The Evolutionary Tarot

Looking at this deck I love the colours and the imagery overall, it looks like a great deck .. There are some differences in the way it has been created. There are some name changes but also some of the cards have been changed in the way they are numbered... Benebell Wen goes through the images and the way the Majors has been renumbered, titled and the extra cards have been added .. To see more about Benebell's thoughts Click Here To check out The Evolutionary Tarot's Home Site Click Here Here you will find Card interpretations from the creator.... and other related info ... Found the meanings to be very brief and not about the imagery itself but general meanings. Overall the meanings are fairly traditionally with the added extra cards if you look the titles not the numbers of the cards .... You will use this deck with ease ... Look at the image and describe the character and look at the colours and anything else that seems to stand ou...