Tarot Journal Begin 2023

 As we leave behind 2022   WHAT A YEAR OF CHANGES

What a Journey I am leaving behind me.....

As I begin 2023 I wonder what  changes  are ahead for me... 

As I explore Mama Jung Oracle 

The First Week of January I begin the week by exploring 
Mama Jung Shadow and used 
There is always light Oracle for further insight ...

I have not used this Tarot Journal as much as I would of liked, I have been doing a lot of vlogging on YouTube with the Arthurian Tarot Hallowquest and sharing it on Ko-fi first before making the videos public..   I have also continued working with my Wheel of the Year Spread with The Angel Tarot..  

Today I began my journey of exploring  Cartomancer Magazines 
I purchased and downloaded several copies and saw a spread I wanted to Share 
For my own reading Click here..


My Thoughts and Opinions

Update with Orphalese.net...

How I Connect With The Cards...

Today's Mystikal Lenormand Layout


My Thoughts re the Word Fortune