Astrology Zodiac Spread alternative

1. Aries- Employ pioneering Spirit 3 of Cups- Expansion of feeling through Celebrating life after some trials.. 2. Taurus-Create a Structure King of Cups- Dream builder, Put Emotions to one side, kind and caring energy 3. Gemini- Search for Exchange The Hanged Man - Alternative perspectives, Sacrifice 4. Cancer-Respect your feelings King of Swords- Logical, analyze, deep think Communicate clearly 5. Leo-Release the power of your heart 3 of Swords- expand the mind, deal with challenges. 6. Virgo= /harvest the crop 10 of Wands- Push ahead, bring wholeness, complete the process. 7.Libra-Enjoy your time Page of Wands- Drive, motivation, enthusiasm without experience . 8-Scorpio- Heal the Wounds The Sun- Happiness, joy, peace, contentment, new day.. (Leo energy) 9- Sagittarius- Find a new meaning Justice- Equilibrium, balance, weigh the scales of the truth, action cause consequences. 10-Capricorn- Perceive Success ...