
Showing posts from August, 2024

Ichabod's Guide .. with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Tarot

  1- FOREST: What am I trying to navigate?  2-TREES: What is distracting me?  3-DARKNESS: What prevents me from seeing my way out?  4-LANTERN: Where can I draw hope to find my way out?  5-GUIDE: What must I address before I can move ahead with my purpose?  6-TRAIL: Once I've done that, what's the most useful next step?  1- 10 of Pentacles  2- The Hanged Man 3- Knight of Wands  4-5 of Swords  5-The Lovers  6- Queen of Swords  .. My Quick Thoughts  I am trying to navigate my finances, tree of life so to speak with all the paths that may cross as I try to make my way forward ... A sense of wealth, abundance within my family, home and security in life ...  I may be distracted with trying to see things from different perspectives instead of from understanding of the facts ..  I may be prevented from seeing my way out because of the way I rush through things,   my own passions, desires, maybe some one who is passionate, fiery stops me from seeing a way forward..   I can draw hope fro

Wheel of the Year Reading August 2024

  The Sun .  A month of Choosing a sense of fresh starts, renewal... a new day ... Surrendering to the happiness one can choose in one's day, Path, journey ...  Finding joy, peace with all the small things in life ...  This video shares a reading as I  dive further into what The Sun could mean over the month of August .. 

Wheel of the Year Reading July 2024

  Do not know why  but forgot to add it here ...   July, 2024 ...  The Wheel   (Wheel of Fortune)   Good fortune,  Life's ups and downs.. Destiny, Fate ...