... 

Wish list continue to grow... 
Click here for lists to check out ... 

click here ... (21st June, 2021) 

AUGUST  2021. 
Have been so slow in updating this page ..
mainly been updating through my Tarot Journal ..
There have been some Deep Dives during  May, June, July and August ... 
and some thoughts about what I should add as of interest eg The History of Tarot ... 

During April 2021  
with Primordial Tarot Study 
Native American Astrology Moon Cycles 
and Hoodoo Tarot Study ... 

We begin a new year 2021 

March 2021
Using Journey to the Crossroads Tarot Keywords for each card 
on video ...(YouTube) 

January- 2021
I have added a new page for my Tarot Journal for 2021
Added thoughts re card of the year plus my own card of the year from March 2020 and the New card from March 2021 for myself. 

Have also begun working with The Elemental Power Tarot 
This will be a slow journey as I discover the depth of this deck. 

Today's Message.. 4th January

Updated list of Physical Decks 

December card of the month from Wheel of The Year Spread ..

During November 

I have added a variety of pages over The Month of November
I began with the card of The month with my Wheel of the year spread 
I then received Uncover Your Past Lives Oracle and added it to my Soul Energy Clearing session 

I updated my Services Page  That Show US Dollars  Tarot Readings 
and Updated Tarot and Healing Page ... That shows both NZ and US Dollars. 

September 2020

I have added odd pages though the last couple of months, 
Today 25/09/2020 added my study of The Primordial Tarot ...

May/June 2020 
Changed the design of the Blog/Site 
Wanted to give it a fresh look ...

June -Card of the Month  from my Yearly Spread 
with The Templar Tarot...


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout

The Starman Tarot ...

Tarot of the Divine 12 month Spread

Check out my Exclusive Fiverr Details ...