Tarot Readings

 Tarot Readings Available ...

Through Ko-fi Shop
and Unseen Alley  Store ... 

For more Details re Readings and Healings 

Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only. Hekate Crossing accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a client has chosen to take. Tarot does not replace professional medical or legal advice or financial advice, use your own judgement. HeKate's Crossing will not answer legal, medical (includes Pregnancy) or third-party questions. Questions concerning a 3rd party that does not involve the person asking the question is an invasion of privacy. 

Policies and Ethics 
With a Tarot Reading and a Healing Session.. 
Please read this carefully. 


  1. I've had two readings from Paula now. She has great intuition and her readings were highly accurate of my situation, and very helpful!

  2. I am a moderator I have bought too many reads to count she also has given me several free reads the difference a lot of detail 💘💞❤


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