Showing posts from March, 2018
The Fool's Journey Through The Wands ....
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The Fool, The Student of Life, The Novice, The Young Adventurer, The Dreamer, The Prankster, The Joker He steps out of the darkness into the light, along a path of gravel, He steps through the grass and sees a lone tree ... He suddenly gets this spark of an idea, a plan of something creative he needs to achieve, He begins to feel this inner drive, this awakening.... So he looks ahead, trying to decide how he will achieve his passion....Which path to take... He sees a lone rider with two Camels ... He looks up and sees the Crescent moon lighting the way ahead .... He Turns and sees three Women Surrounded by Golden lights Chanting.... He Stands and listens ... He hears the story of hope, wishes and dreams from the Ancestors. About expansion, growth that lies ahead ... if only he could take those steps forward,.... He decides to follow them ... They lead him to the beach, there he sees a Man carrying a large egg while a Mother Bird flies in to stop the Man.... Th...
Grand Figure of Destiny
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Laying out All the cards in A spread designed by Etteilla ... This can go further into depth by looking at different Websites 1) 2) Now I have a round table so slightly laid out Differently ... . Will add the Centre Cards after I have read these Cards ... 1) Numbers 1-11 and 34-44 so in reading 1+34, This reflects the Past ... .. 6 of Spheres + IV The Emperor These cards speak of being in control, in harmony within material needs, physical health .... 2) 4 Swords + III Empress - Resting to create abundance in one's life 3) Dragon of Swords + Unicorn of Books -Sitting in control to Stand strong in one's passion ... 4) Unicorn of Sword + 8 Books- Knowing the truth as things happen quickly 5)Dragon of Spheres + XV Devil - Staying Grounded While breaking away from old patterns 6)Phoenix...
Coffee Tarot Review
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I have watched this deck grow from an idea, an inspiration bringing both Tarot and Coffee together ... This is a journey that has developed with a spark until the fire awoken to create a deck that delivers a message that awakens the possibilities within one's own adventure of life... This deck has imagery that tells a story about our everyday lives. These images, we can relate to as we travel through each day. To find out more about The Journey From Janet and Ron, Please Visit Their Website ... Update: I have continued to work with this deck - I absolutely love the messages that come through with the cards ... 30/05/2020 ... Coffee Tarot I have featured some of the cards but to see more please see the website The Website also carries Tarot Quotes from Janet that are lovely to contemplate . .. Plus so much more about Janet & Ron including Janet's Companion Book available to be ordered. . I have began with the Major...
3 card Spread Playing cards
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I wanted to really learn the playing cards like the Old Romani Readers... So I started to study ... This is my first 3 Card Spread Card 1) Question /Problem Card 2) Conflict/Challenge Card 3) Solution Question related To Love ... Card 1) Jack of Diamonds Fight with seduction in mind, Be earthy (grounded) if you want to succeed. ( A Warrior) (material- Physical aspects) Card 2) 2 Clubs Fire is attracted by love, Ultimate passionate Lover in the Universe, Move with care, His qualities are charming.... (Relationships) (passion, humour) Card 3) 9 Spades (beginnings/Endings) Assisting you in looking someone directly in the eyes, Learning to react Differently, being Taught by Life's lessons ... (intellect ) So overall I feel that I have been up in the air so to speak, a bit foggy and cloudy, with no clarity... The Challenge is that this is unexpected, never expected to find this quality in a Lover.... and this lover has provide...